Many people still believe that a "fast growing tree" is the best way to go when deciding what to plant in their yard. Actually, if you're older - which is where I'm residing these days - or just a little impatient, a large tree is the best path to travel. A large tree to start with is a much better investment of time and money, and not a "fast tree", which is junk and a short-term problem. What do we mean by "large tree"? A single, B&B 3"+ caliper - trunk diameter measured 1ft up from the root flare - quality tree cultivar is a far better investment in your property's value than a yard full of "fast growing" saplings; it will return 125% of value, as compared to a net loss with smaller trees. It also makes a definitive statement about your values and position in life, to all who see and envy it. If there ever was a time for quickly making the right decision about what size tree to plant in the Fall, it's now. And now is a very smart time to plan for Fall plantings of large trees: lower air and soil temperatures, Fall rains, less watering required, soils able to retain more moisture than warmer Summer soils. Near-perfect conditions; what more could you ask for? So many choices. Flowering or not. Evergreen or deciduous. Ornamental or shading. Big or little. Fast or moderate growing. When you've reached this point, it's time to visit John Shelley's Garden Center & Nursery for helpful and honest advice. We've just seen too many end results of the wrong tree planted in the right place, or the right tree planted in the wrong place. Either way, it can be a disaster for you. Often, a sub-standard tree service company with poorly-trained personnel comes along with chainsaws and "prunes" (read butchers) these large maples, oaks or other trees planted under or near power lines or in front yards down to stumps. This is called "pollarding", and it is the beginning-of-the-end for any tree receiving such brutal and evil treatment. Perhaps, a very unknowledgeable person at Nursery long ago said it was okay to plant them there. Or even worse, maybe there was no one to honestly advise you that species Red Maples, Silver Maples, Bradford Pears, Hybrid and Lombardy Poplars are very bad* trees to plant anywhere on your property. Yes Virginia, there is truth in advertising. Always has been in ours. Let's go through the why's and wherefore's, one-at-a-time. Both species Red and Silver Maples are fast-growing, shade trees and have made the lawn seed industry rich from people trying to grow grass under them. You can't. They're so dense they blot out the sun and cause mud. Their roots, in about 6-10 years, will be what you're mowing, not grass. They grow so fast from their surface root systems usurping all the rain that falls, that they're not considered quality trees and we don't sell either tree here - they're basically weeds and not worthy of our Nursery. Bradford Pears are also fast growers, nice flowering in the Spring, but when they reach 15-20 feet in 12-13 years, they fall apart. The wood is so brittle from growing fast, a snow or ice storm will collapse the tree and bingo, firewood. This tree was a very big mistake by the Nursery Industry; after being rushed prematurely into production in the 1960s without benefit of field trials, it's faults are now being realized and the customer will have to pay again when the tree collapses, just as it begins to really mature and look nice. Same with the Hybrid and Lombardy Poplars; they'll grow 4ft per year and fall apart in 10-15 years. Bingo, more kindling and firewood. We buy and sell only quality trees, and among such are the cultivars Red Sunset, Green Mountain Sugar, October Glory Maples, Redspire and Aristocrat Flowering Pears, and no Poplars. We have 600 types (cultivars) of Nursery Stock, of which about 200 varieties are trees. We sell types (varieties) of trees that most other Nurseries have only read about. We specialize in the rare, unusual and hard-to-find kinds. It's just the same old stuff everywhere else. The point is: why have a yard full of the same trees that the neighbors have? Why not have unusual Summer or Fall flowering trees? Come visit and see the many rarities, all hardy to Zone 4 (Upper NY-Canada), so of course, they'll do fine in your yard and garden. Dare to be a little different. Diversity is part of Nature and is a virtue, not a sin. If you do have one of the above-discussed trees, take heart; call-in a quality tree service company (we can recommend two very reputable ones) and remove the two maples and/ or poplar; and enjoy the pear while it still stands. Then come see us right away to plan for the correct trees to replace them. Choose wisely and don't let another Nursery talk you into one of the 5 bad trees mentioned above. You'll never regret the purchase of a quality large tree vs a questionable fast-growing tree. All quality Nurseries know the truth about these 5 bad trees; most just want to make a sale and you'll suffer the consequences in a few years. We don't and won't. We'll forsake the sale for the truth in favor of your continuing trust in our honesty. Call us for a free consultation and estimate. Our Warranty: is unmatched by anyone, anywhere, and is one (1) year from date of purchase if you install the plant material; it is five (5) years if we install the material. Call, write or email us for a complete copy of The Warranty. It's also online right here. Drop by our Website on The InterNet for a tour of the Garden Center & Nursery. It's located at for those digerati among you out there who are connected on-line. Once again, no other Garden Center, Nursery or Mass Merchandiser even comes close. |