friday, august 15th, 2014

between blaming GW Bush, the Intel Community, the TEA Party and even the weather, dipshit Barry 0bummer has his failed, Marxist ass well-covered and deflects blame for everything. I found this "Top 50 List" of Barry's crimes, screw-ups, lies, treason etc, but I've also seen a listing as high as 800 items. That's just too unweidly to publish here. So we'll go with this shorter list, for now:

1) Because of Obama’s policies since he became President, 11,472,000 Americans have left the work force.

2) “Fewer Americans are at work today than in April 2000, even though the population since then has grown by 31 million.” — Mortimer Zuckerman

3) The number of Americans on welfare has hit record highs.

4) A record 20% of Americans were on food stamps in 2013.

5) The almost 11 million Americans getting disability payments is now approaching the population of Cuba.

6) Our nation lost its AAA credit rating because Obama is spending so much money.

7) Not only was Cash for Clunkers a wasteful government program that cost $1.4 million for every job it created and did little to reduce carbon emissions,” destroying the “clunkers” helped dramatically jack up the cost of used cars for the rest of the country.

8) After BP had a huge oil spill in the Gulf, Obama not only bungled the clean-up process, he slowed oil production from other companies that had done nothing wrong which led to higher oil prices.

9) Obama has helped drive up the cost of gas by blocking the Keystone Pipeline.

10) When he was running for office in 2008, Obama claimed that, “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” He lied.

11) Through 2013, the Obama Administration had imposed new regulations on businesses that cost 46 billion dollars a year.

12) Taxpayers lost 25 billion dollars on Obama’s bailout of General Motors and Chrysler. Chrysler isn’t even an American company any more. It’s now owned by an Italian company, Fiat.

13) When he was running for office, Obama called Bush “unpatriotic” for adding so much to the debt and promised to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. Yet, the national debt is up 7 trillion dollars since Obama became President. That’s more debt than all U.S. Presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined.

14) Obama’s administration gave guns to Mexican cartels that were used to murder hundreds of Mexicans and border agent Brian Terry. The Obama Administration has refused to cooperate with the investigation or hold anyone accountable for that illegal behavior.

15) The NSA has spied on Americans under Obama.

16) Under Obama, the CIA spied on the Senate.

17) Obama’s campaign contributors at Solyndra were handed 535 million dollars of taxpayer money that the Obama Administration knew they would never be able to pay back before they gave it to them.

18) The IRS targeted Obama’s political enemies including Christian groups, pro-Israel groups, and most prominently, Tea Party groups. The Obama Administration has refused to cooperate with the investigation or hold anyone accountable for the illegal behavior.

19) Numerous donors to Mitt Romney were audited by the IRS after giving him large contributions.

20) When the EPA and IRS were asked to provide emails requested by Congress as part of an investigation into their illegal activities, they’ve claimed over and over again to have lost the information because of “hard drive crashes.” Given that it’s quite easy to back up a hard drive and that they’re required by law to retain that information, it seems likely that they’re habitually destroying evidence to hide their illegal activities.

21) Veterans received poor health care and even died because of the incompetence and cover-ups of Obama’s VA.

22) Even Barney Frank admits Barack Obama shamelessly lied to the American people to get Obamacare passed – and lie, he did. He promised that Americans could keep their insurance plans, that they could keep their doctors, and that Obamacare would save the average family $2500 per year. Not only were all of those lies, Obama knew they were lies when he made those promises.

23) Barack Obama has broken the law repeatedly by making at least 23 unilateral changes to Obamacare.

24) Obama has been illegally trying to force Christians to pay for abortifacients via Obamacare.

25) Obamacare has been a disaster that cost millions their insurance and sent health care costs spiraling into the stratosphere.

26) Obama is taking 700 billion dollars out of Medicare to put into Obamacare.

27) The website portion of Obamacare,, was a non-functional disaster for months when it rolled out and Obama claimed he was completely unaware that there was anything wrong with it.

28) Instead of calming people down, Obama helped to turn Americans against each other racially be inserting himself into the Trayvon Martin case.

29) Obama created so much racial animosity by attacking the police when they had done nothing wrong in the Henry Louis Gates case that he had to have a ridiculous “beer summit” to try to undo the damage.

30) The Department of Justice failed to pursue a voter intimidation case against members of the New Black Panthers because they were black and liberal. Former DOJ official J. Christian Adams quit over the case and “accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white victims.”

31) George W. Bush quit playing golf in 2003 because he didn’t want the mother of some fallen soldier to see the Commander-in-Chief out playing golf. He also said he thought playing golf during a war sent the wrong signal to the American people. Through June of 2014, Obama was up to 177 rounds and is on pace to play twice as much in his second term as his first term.

32) Obama chose tax cheat Tim Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury and then has had the audacity to spend his whole presidency pushing for higher taxes.

33) After promising to unite America when he was running for office in 2008, Obama has been the most hyper-partisan President in decades.

34) Despite the fact that Barack Obama claimed to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman when he was running for President in 2008, his Department of Justice asked states attorney general to refuse to defend their states’ bans on gay marriage in court.

35) The Department of Justice has worked overtime to help increase voter fraud by fighting against voter ID. This is despite the fact that you need ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, fly on a plane or even to use Obamacare.

36) He’s the reason why countless Americans have been groped, molested and harassed by the TSA, even though agents never caught a terrorist sticking their hand down anyone’s pants.

37) He’s responsible for the dumbing down of our education system with Common Core.

38) We first landed on the moon in 1969, but because of Obama, we’re no longer even capable of going into space.

39) His servile bowing to other world leaders is embarrassing and un-American.

40) Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war in Libya without the permission of Congress that helped turn that country into an unstable basket case run by radical Islamists. How bad is it? America, Libyans and the rest of the world were better off with Muammar Gaddafi in charge. That’s how bad it is.

41) Radical Islamist Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan “described himself as mujahedeen” and yelled “Allahu Akbar” as he murdered 13 of his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood. The Obama Administration labeled that as "workplace violence" rather than admitting there was a terrorist attack on his watch.

42) He released 5 Taliban terrorists In exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

43) Americans died at Benghazi because Obama’s administration didn’t take their repeated requests for additional security seriously.

44) Russia annexed Crimea while Obama did nothing of consequence to discourage it from invading. That’s not a surprise for a President who is fond of throwing out “red lines” that don’t mean anything.

45) Obama’s premature pull-out in Iraq and foolish refusal to get a status of forces agreement in Iraq left the country vulnerable and led to the terrorists in ISIS taking over a large portion of that country.

46) Barack Obama unilaterally implemented the DREAM Act that Congress didn’t pass and illegally handed out work permits to illegal aliens.

47) Obama is threatening to bypass Congress and simply “legalize” millions more of illegal immigrants even though it’s illegal and unconstitutional and it hurts the American people and will further encourage even more illegal aliens to surge across the border.

48) The fence on our southern border was supposed to be completed by 2009. The Obama Administration has made it clear that it doesn’t intend to finish it during his presidency.

49) Barack Obama is deliberately creating a crisis on the southern border by refusing to deport illegal aliens crossing into our country.

50) For all practical purposes, Barack Obama has already unilaterally implemented amnesty in America because “at least 99.92% of illegal immigrants and visa overstays without known crimes on their records” aren’t being deported.

The net net of this "Short 50 List", is that Barry 0sambo should have had Articles of Impeachment brought by The US House of Representatives, and been easily-convicted to "high crimes and misdemeanors" by The US Senate. The world is aflame and a murderous islamic caliphate is spreading unchecked, Russia and China are expanding their spheres of influence and fascist domination, our allies don't trust us, our enemies laugh at and attack us, our economy is collapsing, our social fabric has disintegrated, SHTF is on the horizon, government control over our daily lives is expanding exponentially, and the America we knew and loved just 6-7 years ago, is gone forever.

The worst part is that we have 2+ more years of 0sambo to endure and survive, until we rid the Nation of him and his Marxist/commie/homo/islamist/socialist/racist/fascist/doper/muslim subhuman filth. He's a failure. I saw that coming in 2008, and called it in these pages.

Quo vadis? When you get it figured out, contact me; I'd like to hear your plan. I'm working on Plan C, since history has shown that both Plan A & Plan B usually get screwed-up by unexpected circumstances. It's coming; not if, but when. Prepare yourself now; don't wait for it to happen. It's too late then.

A Day In The Life

The noisy garbage 'recyclables' trucks woke me at 6:45am on Friday morning, but it was time to get up and get going. With coffee and OJ, I noticed that it was another cool, 51°F morning and forecast to maybe break 80°F. I bundled-up the garbage and trekked the 50gal bag out to the curb, for the second round of garbage truck collection. The news headlines were all about the now-concluded Toledo water pollution, Ebola virus pandemic and new Iraq bombing, so I was glad to land on a MS-Windows 9 "preview" article. Advice: stay with Windows-7© Pro x64©. Windows-8 is total and complete dogshit, and MS is reaping the backlash for the idiocy it did! Don't participate in it. I made some Fried Ham, Home Fries & Eggs for breakfast while finishing-up the news. There was a pile of coming-due bills to get mailed, other errands to do and visit Dad, so I left at 9:30. Dad's projects included watering, weed spraying and resetting his new digital coffee pot, which has a mind of its own, just to get the time set correctly and his coffee brewed 'bold'. Heh. I left at 11 and took a drive thru downtown York and back up I-83 north, to home.

Before lunch, I went out for a short walk thru the neighborhood for less than an hour, and after getting back, made a Turkey Club w/ Fries, avoided Rush's show, and spent a couple hours reading Medicare brochures and plans, since my 12/2 decision date will be here, all too soon. I listened to the morning's missed Chris Plante Show Podcast from 3-6, and the usual Mark Levin Show from 6-9, and afterward, the superb John Batchelor Show, until 10:30pm. Then, from 10:30 to 12:15am, I looked at a couple of new offerings from "Food Wishes" on YouTube, and from the chef's website. Next, it was everything electronic off, and up to sleep.

Up at 7am on Saturday, to 68°F and the familiar tune of more garbage trucks picking-up yesterday's trash bags, I made OJ, coffee, had an English Muffin w/ Blueberry Preserves, checked email, weather and the news. I set my PC up for its Back-Up/Restore Routine, and left for Dad's at 9:45. He was having some problems with browser hijacks/ malware/ adware unwanted sites invading his lapper. I installed MalwareBytes© Free Edition© v2 on his system to run behind Norton©/Symantec©, ran the utility in a full system scan, for 1:15hrs, found 127 problems and we quarratined/disabled all of it. His lapper's running great now. I'd done the same thing to mine on Friday, finding on 74 items to zap. I watered his plants and set-off the front & side gardens' drip irrigation system to run for 48hrs, since the ground is bone-dry from the drought. Leaving at 11:30am, I made a few stops, got home and unloaded. After a Fried Egg, Bacon, Cheese & Tomato Sandwich, I had the weeks's 2-of-5 morning's missed Chris Plante Show Podcast replays from 12-3, and found 2 "Wild Justice and 2 "Alaska State Troopers" show I hadn't seen, from both earlier/later seasons: "AST": Shots Fired ,"AST": Alaskan Justice and "WJ": Marijuana Mountains, "WJ": Outlaw Hunters, which lasted until 11:45pm. That was enough; time to shut-down and sleep.

I slept-in until almost 8:30am on Sunday morning, and got-up to an already sunny, warm 72°F morning. With coffee and OJ, I made Scrambled Eggs, French Toast & Sausage, and scanned the news, weather and email (working fine). I grabbed a

shower, stripped and changed the bed linens, and started some loads of laundry to get it over with before the week starts. My bills were current, but as soon as I picked-up the week's mail at the CHCA Community Mailbox, I was behind again. Frigging bills; on the 1st and the 15th, like clockwork. After a walk around the neighborhood while the first load of wash was running, I stopped by the new next door neighbor's unit, and introduced myself. High for the day hit 84°. Even though my cleaning ladies are coming on Tuesday, I had some interim bathroom and kitchen chores to do, and also vacuumed-out the Jeep before putting it away for the night. By 6:30pm, temps had dropped to 70°, and were heading down to the 60s. I listened to "Gun Talk" Radio from 8-11pm, checked my morning's food shopping list for Dad and me, and decided to cash-it-in by 11:30pm.

After a restless night, I was up at 7:30am on Monday morning, already sunny and 65°F. With OJ and coffee, I checked the usual weather, news and email. At least we'd be getting some rain over the next 2 days and nights. There was a lot of paperwork to get ready for Tuesday's CPA/CFP meeting with Dad and Becky, but I'd get to that after getting a few things at Weis Market, and visiting Dad for a few hours. I unloaded groceries with Dad and helped him put them away, did some outdoor projects, and watched TV for a while talking about many things. It was a good visit. We have a 10am meeting in Dallastown, tomorrow with Becky and our CPA/CFP, and I remembered the folders at home which I needed to get ready for it. I left at 11:15 to run some more errands on the way home, but a tractor trailer tip-over on Rt 30 & I-83 were causing massive traffic jams, so I took the back roads back to East York.

On the morning ride, I noticed that gas/diesel prices at the pump, had decreased yet another 10¢/gal, since just last Friday, August 8th: Unleaded Regular (87 oct) is now at $3.39/gal, Unleaded Premium (89oct) at $3.49/gal, Premium (93 oct) at $3.69/gal, and Diesel Fuel/Kerosene K-2 is still at $3.99/gal, at many stations in the York (PA) area.

Robin Williams 1951-2014

After unloading my groceries, I made a Allen Bros Wagyu Steakburger w/ Fries, compiled all of the needed files and documents for tomorrow morning's meeting with our CPA/CFP, and listened to two morning's missed Chris Plante Show Podcasts, from 12-3 and 3-6; then to the usual Mark Levin Show from 6-9, when ABC News interrupted all stations at 7pm, with the breaking story of the apparent suicide of comedian/actor Robin Williams (1951-2014), and the Nation stopped in shock. All the other stories here, and around the world were relegated to the back pages. CNN had endless coverage, as did Fox News went wall-to-wall, and The Drudge Report. A terribly sad waste of life and talent. It occupied me until 1am. I closed-down, armed the place and went up to sleep.

I slept well, but the rain woke me at 6:15am – HEAVY RAIN! – and it was dark, 68°F, cloudy and RAINY. No complaints. With the cleaning ladies coming in at 8:30 and a 10am meeting, I quickly made OJ and coffee, skipped breakfast and checked email, news and weather. Both ***SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WARNING*** and ***LOCAL FLOOD WARNING*** were posted for the day, and I don't give a crap, we need the rainfall. Meanwhile, I'm doing research on why Dad's new front walk's, small (sawcut) paver joints are cracking, and how to repair them. After looking at the myriad ways, I decided to call the company who installed it, and get their input, before I did anything. I left at 9:25, for I-83 South and Dallastown. Driving down the interstate, there were whole areas where almost all traffic had pulled-off of the road, due to heavy rain and 1-3" of flowing water from massive storm cells. I got thru at greatly reduced speed and because of 14" ground clearance on the Jeep. The CPA/CFP meeting went well,

and we were finished in just over 1½-hours, or so. It was pouring when we left, so I ran out to my Jeep to get the umbrella for Dad & Becky, so at least they'd stay dry. Soaked, I stopped at Handel's Ice Cream to get a few fresh peach, strawberry, key lime pie and blueberry pints, and headed home. My Condo's rain gauge read 2¼" by 12noon, with a lot more heading our way. Woo-Hoo! I made a Grilled Cheese w/ Ham Sandwich & Potato Salad for lunch, had several folders and a notebook to go thru, after the meeting, as well as incorporate meeting notes and follow-up steps into the frontal 'intro' sheets, and that took most of the rest of the afternoon. With the usual "Mark Levin Show" from 6-9, and "John Batchelor Show" on until 12midnight, I called it quits. I have a 7:30am breakfast with the CHCA president and my neighbor, Art, so I needed to get some sleep.

Up at 6am with the alarm, to another cloudy, rainy but 68°F Wednesday, I had to get coffee and OJ moving, get myself ready since I had an early (for me) breakfast with a friend. As I checked the weather, news and email, I noticed that 13 massive MS-Windows Updates/Patches were ready to download and install. I let the downloads happen, my ride to breakfast arrived, and we left for the morning. Pleasant time, and I was back home by 11am. The rain gauge's final count was 2¾". I had a pile of Dad's financial documents and my notes from Tuesday's CPA/CFP meeting to review, sort out and make an 'priority action list' to get done, so nothing falls thru the cracks with his financials. On the morning ride, I noticed that gas/diesel prices at the pump, had decreased yet another 4¢/gal, just since Monday, August 11th: Unleaded Regular (87 oct) is now at $3.35/gal, Unleaded Premium (89oct) at $3.45/gal, Premium (93 oct) at $3.65/gal, and Diesel Fuel/Kerosene K-2 is now at $3.95/gal, at many stations in the York (PA) area.

I made a Roast Beef, Slaw, Tomato & Cheese Sandwich, turned-on Rush for background and went thru 2 notebooks and 3 folders for 4hrs, until my eyes glazed-over. No Chris Plante Show (WMAL-DC) this week, so no podcasts. The usual Mark Levin Show streamed from 6-9, and afterward, listened to the superb John Batchelor Show, until 11:30pm. I was tired from getting-up early, so I called it a night, as the low-60s moved into our area.

Make that low-50s moved into the area. I was up at 5:30am on Thursday, to a chilly, clear and sun-just-rising, 52°F morning. While coffee was steeping, I had some Del Monte® Mandarin Oranges, scanned the usual weather and news websites, checked email and checked the day's to-do list. I needed to drive south to Stewartstown and pick-up some waiting Rxs, and then come back north to York to meet with Dad on some things, do a couple projects for him, so I left for I-83 South, at 8:15. Traffic was amazingly heavy – still no clue as to why – and I ran into several friends and former customers at the drugstore and nearby farmers' market. I filled-up the Jeep with 19gals of Unleaded, since I was running on fumes in the 20gal tank on the way down. With crude oil prices dropping, gas prices at the pumps is dropping nicely. But that won't last if Iraq and its refineries fall, and the rest of the Middle east falls to the murderous, subhuman islamic caliphate. The drive back was less crowded, Dad's projects went well, and after a few more planned stops, I was back home by 1:30pm. While working on a new documents list for an upcoming meeting with York's premier ElderCare Attorney, I listened to the morning's missed Chris Plante Show Podcasts, from 2-5. Dad stopped by with more documents from his afternoon meeting – I'm drowning in legal documents and accompanying paperwork! – and I had to reorganize, re-sort and re-separate the piles for some clarity and sanity. Whew. By 6, the Mark Levin Show streamed until 9pm, and afterward, I listened to the John Batchelor Show, until 11:30pm.

Tomorrow starts a new week here in the "Journal", and except for a haircut appointment, lots of paperwork, maybe a trip to Southern York County to get some Chinese Dim Sum delicacies, and a couple meetings about Dad's landscape problems with 2 companies involved, there's not much on-tap. Frankly, I need some time to work on paperwork for upcoming attorney meetings with Dad and Becky. I also have a couple of moderately-heavy lifting jobs to do for Dad, but with my left arm's bicep's tendon now 80% healed, I'm going to wait a few more weeks and continue to rest it, before completing them. No sense tearing-up the tendon in mid-healing.

Ebola Is Here; America Is Now Third World.

Congrats, America: We're officially a TURD WORLD COUNTRY!

And if the corrupt "health officials" have their way, we'll never know the true extent of it.

Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia are going through the worst Ebola outbreak in history and health officials believe that it has killed more than 700 people there. Now, for the first time, Ebola has "officially" entered the United Sates via two health aid workers, that contracted the disease while working in Africa, where the Ebola outbreak continues.

Ebola virus disease (EVD), originally known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a severe, and often times (70-90%) fatal disease in humans. Case fatality can be up to 90 percent – in other words, 90 out of every 100 people who catch Ebola die. EVD outbreaks typically occur in remote villages in Central and West Africa and are transmitted via wild animals (such as fruit bats) to humans.

The first patient landed in the United States on Saturday, August 2, 2014. Dr. Kent Brantly was then flown from Africa to the United States and then transported via ambulance to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. The second person, Nancy Whitebol, will return to the U.S. in the coming days. Many people are questioning the decision to bring the two American aid workers to the United States to be treated. According to the New York Times, Dr. Bruce S. Ribner, an infectious disease specialist at Emory and who will be caring for these patients, said, “The reason we are bringing these

patients back to our facility is because we feel they deserve to have the highest level of care offered for their treatment.” Unfortunately, however, the only treatment is to provide supportive care to keep the patient stable – does bringing these Ebola sufferers home to the U.S. put everyone else at risk? Yes, it does.

Gatwick Airport in the UK is now infected by the subhuman filth from Africa, but then again, the UK has been admitting millions of those tribal creatures from the Middle East and Africa, for many years. As has much of Europe. As the UK/Europe goes, so goes America.

And after 3-4 days, they're "still testing" an unknown POS at NYC's Mount Sinai Hospital to see if s/he has Ebola? Bullshit; they knew it immediately and aren't saying for fear of emptying-out the city.

Coincidentally, there's an "African Leaders Summit" in DC, this week. Take a look at the murderous, turd-world subhuman filth defiling our country and The White House Hut/Crib. How appropriate.

One super-critical thing the media leaves out: Ebola transmission by aerosols is confirmed: virus can survive for days outside infected hosts, and can spread very easily. Nice, huh?

And Ebola isn't the only disease the subhuman African filth will be bringing to America. There's also Chikungunya. Dengue. Norovirus. Hantavirus. Swine flu. Varicella. Variola. Read this. Go ahead; I'll wait.

And the mindless, liberal, turd-sucking sycophants at CNN praise the idea of bringing-in such a deadly and contagious disease. Absolute mind-boggling stupidity.

What's next? A weaponized Ebola "dirty bomb"? get ready for anything to happen in America's population centers, thru these porous borders. Will it be the Ebola or Ecola/Lassa strain of this fast-moving, engineered bioweapon? Who knows? But the WHO is looking out for everyone.

The world is coming apart. Watch the 2 videos below and understand why you need to know the truth being kept from you and all Americans.

Here's what might happen, if it does.

Watch this 17-min compilation video, if you do nothing else!

Was it an "Ebola attack" or an "Ebola outbreak"? Listen and decide for yourself.

UPDATE 8/8/14... WHO: Ebola virus disease update – West Africa (1779 cases, 961 deaths). It's going to get a LOT worse, worldwide.


The very definition of the word conundrum is "something that is puzzling or confusing". Here are six conundrums today, in the US:

1. America is capitalist and greedy - yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized - yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims - yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government - yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer - yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about - yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

Think about it. That pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st century. Kind of makes you wonder who is doing the math.

These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works. And here's another one worth considering...

2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't. Think about it. And last but not least...

3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to all illegal aliens?

Am I the only one missing something?

Enemies Of The State: YOU & ME!

If you don't think that the US Government is intentionally targeting, investigating and prosecuting-persecuting Conservative Americans, you're living in a dream world of warm sponge baths and fresh diapers. America is under attack from The Enemy Within©.

This intentional use of Federal Agencies – IRS, DoINJ, EPA, BLM, Dept Ag, Dept Int, OSHA etc – by The White House, demokkkRAT-nazi party, criminal unions and other corrupt, criminal, corrupt NGO entities, should make the hair on your neck stand-up.

Liberals have been filling government agencies, at all levels, with self-interested, job perpetuation, Marxist-socialist-leftist experts for many decades. Conservatives are a threat to them, their progressive commie agenda and way of life. If we truly had a government based on a Constitution and implemented by elected representatives, this kind of stuff wouldn't happen. But we don't, and it does.

Stupid, ignorant, racist, ghetto-rat, thug filth/trash, like US Rep Elijah Cummings (SCUM-MD) who is so corrupt, criminal and hate-filled toward America, Conservative Americans of all stripes, and the Tea Party, that he should be imprisoned for the rest of his lying, pathetic, miserable life, for treason. And US Sen Joe McCarthy, was more of an American than you'll ever be, racist asshole!

One of the Articles of Impeachment drawn up against Richard Nixon in July of 1974, was merely "threatening" to use the Internal Revenue Service to selectively audit political opponents. 0bummer-boy has now fully-weaponized the IRS against all of his political opponents, ordering multiple covert campaigns of intimidation, threats, and persecution of Tea Party and Conservative organizations, and those daring to criticize 0bummer-boy's Marxist, racist, socialist agenda.

Amazingly, Fox News did a series of special reports on the corrupt, criminal US Govt's use of agencies to harass, threaten, confiscate property without cause, audit, shut-down without cause, fine and threaten with prison and to harm and/or kill American businesses and citizens. Get some popcorn and watch these six YT videos of Fox News' Reports:

      • Fox News Reporting Enemies Of The State: The Sagebrush Rebellion, Part 1 (10:44),

      • Fox News Reporting Enemies Of The State: The Sagebrush Rebellion, Part 2 (6:47),

      • Fox News Reporting Enemies Of The State: Gibson Guitar (5:43),

      • Fox News Reporting Enemies Of The State: IRS Targeting, Part 1 (5:56),

      • Fox News Reporting Enemies Of The State: IRS Targeting, Part 2 (5:34),

      • Fox News Reporting Enemies Of The State: Energy Independent (6:12).

Make no mistake about it: The IRS Is A Criminal Organization. Here's the full movie, "CROSSHAIRS: The Internal Revenue Scandal" (54:59).

The corrupt, criminal FedGov is continuing to seize our rightfully-owned lands.

And, a two-decades-old battle between a Nevada rancher and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has resulted in officials armed with machine guns surrounding the ranch and forcibly removing the owner's cattle. This is NOT going to end well, as the Waco slaughter and Ruby Ridge murders didn't.

You Own It, demokkkRATs!

Congratulations to the asswipe demokkkRATs, irrelevant "Free Shit!" minorities and stupid young people on the Truly-Shitty Economy you've created and inherited. You now own it 100%, and you can't blame Bush, anymore. Bathhouse Barry ∅bummer did it all by himself. You voted for it, dumbassed idiots. Time to suffer with the rest of us, as your actions have dire consequences for the entire country. Nice going, low-information voter morons.

No healthcare for tens-of-millions of Americans, you own it.

The next terrorist attack, you own it.

Can't get a job after graduation, you own it.

Sky-rocketing energy prices due to ∅bummer's corrupt EPA shutting down the energy producing states, you own it.

∅bummer voter

A nuclear Iran, you own it.

Bowing to Russia, you own it.

Another severe recession, you own it.

A volatile border with Mexico, you own it.

Trouble getting good health care, you own it.

Higher health insurance costs and health care costs, you own it.

No budget, you own it.

Our allies mistrust us, you own it.

Another trillion-plus of debt, you own it.

More Benghazi Massacre situations, you own it.

No one willing to join the military, you own it.

Trouble getting a loan to buy a home, you own it.

More dependency on food stamps, you own it.

Trouble finding good employment, you own it.

Several part time jobs instead of one good job, you own it.

A One-World Government, you own it.

The UN governing the United States, instead of us governing ourselves, you own it.

A Senate that will not bring any legislation to the table, even if it is "Dead On Arrival", you own it.

China controlling our world trade, trampling all over us, you own it.

Loss of our freedoms as we have known them in the past, you own it.

A dictatorship, instead of a democracy that follows the Constitution, you own it.

Less take home pay and higher living costs, you own it.

Driving a car that looks like a child's toy, you own it.

Unending islamic shitfilth wars in the Middle East and Africa, you own it.

More government corruption and lies, you own it.

More toleration of extreme, fanatical and subhuman islamo-nazi fascist filth, you own it.

Terrorist attacks called "workplace violence incidents", you own it.

Your "revenge" instead of love of country, you own it.

President George W Bush is out of it now, and there is not another good man for you to villify and lie about.

Shit-for-brains, ∅bummer-asshole is a liar, traitor, racist, muslim, coward, bathhouse fag and doper, can't take responsibility for the damage he's inflicted upon America. It's 100% his fault. Prove me wrong, anyone!

In a way, I am relieved that another good man will not be blamed when it becomes impossible to clean-up this mess that YOU voted for. Yes, moronic ∅bummer-asshole idiots: YOU!

Your TSHTF Survival

Are you truly ready for when, not if, TSHTF (The Shit Hits The Fan). And a lot of my "Journal" Readers have emailed and called me to discuss what preparations they should take for that "coming awful event". Believe me, "it" IS coming. Based upon what's happening around the world and here in the US, I have a terrible, terrible *gut feeling* that TSWHTF (The Shit Will Hit The Fan), sometime in 2014. Don't ask why; I just do.

First, Israel is preparing for war, after being attacked for years on many fronts, and not fighting back as she should have. This war will truly have "Biblical implications" around the world. The Middle East is rapidly-collapsing under the subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic riots (muslim Brotherhood) and rule ("arab Spring"), with world crude oil prices projected to hit $200+/bbl, or even higher into the $300-$400 range,

Europe is on the verge of insolvency and collapse, no thanks in great part to Germany, teetering-and-tottering Asia and South America will quickly-follow, then comes the downfall of Canada, and The USA won't be far behind, in late 2012 and into 2013. Watch this video; be sure you're sitting-down, and don't have any food or liquid in your mouth upon which to choke.

Just Google "survival" and see what comes-up. Damned-near everything you ever wanted to know how to prepare for this for-sure-coming "hellish holocaust", some of it in easy-to-download *.PDF format. Tens-of-thousands of websites are devoted to the topic of "survival". Do the same with "You Tube", and watch the thousands of videos. This is *NOT The Phony Y2K Crappola*; this is for real. I said numerous times that Y2K was a waste of time and money to prepare for, and that came true. I'm reading that "survival stores" are reporting a huge upswing in sales and preparations, and for good reason.

I'm also one of the very, very few who "predicted a 9-11 type event", 2 years and 8 months before it happened. Read down that "Journal" entry to the "Scary Stuff" section, and it was done by the subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic shit/filth/trash, NOT the US Gov't as some morons and idiots (Alex Jones & Co), have and still It's interesting you mention when an old paradigm dies and a new one takes its place. There are people who are still connected to the old one and can't conceive of life without that old paradigm. I think you saw that in the Great Depression. A lot of people never recovered from it because once that hit it was the end of their lives. claim. Need I say more about those certifiable and murderous, subhuman muslim/islamist wackos who are determined to kill all of us Proud Infidels?

Am I an "conspiracy alarmist" or one of those "crazed survivalists", sequestered in a Montana, Idaho, Utah or Wyoming compound or bunker? Not hardly; I'm simply in mid-State Pennsylvania, an Eagle Scout, Class of 1963, Order Of The Arrow/ Vigil Honor, and our BSA Motto was then, and still is now, "Be Prepared". Need I say any more?

Forget all of the "buy gold and silver" bullshit commercials; buy "brass and lead" for your guns. They're a far, far superior investment, IMO. Ammo is truly a "fungible" item; gold & silver aren't at all. They may be "intrinsic", but they're utterly-useless in a collapsing/collapsed society or world. Do the requisite research, as I've done. 'Nuff said on that subject.

BTW, how are you stocked-up for incandescent light bulbs? Within 4 weeks, manufacturing and using 100w incandescent will become "a crime", thanks to stupid-assed, liberal moron chimp, shit-for-brains, George W Bush & Co, in 2007. You'll be forced, under penalty-of-law, to use the very expensive,

dangerous and short-lived CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs). Better stock-up NOW on 60w, 75w and 100w incandescents, where and when you can find them, before they become unavailable and illegal!

This government's ***CRIMINALLY NUTS***, in trying to regulate our use of anything and everything! It's fascism, socialism, Leninism and communism, dammit, and it won't stand! Where is that in The US Constitution? The US Government isn't empowered to force us to do or buy anything, and has overstepped its legal authority in The ENUMERATED Commerce Clause. The Commerce Clause is quite specifically an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The Contemporary Commerce Clause debate, When "decided by the SCOTUS in the Summer of 2012", will cause CWIII, if upheld. Stockpile NOW, because TSHTF before/during/after the November General Election!

Gold is NOT the way to go; lead and brass (aka ammo) ARE. Mark my words!

TSHTF this or next year, and members of the corrupt, criminal US Congress are helping racist, commie, lowlife scumbag Barry "Fuck America!" Obama (SAMBO-IL), by either collaborating with him or cowering before him, on his You are going to see, in metro areas, the absolute worst in humanity, as the people that are most dependent upon a collectivist system, whether they're these Occupy Well Street people, or people who are loaded up with debt, they are totally unprepared for an economic reality where their paradigm does not function. As a result they're going to go through the absolute most disgusting inhumanity that I think any American has ever seen as they go through this anger phase – and it's going to result in riots, and starvation and bloodshed. It has to happen. You don't have people's life savings disappear and people become desperate, and not have that happen. coming "Race War" plan.

We are *at war with Iran*; no doubt about it. Get used to it. And shit-for-brains, racist, commie, lowlife scumbag Barry "F•ck America!" Obama (TRAITOR-IL) has politely "asked" for our formerly Top Secret RQ-170 Sentinel Drone "to be returned". What a dumbf•ck Obama is! He should be charged, tried and imprisoned for *treason*, IMO.

I've been saying, for the past 2-3 years, that no one should buy any gold or silver; it's worthless crap if TSHTF (The Shit Hits The Fan). Instead, buy guns and ammo; they're a far, far better investment, IMO. Any questions?

Uh-oh, it's beginning to happen in Europe. Better get ready for it to come over here, soon, as The Fed f•cks America, once again. Time to abolish The Fed and its corrupt, criminal influence on America's economy!

Here's a very useful List of Barter Items, for when TSHTF. Get and stockpile those and more, if you know what's good for you and your family! Think I'm kidding? Better read this and think VERY carefully about it.

With the FBI already considering many US Citizens as "sovereign citizen extremists", are you ready for "Rex 84" & The FEMA Camps? A new bill has been introduced in the US House of Representatives called the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645. This bill if passed into law will direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish

national emergency centers otherwise known as FEMA Camp Facilities on military installations. Some more detail on "Rex 84", right here, written by, very disappointingly, USMC Lt Col Oliver North.

"Economic chaos" ahead? You betcha. Are you and your family ready for it? It IS coming, at out current rate of out-of-control government spending.

Before TSHTF, here are 20 Lessons From The Streets of Cairo. Worth reading, if you plan to survive.

And before TSHTF, here are Innumerable Lessons From The Collapse of Bosnia, in 1992. Also worth reading, if you plan to survive.

Do you live near a "terrorism hot-spot"? Check the map. Here's DHS' recently-issued "White Paper (*.PDF)" on it, from 1970-2008, published by the University of Maryland.

Do you know what an "EMP Attack" is? Now you do. *When* it happens, not *if*, we're all f•cked, unless we're prepared to live in the early-1800s. That's why I write this stuff.

Are you ready for Obama's (TRAITOR-IL) "October Surprise"?

What about access to land and fresh water? Right here's an article to address those concerns.

Are you worried and prepared for the coming paradigm shift? How's your preparation work coming along?

The end of the dollar is coming; are you prepared for it? Here's a guide to a few canned foods.

Looks like a "race war" is coming, thanks to the hate-filled nigga race-pimps Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakan and New Black Pampers®, and time is growing shorter and shorter before TSHTF.

Don't let the possibility of DHS watching your every move deter you in preparing for TSHTF; do it regardless. Your and your Family's safety & survival always comes first. Beware of what your neighbors will do if you're prepared and they're not.

State and local resistance to the detention provisions contained in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) continues to grow, rapidly-emerging as a nationwide movement against the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Jack-Booted-Thugs' powers.

America is already being turned into a giant prison camp, and 90% of Americans either go along with it or don't see it happening. I do.

When prepping, always plan your survival purchases first on paper; buy them afterward.

Here's another good preparedness/precious metals website, 321 Gold. No, I don't believe in gold & silver, for what's coming. I believe in *lead & brass*/*food & water* for that situation; the other stuff comes much, much later.

Here's a new "warning" about a solar-based EMP event. If it happens, TSHTF.

If Iran attacks America's infrastructure, we've got major problems. Are you prepped and ready for it, when it happens?

Are you on a tight budget, in a apartment of small house? Try these link resources.

What happens to a non-Prepper? Read it at your own edification.

Good, solid Prepping information and related links? Right here.

Canned, excellent quality meats for long-term storage and use? Right here.

Shhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone about your "prepping" activities. Keep it quiet, and read this.

Here are the 5 Warning Signs that America is in decline.

What if you're a "Beginning Prepper"?

Ever wonder what "the new normal" might look like? Read it, in chapters. Prepped yet?

What are the 5 symptoms of SHTF happening?

The US is headed for a "fiscal cliff"? Gosh, all of the articles posted at the link in this section, have been saying that for many months. And the "geniuses" in DC are just figuring that out? Well, slap me silly!

Did you know that when the trucks stop, it's over?

Here's Part 1: Preparing For Disaster. And here's Part 2: Preparing For Disaster. Have you ever thought about what happens to Security During A Breakdown?

Here's "The A-to-Z List" of what you'll need to survive. It's daunting, but you may already have much of it, in-house and not realize it.

There's a new Preparedness Manual, available in *.pdf form, right here. Get it, please.

In case you missed it, here's the "Granddaddy" of Preparedness Manuals.

And here's yet another (condensed) Preparedness List, to compare against the previous two lists, just so you don't miss anything important.

Here are "120 powerful pieces of advice for preppers", to read and take-to-heart.

After Hurricane Sandy, is there any doubt in your mind that you ought to be "prepping" for disasters, before everything is stripped from the stores' shelves? Does this look familiar to you?

If you were in an area heavily-affected by Sandy, you might have seen some looters running rampant. IMO, they should be shot on sight, not arrested. KILL ALL OF THE LOOTERS!

What happens in the first 12 hours, after the US Dollar fails?

Watch The Day the World Ended [Part 1 of 2].

Watch The Day the World Ended [Part 2 of 2].

Is your city a gang-infested hellhole, yet? It will be, all too soon.

Here are an easy 25 DIY Weekend Preparedness Projects, for anyone wanting to be a little more prepared at the end of the day.

How much food storage do you have?

What will the streets of America look and be like, in the coming months and near future? In a word: ugly.

Good article, which answers many questions you might have about "prepping": "Time To Plan For The Worst Rather Than Hope For The Best".

Another good article: "7 Surprising Reasons Why Americans Aren't Prepared for What's Coming".

Even left-wing liberal PBS "Frontline" did a series on the coming "Apocalypse".

Can you guess How Many Times Has the World Ended, so far?

$100 says TSHTF in Europe, very soon. It's falling apart and all subhuman muslim troglodyte filth are going to need to be hunted-down and killed. are you ready for the coming collapse, because it's coming to the US, too?

This the Marxist takeover of America is happening right before our eyes. It is a scenario that will not end well for all of us.

Will you be charitable when TSHTF?

What will you do when the EBT Cards run-out, and the 47% start rioting?

Lock & Load: Are You Prepared For Civil Unrest?

Do you know the Signs Of A Societal Breakdown?

Ever heard of "The Grey Man Directive"? Read up on it, as it may save your life.

Ready for the electrical grid to collapse? SHTF!

Have you heard the old saying, “If You Don't Have Your Money In Your Pocket, It's Not Yours.”?

When TSHTF, They Will Smell Your Food From Miles Away. What will you do?

Obama: "Entrepreneurs Don't Build Businesses"

"Last week, President Barack Obama delivered some telling remarks to a fire station full of people in Roanoke, Virginia. I'll save you the trouble of reading the (long and uninspired) speech and provide you with the most interesting part:

     "If you've got a business – you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." – President Barack Obama, July 13th, 2012.

It would be easy to respond with something along the lines of, "Somebody else made that happen? Who? Who magically imagined the product or service, started the business, built it up, and created the jobs? Who was it? The tooth fairy?" And to some extent, President Obama's statement is so ridiculous as to merit that sort of quick, flippant response.

(Here's the video of that loony remark.)

However, he's not entirely wrong. This reminds me of an argument that Massachusetts Senate Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren would probably make. If he's talking about a mid-sized or large business, where an entrepreneur has hired additional employees, then at that point the business's success isn't purely that of its founder.

Employees add value to a business through work and ideas. That's why you hire employees, after all. Steve Jobs didn't invent every last detail of the phones, computers, and tablets to come out of Apple over the last decade. There were engineers working on those products who developed them. So, employees help entrepreneurs to build their business. "Somebody else" did indeed play a part in making that happen.

But what makes the president's remarks so inane is the totality of what he's saying. He's not saying that entrepreneurs and employees work together to build a business. It's not a collaborative effort. It's all thanks to the employees. Usually, I can understand the way the president's mind works on most issues by examining it through a pragmatic, liberal, or progressive framework. This one baffles me.

As I explained, I can see that he has some of a point, but he's still just obviously wrong on the broader point. Sure, the employees help to build the business, but the business itself wouldn't exist without the entrepreneur. So, to say to entrepreneurs and to business owners, " didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen," is just wrong. It's silly. They did build that by setting the foundation for the business.

Entrepreneurs are almost always the hardest workers in their business. They work a simply insane number of hours to get their idea off the ground. If they succeed (and they face a tremendous risk if they don't), then they'll start to grow and to hire employees to help. Honestly, if I were an entrepreneur and I read those remarks by the president, I would be furious. It's a tremendous insult to the true job-creators in America, entrepreneurs.

In the context of a long, somewhat rambling campaign speech that touched on every issue under the sun, it may seem as though I'm over-exaggerating the importance of a minor thing he said. But President Obama isn't a stupid man, or even one who makes off-the-cuff remarks he doesn't really mean. He's a very smart man, and he meant what he said.

When the most important issues for most Americans are economic growth and job creation, I believe it's essential to know exactly where both candidates stand on the importance of entrepreneurs. Yesterday, we learned that President Obama believes that entrepreneurs don't build businesses. Ultimately, they're irrelevant. Take that for what you will." © Principles and Policy, July 14, 2012

Liberal Media BS

The most insidious power of the corrupt, criminal liberal media, is the power to ignore the truth.

Here, have some fun. Something stinks within America's newsrooms. It's the stench of liberal bias permeating the so-called mainstream media. From lies and deceit to distortions and character assassinations, the liberal media dish out leftist BS to drive their radical agenda.

Chris Plante, host of The Chris Plante Show on WMAL (DC) from 9-12, weekdays, said, "The most insidious power the media has, if the power to ignore." Think about what that really means and you can readily see what an evil force the corrupt, criminal, liberal-demokkkRAT-controlled, butt-kissing, fawning circlefest media assholes, are.

Think you can detect it? Take this test and find out just how much BS the liberal media are dishing out. Wear your hip-waders; the bullshit is deep!

Inside The Army's Spectacular, Hidden Treasure Room.

Remember that ending scene out of Indiana Jones where the Ark of the Covenant is boxed up and wheeled through an endless government warehouse?

Did you know that that place actually exists?

I was hugely-pleased, a little stunned at the secrecy, but half-expecting a juicy trove of treasures.

It is called the Center of Military History. It is located 30 minutes outside Washington, D.C., at Fort Belvoir in Virginia. The building itself is very nondescript.

But behind a series of highly alarmed doors and long, cement, camera-laden hallways. It is the highly sophisticated, climate-controlled treasure room where the army keeps its most precious artifacts.

The facility was built for $24 million in 2010. The cavernous warehouse is typically shrouded in total darkness. Motion lights illuminate only the areas in which someone is walking.

If I could get tickets, I'd fork over my first-born child. Oh wait; I don't have one. Heh. I'd go there in a heartbeat.

Some People Just Need Killing

It's not my intention to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter one whit to me, at all — and rid American Society's innocents — especially our too-vulnerable, precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly — of the subhuman criminals who prey upon them, once-and-for-ever. And yes, I'd rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers, robbers, child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey, call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Someone needs to take out the trash! I volunteer.

Society's innocents — our precious, defenseless children and the frail, defenseless elderly — must be protected from predators, murderers, rapists, robbers and other subhuman filth, at all times and at any cost, IMO.

The 6th Commandment actually says: "Thou Shalt Not Murder". It does NOT say, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." I personally don't consider any summary-execution — except by subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic pigshit — as murder, in any way, shape or form. It's "Due-Justice-For-Crimes-On-This-Earth", IMO.

The Death Penalty is The Foundation of Government.

Yes, I agree with the premise of this article, that "the death penalty is a Noahic Covenant with God, in a post-flood world", and America should apply it every-damned-day, to those deserving death for their crimes against society and its innocents.

"100 years from now, I want the filthy, stinking subhuman islamic/muslim filth's childrens' childrens' childrens' children to cower and cringe in fear whenever they hear the sounds of jet engines overhead because their legends tell of fire from the sky. I want them to hide in wet, dark caves and hellish-holes in the earth, shivering with terror whenever they hear the roar of diesel engines because the tales of their ancestors talk about metal monsters crawling over the earth, spitting-out death and destruction. I want their mothers to be able to admonish them with "If you don't behave, the Pale Destroyers will come for you", and that will be enough to reduce them to quivering obedience. I want the annihilation to be so complete that their mythology will tell them of the day of judgment when the stern gods from across the sea – the powerful Americans – destroyed their forefathers' wickedness."

Subhuman, illegal alien invader drunk, Jorge Reyes, needs summary-killing for running down US Citizens. Execute him!

Another subhuman piece-of-illegal-alien-dogshit "mommie", Evelyn Alvarez, who needs killing for sending pics of herself molesting her young daughters, to a prison inmate's (Juan Bravo) cellphone. Prisoners get cellphones? Kill the prisoner, too!

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