Harry's "Cowboy Poetry" Festival

senator schmegeggy's goat
friday, august 10th, 2012
i can think of so many adjectives for the psychopathic, lowlife, mentally-ill, senile, subhuman, corrupt, goat-humping, schmegeggy, piece-of-shit, criminal dirtbag, Dishonorable US Sen Harry Mason Reid (COWSHIT-NV), but since this is a "family site", I will refrain from doing so just now. Heh. Here's a "milder, more civil take" on it all, than I would actually write. You get the idea.
Harry M. Reid, of Nevada, is rumored – "it's out there" – to be a twice-convicted, child-molesting pedophile, who served 3 years in a state prison for perversion, deviancy and degeneracy on boys under 7 years old. He was additionally possibly-convicted of unlawful bestiality and deviant keeping of a goat named "Vicki", in his US Senate Office suite. The sexually-abused, but well-fed female goat, was found dressed in a freshly-starched, black-and-white, frilly, French Maid's costume, two matching pairs of 6" red stiletto high-heels and liberally-festooned with neon lipstick and mascara. Reid was also conceivably-charged and convicted of 2nd degree harboring, sniffing and fondling of used, soiled, Depends® Adult Diapers, in the office's adjacent cloak closet, by the local DC Health Dept. "It's out there".
Now back to this week's Journal's regularly-scheduled guest editorial...
"People can't forget Harry Reid bragging to the press that 'the war is lost'. It was a despicable, anti-American thing to say. He said it repeatedly. He said it without hesitation or regret. Frankly, America is worse off having Harry Reid still in office.
They're worse off because he's a despicable, disgusting human being who won't hesitate in doing a hatchet job without the slightest bit of proof.
His latest disgusting act was accusing Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes for an entire decade. He said that he'd heard that from an anonymous Democrat who invested with Bain:
Reid suggested that Romney's decision to withhold tax information would bar him from ever earning Senate confirmation to a Cabinet post. Then, Reid recalled a phone call his office received about a month ago from 'a person who had invested with Bain Capital', according to The Huffington Post.
Reid said the person told him: 'Harry, he didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.'
'He didn't pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain', Reid told HuffPo. 'But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look?'
First, it's doubtful that this confidential informant exists. If the dirtbag exists, however, then he's a gutless wimp for not coming forward and making the accusations in public.
Whether the disgusting dirtbag exists or not, Sen. Reid shouldn't make those unsubstantiated allegations public because it's impossible, short of hacking into the IRS website, to verify the voracity of these allegations.
What's disgusting is that President Obama's campaign hasn't criticized Sen. Reid for making these unsubstantiated (and unsubstantiated) allegations. Their silence implies that they approve of Sen. Reid's accusations. Their silence in this situation should earn them nothing but unlimited derision and criticism.
I don't want Sen. Reid to apologize. I want Republican senators to make his life a living hell before running him out of the Senate. I want Republicans to torment him, call him out for what he is: a dirtbag who won't hesitate to make unsubstantiated allegations.
The other thing that I'd recommend them to do is use Sen. Reid's disgusting outburst to raise money to defeat as many Democrats as possible this fall. The best punishment for Sen. Reid short of running him out of the Senate is to turn him into the Minority Leader.
It's time for Republicans to take the gloves off. If they continue acting like gentlemen and ladies, Sen. Reid, Sen. Durbin, Sen. Schumer and other notorious hatchetmen won't have an incentive to stop being hatchetmen.
Let's hope the GOP grows a spine ASAP. Let's hope they carry out a ruthless vendetta against this dirtbag from Nevada.
Finally, here's my (rhetorical) question to Harry Reid: Sir, have you no shame?
Unfortunately, we know the answer to that question is no, he doesn't have any remorse or shame."
A Day In The Life

The high-pitched whine quickly woke-me-up at 5:15am on Friday, and woke Murphy, too. I grabbed my bedside Kimber® 1911 Stainless "Custom TLE™" .45cal ACP, an extra 8-round mag, my trusty 9-LED flashlight and carefully headed downstairs. It was the computer's Heavy-Duty APC Power Back-Up Unit, flashing a red "low battery" warning, and its batteries needed charging or replacement. False burglar alarm; whew to that. All the computer-related electronics were powered-down and DOA. I unplugged/replugged/reset it, restarted the computer and peripherals, watered/fed Murphy, and waited. It worked. Some cold water in the face to wake-me-up, a couple glasses of Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, a bowl of Crispix with fresh Black Raspberries, and coffee. Soon, everything was seemingly "back-to-normal". I
It was already 90°F when I got to the WeisMarket-Gas Station, getting the 40¢ discount per gal for 15.½-gals at $3.19/gal, and then over to Batteries Plus to drop-off the malfunctioning back-up unit. Traffic was very heavy on Rt 30 east & west, and it took 40mins just to go the 12 miles back home. After feeding/watering Murphy, I drove down to the GC&N Complex to check on things, changed 2 outdoor lightbulbs and drove back home. I decided to stay-in for the rest of the afternoon, fed/watered Murphy, made a Turkey Club w/ Chips, Redskin Potato Salad w/ Bacon, re-watched a few DVDs of the 8 "Jesse Stone" Mystery Series and washed the Sunroom's large windows. While down in Southern York County in the morning, I stopped at a farm road stand and got fresh 8 Beefsteak Tomatoes, 10 Peppers and a "baker's dozen"(13) of Silver Queen Ultra-Sweet Corn, so I made
Some mornings are just better for sleeping than others. I was up at 4:30am on Saturday, couldn't get back to sleep, so I fed/watered Murphy, had Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, made Fried Ham Hash, Eggs & Ancho Catsup, ½-lb of Bacon and extra-strength, French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from whole, freshly-ground beans) with my Chemex® Drip System. The forecast was for more hot/humid weather in the upper-80s/lower-90s and afternoon/evening t-storms; typical Mid-Atlantic Summer. After checking my large supply of electronics in the basement, I found an older,
In between the myriad errands, I stopped to visit Dad, started a back-up on his HP's WIN-7 Pro laptop, fiddled with some of his new Nikon CoolPix 16.1-MP L26 Digital Camera features, and left to finish-up before the heat really arrived; it never did, as massive t-storms (***SEVERE T-STORM WARNING!***) w/ very heavy rain, blew through mid-afternoon and cooled things off. I fired-up my Char-Broil® Patio Grill, made some Cheese Dogs w/Onions, Bacon & Baked Beans and Chips. There were a couple of 3hr Mark Levin Show Rewinds which I'd missed over the past 2 weeks, so I caught-up on those. Even with the huge t-storm just a few hours ago, it was still 87°F; it was going to be some uncomfortable weather, tomorrow. 10:30pm came soon enough, and I bagged-it for the day.
I got-up at 3:30am on Sunday morning, to water/feed Murphy, and went back to sleep until 5:30. I needed to do my usual food shopping trip to Weis Market, in East York, so I
After getting back and unpacking, I noticed ***SEVERE WEATHER WARNINGS*** posted on all of the weather sites, and a massive line of t-storms rapidly-approaching from the southwest. They'd hit within an
It always amazes me that some people still ask, "why do you carry a concealed gun?" Huh? Personally, I'd rather die on my feet shooting and killing – or at least trying to shoot and kill
I made a nice Olive Loaf Sandwich and Onion Rings for a "late lunch", fed/watered Murphy for the night, and listened to "Gun Talk Radio" until 10pm, when the rain began, and closed-down for the night.
I was up at 6:15am on Monday morning, watered/fed Murphy, made some Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, Country Bacon, Grits, Sunny-Up Eggs & "Texas Toast", and coffee. While doing my usual "Monday chores" of bed linens changing, laundry and getting garbage ready for curbside Tuesday's pick-up, I noticed that all 4 newly-installed skylights were leaking slightly again, as a result of last night's huge t-storm. I called the CHCA Property Mgr and he
After cleaning-up the mess in the bedroom closet and putting everything back, my Cable Modem connection "went south". DITW (Dead In The Water). I tried everything-in-the-book, but no luck. At least the CommieCast Tech guy would be here between 2:30-4:30pm, and might be able to get it revived. He called at 3:15 to let me know he was on his way, and arrived at 3:30, replaced some critical outdoor connection hardware, replaced the cable modem and now I'm getting 53+Mbps downloads/ 13+Mbps uploads again. But it appears that my old office Cisco Linksys RSV4000 Router is throttling-back the speeds to >10Mbps, when connected, so I'm
Up at 4:30am on Tuesday, I had a surprise when I opened the computer: "Windows Has Recovered From An Unexpected Shutdown and Has Restarted". Crap. I watered/fed Murphy, made some Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, Poached Eggs over Fresh Asparagus w/ Hollandaise, Country Sausage and coffee. I did an immediate full system app/data back-up and system image, to update the one automatically done on Saturday, just in case anything suddenly "went south". I had some things to discuss with Dad, and some yard work I wanted to get done before the severe heat/humidity returned, so I drove over at 9:15am. At 85°F/ 95°F Heat Index, within 20mins, I was drenched just from
A shower + dry clothes = good! I By 2pm, I'd left again for Staples to get the office supplies. I spent the afternoon reading the Quick Start Guide about installing the new router and getting technical info from CommieCast over the phone. I made a BLT with Fried Egg & Cheese, Garden Bean Salad and snacked on Red Seedless Grapes for the afternoon. I caught-up on some
Wednesday was already a gloomy, crappy day outside, so I slept-in until 6:30am. After watering/feeding Murphy, I had Del Monte® Red Grapefruit Sections, made Eggs Benedict Florentine w/ Hash Browns and coffee. I changed-out the old/new router hardware, without connecting it yet, and kept reviewing the Quick Start Guide; I was missing some critical ISP information needed to set it up. I did some weeding in the front garden, more paperwork and re-filing stuff from the old GC&N Business. For lunch, I made a Bacon Cheeseburger, Onion Rings and had some simple Pomegranate-Strawberry Jell-O for dessert. The USDA Prime 4-lb Black Angus Chuck Roast is about 85% thawed, so I put a shopping list together for Sunday morning, to get the Pot Roast made in my CrockPot®. It hit 88°F/97°F Heat Index by 6pm. The humidity was stultifying. By 9pm, it was still
I was up at 6am on Thursday, watered/fed Murphy, had Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, Rice Crispies w/ Fresh Blueberries and coffee, and got ready for the skylight rep and roofing crew's 7:30am visit. After a thorough inside and outside inspection of all 4 skylights, they're replacing the 3 leaking units. Another crew came through to replace many of the individual Condo units' attached shed doors, hardware and locks, of which mine was one. I finally left at 9:15 for my 10am meeting with the caterer in York (thanks, Sherry!), to finalize many details for Mom's Memorial Ceremony & Luncheon, early next month. That done, I stopped by Dad's for a while and helped him with his new Nikon CoolPix 16.1-MP L26 Digital Camera and go over some other upcoming projects with him. That done, I stopped at a Weis Market just south of Dad's, found all the "fixings" that I needed for the upcoming Black Angus Pot Roast, and got home around 12:15pm.
On the trip, I saw that gas prices at-the-pump had risen another 10¢/gal just since Tuesday: Unleaded Regular (87 oct) is now up to $3.65/gal, Unleaded Premium (89oct) is at $3.75/gal, Premium (93 oct) is up to $3.95/gal, and Diesel Fuel/Kerosene has jumped to $4.05/gal. And the criminal, corrupt, out-of-controls EPA is now requiring a 4-gallon minimum purchase, with the new E15 ethanol crap additive?
For lunch, I made a Chunky Chicken Salad on Toast Sandwich, French Fries and decided to get the new router installed and configured. I didn't use the CD, but rather did it manually at Cisco's dedicated Router-Config website, and that only took a few minutes: the before-router speed test, and the with-router speed test. No signal degradation whatsoever; hot doggie! Zoom!
By 6pm, a ***SEVERE T-STORM WARNING*** was posted for York County, until midnight. I listened to the Mark Levin Show, hunkered-down as the t-storms turned purple/red on the AccuWeather.com site, and closed-down at 8:45pm, for the night. Tomorrow begins a new week for the "Journal", and I had some indoor projects I needed to help Dad with and a full plate of things-to-do, for next week. As soon as the weather breaks a bit, I'll get to the front foundation bed edging and mulching.
Obama: "Entrepreneurs Don't Build Businesses"
"Last week, President Barack Obama delivered some telling remarks to a fire station full of people in Roanoke, Virginia. I'll save you the trouble of reading the (long and uninspired) speech and provide you with the most interesting part:
"If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." – President Barack Obama, July 13th, 2012.
It would be easy to respond with something along the lines of, "Somebody else made that happen? Who? Who magically imagined the product or service, started the business, built it up, and created the jobs? Who was it? The tooth fairy?" And to some extent, President Obama's statement is so ridiculous as to merit that sort of quick, flippant response.
(Here's the video of that loony remark.)
However, he's not entirely wrong. This reminds me of an argument that Massachusetts Senate Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren would probably make. If he's talking about a mid-sized or large business, where an entrepreneur has hired additional employees, then at that point the business's success isn't purely that of its founder.
Employees add value to a business through work and ideas. That's why you hire employees, after all. Steve Jobs didn't invent every last detail of the phones, computers, and tablets to come out of Apple over the last decade. There were engineers working on those products who developed them. So, employees help entrepreneurs to build their business. "Somebody else" did indeed play a part in making that happen.
But what makes the president's remarks so inane is the totality of what he's saying. He's not saying that entrepreneurs and employees work together to build a business. It's not a collaborative effort. It's all thanks to the employees. Usually, I can understand the way the president's mind works on most issues by examining it through a pragmatic, liberal, or progressive framework. This one baffles me.
As I explained, I can see that he has some of a point, but he's still just obviously wrong on the broader point. Sure, the employees help to build the business, but the business itself wouldn't exist without the entrepreneur. So, to say to entrepreneurs and to business owners, "...you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen," is just wrong. It's silly. They did build that by setting the foundation for the business.
Entrepreneurs are almost always the hardest workers in their business. They work a simply insane number of hours to get their idea off the ground. If they succeed (and they face a tremendous risk if they don't), then they'll start to grow and to hire employees to help. Honestly, if I were an entrepreneur and I read those remarks by the president, I would be furious. It's a tremendous insult to the true job-creators in America, entrepreneurs.
In the context of a long, somewhat rambling campaign speech that touched on every issue under the sun, it may seem as though I'm over-exaggerating the importance of a minor thing he said. But President Obama isn't a stupid man, or even one who makes off-the-cuff remarks he doesn't really mean. He's a very smart man, and he meant what he said.
When the most important issues for most Americans are economic growth and job creation, I believe it's essential to know exactly where both candidates stand on the importance of entrepreneurs. Yesterday, we learned that President Obama believes that entrepreneurs don't build businesses. Ultimately, they're irrelevant. Take that for what you will." ©Principles and Policy, July 14, 2012
Things Which Make Your Head Explode
Wife-beating, subhuman garbage, dug-addicted, convicted criminal, lowlife dirtbag, known-liar, raging-alcoholic, blatant faggot, child-molesting, convicted pedophile filth, David "I Like Little Boys" Axelrod (SHIT-NY), wants the corrupt 0bummer Regime to screw the US Military again, by denying them an extra 3 days to vote, since many of them are in harm's way, aka combat, and can't vote on-time, like the liberal-demokkkRAT's subhuman welfare scum constituency do; 90% of them, illegally. Fuck Axelrod and the 0bummer demokkkRAT scumbags!
Fire all the corrupt, criminal GSA employees, jail and execute the guilty ones, and start over with fresh, new employees. The GSA is garbage, shit, scum, filth, trash and crap.
Subhuman dirtbag, Jackoff Jack-scum Jr is an alcoholic, drug-addicted, criminal, faggot, child-molesting, corrupt piece-of-lowlife-shit.
Former and disgraced Vante CFO, Adam Smith, the cowardly faggot piece-of-dirtbag-shit, needs to be unemployed for the rest of his miserable, hateful life, suffer unending embarrassment in front of his family and live in abject shame and poverty, for berating an innocent girl at CFA. Smith is also a cowardly, lying sack-of-subhuman-shit punk.
Well, well, well, the fat, ugly racist bitch "give-a-shit-mammy" Sybrina Fulton, of thug-punk-criminal, drug-addict punk, Traaaaaaaayvon "Thug Boy" Martin, who rightly got his ass shot dead for attacking another man, is suing the homeowners' assn for $75k, for her bastard brat's trespassing in a community where he was planning a robbery. She's a shakedown race-baiter artist, like Sharp-scum and Jack-scum riding the "gravy train" now! Go girl!
Do those curlicue CLF's (compact fluorescent lamps) cause skin damage and cancer? Yes. Who'd have guessed that?
IMO, arson should be a capital offense, punishable by summary death, and is wrong in this Missouri mosque case. But I'll bet $10 that the stinking, subhuman muslim filth did the arson themselves, to gin-up "hate crime" bullshit, and build a bigger terrorist-sponsored, mosque shithole. All subhuman muzzie filth should be deported or summarily-executed; they're all potential murderers and definite terrorists. None are Americans. None.
Tax fraud involving ITINs (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number) – encouraged by the criminal White Hut and corrupt IRS assholes – totaling HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF US TAXPAYER DOLLARS!, is ongoing and rampant. America's getting F-•-C-K-E-D by the criminal 0bummer&CoRegime, once again!
The lowlife, dirtbag liberal-demokkkRAT bitch – Amelia Warren Tyagi who is chairman of Demos, a non-profit behind a lawsuit that prompted state officials to spend nearly $300,000 State Taxpayer dollars in mailings encouraging welfare recipients to register to vote – so her lying sociopath, crooked, criminal skank-bitch mother, Elizabeth "High False Indian Cheekbones" Warren (LIAR-MA), who's lied to everyone about her all-White background, scamming people and institutions for decades. Warren's a lying, mentally-ill asshole bitch, who deserves to be in prison!
Some People Just Need Killing
It's not my intentions to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter one whit to me, at all — and rid American Society's innocents — especially our too-vulnerable,
"Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God."
– Genesis 9:6
precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly — of the subhuman criminals who prey upon them, once-and-for-ever. And yes, I'd rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers, robbers, child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey, call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Just & RIGHT on that issue!
Society's innocents — our precious, defenseless children and the frail, defenseless elderly — must be protected from predators, murderers, rapists, robbers and other subhuman filth, at all times and at any cost, IMO.
The 6th Commandment actually says: "Thou Shalt Not Murder". It does NOT say, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." I personally don't consider any summary-execution — except by subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic pigshit — as murder, in any way, shape or form. It's "Due-Justice-For-Crimes-On-This-Earth", IMO.
"100 years from now, I want the filthy, stinking subhuman islamic/muslim filth's childrens' childrens' childrens' children to cower and cringe in fear whenever they hear the sounds of jet engines overhead because their legends tell of fire from the sky. I want them to hide in wet, dark caves and hellish-holes in the earth, Yes, I agree with the premise of this article, that "the death penalty is a Noahic Covenant with God, in a post-flood world", and America should apply it every-damned-day, to those deserving death for their crimes against society and its innocents. shivering with terror whenever they hear the roar of diesel engines because the tales of their ancestors talk about metal monsters crawling over the earth, spitting-out death and destruction. I want their mothers to be able to admonish them with "If you don't behave, the Pale Destroyers will come for you", and that will be enough to reduce them to quivering obedience. I want the annihilation to be so complete that their mythology will tell them of the day of judgment when the stern gods from across the sea – the powerful Americans – destroyed their forefathers' wickedness."
I've said it 10,000 times: KILL ALL CHILD MOLESTERS, CHILD PORNOGRAPHERS AND CHILD ABUSERS! This subhuman lowlife, Robert Diduca, a Sheraton hotel manager from Massachusetts, NEEDS KILLING, as do all of the lowlife filth in the worldwide child porn ring! KILL THEM ALL!
No trial and prison for the murderous, subhuman piece-of-shit! KILL LOUGHNER! Don't waste the US Taxpayers' money, dammit. Kill him and all the feral street thugs.
Thank you Texas, for making my week. Rot in hell, Hey, Marvin Wilson, for the shooting death of a 21-year-old man in 1992. Who the f•ck cares what the murderer's IQ is? KILL HIM!