Stress at Work
friday, february 26th, 2010
is often defined as aggravating, annoying, disquieting, disturbing, exasperating, irksome, irritating, maddening, tense, trying, upsetting, agitated, anxious, apprehensive, beside oneself, bundle of nerves, edgy, excited, fidgety, high-strung, hyper, impatient, in a tizzy, jittery, nerve-racking, nervous, nervous wreck, overanxious, restless, unnerved, uptight, wired, worried, wound up, demanding, difficult, disturbing, enervating, exacting, exigent, grievous, heavy, onerous, oppressive, punishing, sapping, stressful, tedious, tiring, tough, troublesome, trying, wearing, wearisome, weighty, burdensome, agitated, anxious, apprehensive, beside oneself, bundle of nerves, choked, clutched, concerned, edgy, excited, fidgety, fluttery, high-strung, hung up, hyper, in a tizzy, jittery, jumpy, keyed up, moved, moving, nerve-racking, nervous, nervous wreck, on edge, overanxious, overwrought, queasy, restive, restless, shaky, shot to pieces, strained, strung out, uneasy, unnerved, unquiet, up the wall, uptight, white knuckled, wired, worried, worrying, aggravating, annoying, arduous, demanding, exacting, exasperating, exigent, fatiguing, hard, irksome, irritating, onerous, oppressive, pestilent, provocative, rough, severe, sticky, strenuous, stressful, taxing, tight, tiresome, tough, tricky, troublesome, upsetting, vexing, wearisome, weighty. This defines me, right now.
So many "things" have happened in the past 2 weeks, that I'm barely able to handle it. But I am working through it all. I won't go into details here, but suffice it to say that the "roof came down upon me" and I'm "clearing the wreckage".
Around The Garden Center.™
Jeff & I worked on my condo's computer until almost 10pm on Thursday evening, installing Win-7 Pro and a few apps from the external HD. It's very slick, but not quite as many "bells & whistles" as Win-7 Ultimate. Yes, it's "stressful" and I found that I had no anti-virus protection when I logged-on Friday morning. I rushed to Norton's website and purchased "Norton 360" and installed it quickly. Starting over with installing dozens of apps, configuring them, moving data files back into each one from the external HD, is indeed stressful, and it looks like I'll be working at it all weekend. I shouldn't have done two computers at the same time; I should have spaced it out over a couple of weeks, instead. Too late, now.
Next comes my office machine: it's being replaced wholesale by Mark next week, and I'll have to go through it all over again. But at least I'll have the condo machine working fine by then. He's bringing Dad's repaired HP laptop back, and I sure hope it works for him for another few years.
I spent Friday evening configuring my home computer with apps and data. This time, no unnecessary "stuff"; just what I need to get things done.
I was into the GC&N Complex at 9:30am, only to find that the Main GH's water garden level had dropped 4-6" and needed a refill. Arthur came in and helped with that, but we also discovered that the frost-free hydrant isn't closing completely and is not draining down. Bitter cold nights could again cause burst pipes, so we shut-off all water supply to the Main GH, until the head unit can be replaced. Always something with a place this big.
Did you see Glenn Beck's Keynote speech at the Convention, on Saturday evening? Here's the full hour video of his great speech. Enjoy.
I got up very early on Sunday morning, went food shopping at WEIS, and then stopped by Mom & Dad's to visit for a while. I had a tire on my Jeep losing air, so I had to rush around to 6-7 gas stations to find an air pump that worked, and got it filled back up. I'll have to get a inner tube put in it, this week.
On Monday, I called Walton & Co, in East York, to come take a look at our 20-yr old Co-Ray-Vac Radiant Heating system in the Main GH, as one or more of the burners isn't working. Since the 20th Open House on Sat April 17th will probably be rainy and chilly, we're going to need to heat the structure for the 2,000 - 3,000 people who will come through that weekend.
Also on Monday, Jennifer and Arthur came into my office with bad news: the r/s of GH5 had collapsed onto the store Jap Maples, probably crushing them, along with hydrangeas (they can be cut-back and re-grown) and other unknown plants. I'll be going up there on Wednesday with my digital camera, and getting some pics for the insurance claim. Damn!
I'm getting a lot of calls and some visits from people who've sustained WInter damage to their large Jap Maples, arbs, leyland cypress and various other trees and shrubs. Sadly, I have to tell them that duct tape, glue and screews are not repair options. Judicious pruning might work, but often not as the plant is so heavily damaged, it will never be the same. Plant replacement will probably be required. They should know better than to shovel or snowblow the heavy, wet snow onto these plants. Now they pay the price. Happens every Winter.
Uh-oh, a ***Winter Storm Warning***, for up to 12" of new snow, has been posted for Wednesday through Friday. Dammit! We just don't need any more of this crap. I don't know how much more the already damaged GH5 can take; the others I'm not worried about since they're heavily-braced with hundreds of 2x4's, in addition to all the steel bracing. And power outages aren't fun, either. This is being called a "Monster Storm", as as cross-country blizzard will collide with a Nor'Easter and hammer the crap out of everything in its way. With predicted 40-50mph winds, it's going to blizzard conditions on Thursday. I think I'll just sleep-in late, and stay in for the day with the cats. I've plenty of provisions for them and me, so we'll be okay until it ends on Friday.
No, gold isn't a "good investment", or a "hedge against inflation". It's dogshit, and a total waste of your money, IMO. DO NOT BUY GOLD, from any radio commerical! Hang onto your dollars. Get them out of the banks and hoard them. The banks will soon collapse and be fully-owned and fully-controlled by the US Marxist-Commie Gov't, as is Wall Steet, the Investment Industry, GM, Chrysler, etc. Stay away from gold and silver!
I kept watch on the weather maps as the two blizzards converged, knowing full-well that we were going to get 6-12", despite what New England and Northeastern PA was was going to sufer. I turned-in around 9:30pm, with thoughts of a 5-stack of French Toast in the morning, and working on the "Media Reviews" section of my v3 site, to convert it toi v4, as I'd done with the "Advertising Links", on Wednesday. I'll get that done and up on the server.
I crashed at 9:50pm, tired from a long day and many new problems; I wasn't going anywhere on Thursday, anyway. Just staying inside to weather-out the snowstorms.
I was up at 5am to feed and water the cats, and it was finally beginning to snow, although most of the Nor'easter had passed northeast of us, here in PA. Unless it turns around and spins back into the area, we're through with the so-called "Monster Storm" as it heads-up to New England, on the heels of another snowstorm, just 3-4 hours prior. I spent almost an hour on the various weather sites and their maps, but none of the snow was sticking to the hard surfaces, so far. I'm relieved and will go back to sleep, shortly.
I was back up at 11:30am, made a 3-stack of French Toast, and re-checked the weather sites and maps: nothing. The storm was moving up into New England and seems to have missed us almost completely. Nice to have caught-up on my sleep, though. Now, they're predicting the worst will come tonite, as it turns back on itself and becomes a "true Nor'easter". I have my doubts on this one, and I won't be disappointed if we don't get a single inch of it. I decided to stay home for the day; nothing pressing at the office.
After re-checking the weather maps, I could finally see the Nor'easter finally starting to turn back upon itself, bringing copious amounts of moisture in from the Atlantic, and preparing to dump heavy amounts of snow on PA. I think I'll stay home Friday and work on the gdnctr v4.0. I'll call Arthur on Saturday and see if he wants to join me in plowing and shoveling out the Complex from Blizzard III 2010.
The "Virtual Cabin"™: A Novella.
Since I was "stressed" beyond belief, I "left" at mid-afternoon on Saturday and arrived at my 1,500ft driveway, and with Jenny (aka "Mrs Mutt") in the Jeep, and in AWD, made short work of the drifts on the long driveway. Dusk was beginning to fall quickly. I pulled the Jeep into the lean-to, right next to the kitchen's side door. I drew my Kimber .45, chambered a round, checked for broken or jimmied windows, entered the cabin and checked all rooms & closets with my drawn Kimber 1911 .45cal; all was quiet, to make sure it was "unoccupied" and safe for me. The snow depth was still at 12-16", despite near-20s temps. I have Accu-Trac on the 2002 Jeep; no sweat. I quickly unloaded supplies as temps began falling into the teens. The LPG-powered generator kicked-on with the flick of a switch, so I decided to get the oversized hearth fire underway. I noticed truck tracks to the 2 x 1,000gal LPG tanks on the side of the Cabin, so I knew I'd just had a fill-up from Roy's Gas Company in Adam's Junction. Nice. His last bill was around $890, so I knew I'd be good to go for a few more months, at this rate of visitation and usage.
I had stacked a nice pile of split wood and whole logs on the back porch, from the firewood shed, on my last trip. The hearth roared to life and Jenny curled-up on her favorite bearskin. I fired-up the kitchen grille, made a 10oz Allen Bros filet mignon, with porcini mushroom sauce, salad, garlic bread and a cold Rolling Rock beer. I'd brought 2 assorted cases of Iams dogfood along for Jenny, plus 3 large bowls: wet food, dry food & water. Then I settled back into my favorite, overstuffed, comfy leather chair, and began reading "Rescuing Sprite", and sipping my favorite 50-yr old Cognac, while smoking a real Cuban Cigar (don't ask; I have connections). The wind howled and I walked over to the front bay window, to see the new snow falling outside. No dishwasher, so I did dishes by-hand, and put them in the drying rack in the double sink.
Once again, I brought my cellphone along, just-in-case, but had no plans to use it except in an emergency. This trip, I'd only brought the Remy 11-87 AutoLoader 12ga 18" barrel along and my daily carry sidearm, the Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45ACP. The Cabin was well-stocked with ammo for 5 calibers, but I didn't feel the need to lug all those guns along. In the Spring and Summer, when hungry bears and treacherous mountain lions are foraging for food, I bring the AR-10 .308 (7.62x51mm NATO) along, in case I'm hiking and run into "something real large"; then I know I've got serious stopping power.
Occasionally, Jenny would get up and go to her bowls on spread-out newspaper, to "gnosh" a bit, and then come back to curl-up, once more on the Kodiak bearskin. I'd also brought a large, heavy-duty PVC box for her to "do her business in" when I couldn't take her outside, during blizzards. I use "One-Step" kitty litter, with deodorizer, and kept it in the spare BR, on a 10' x 10' plastic tarp, just in case of "spills", but she's a fastidious dog and carefully buried everything she did. She keeps herself clean. All I had to do was scoop out the 'tootsie rolls', and refresh both pans once a week. They'd get a good cleaning in the Spring and she'd be able to go outside to her favorite "area" in the backyard, where I scooped them up with a shovel, and mixed them into the growing compost pile, 200ft down the backyard towards the stream.
It was getting dark by now, and I threw another log on the fire. Almost finished with "Rescuing Sprite", I pulled-up an Afghan for warmth and snuggled-in. I found myself drifting off and decided it was time to go to sleep. It was 8:55pm. I turned The Cabin's thermostat back to 68°F, from 80°F. Jenny would stay near the fire until it died down, and then come join me at the foot of the king-sized bed in the master BR. When I'm at The Cabin for 1-2 days, I live out of my suitcase; on longer stays, I unpack into the dressers and closets. I took a hot shower, and climbed into bed. Jenny soon joined me.
I was up early, put on my Turkish Bathrobe, made a 5-stack of pancakes & sausage for me, and fed Jenny with her Iams. I gave her a half-sausage as a treat, got dressed in layers of clothes and looked out the large bay window. Another 3-4" of snow. The temp gauge read 12°F. I pulled-on my 12" LLBean Maine Hunting Boots, tucked-in the jeans, grabbed my Air Force Surplus Parka and went out to start the 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. Turned-over first-time. Nice. I decided to leave her in The Cabin, and turned the heat back-up to 78°F, so she'd stay warm. I had some errands to run and didn't need her tagging along in all this cold snow.
At 20" of snow on the driveway, I backed the Jeep out, and followed my tire tracks in, the previous night. I'd need to get one of the local plow-boys to clear it for me this morning, as more snow was expected that evening. I drove the snow-covered roads into Adam's Junction, and was amazed at all the activity I saw, as compared with the deserted streets just two visits ago. I stopped first at Roy's Gas Company, paid his LPG Gas bill, and asked him if he knew any fellows who could plow-out my driveway. His son stepped forward, and said it'd be done before I got home. He fired-up his snowplow and roared out of town. I thanked him and left. Then I headed to the General Store, just to look around.
One thing I hadn't brought enough of was toiletries (soap, toothpaste, deodorant etc), paper towels and TP, so I plentifully-stocked-up on them. I have a large, built-in pantry, which can easily accommodate myriad items, and then some. A gallon jug of Clorox, 5 Comet cleanser cans, 5 boxes of Top Ramen Noodles in 5 flavors, ½ gal of whole milk, fresh bread and brown eggs, another case of Iams dogfood and "doggie treats", 15 jugs of distilled water, and I was good to go. Tab was $129, just about what the WEIS or Giant would charge back in York.
On my way back to The Cabin, I saw Roy's son approaching in his snowplow, flashed my lights, and we stoped side-by-side. I asked him if he'd had any trouble opening-up the 1,500ft driveway, and he said, "Nope; piece of cake compared to what I usually get myself into around here with these deep snows in northern PA." I asked "how much", since I'd be leaving tomorrow and wanted to get settled-up before I left. He said that $50 should cover it. I reached for my wallet, took out a $50 and wrapped it around a $100, as thanks. He nodded, put it into his denim shirt pocket without looking at it, and I thanked him. We drove off, but as I looked in the rearview mirror, I saw his brake lights light-up, and he spun around in the snow and began closing-in on me. He got on the light, siren and bullhorn and asked me to pull-over. Oh shit; maybe I did something to offend him, so I slid the Kimber out of it's Galco "Thumb-Break" Fed Paddle Holster, took the safety-off, chambered a round, and put the safety back on. He came around to my driver door, with tears streaming down his cheeks, and told me that I way overpaid him for what he'd done! He wasn't used to such treatment. I reminded him that this was a "down payment" on future plowings, and that he should bank the money for a "rainy day", for his family. He patted my arm, blubbered "thanks" two or three more times. I handed him some Kleenex, and told him he and his family were welcome at The Cabin, anytime. He went back to his truck with his head held high. I must admit I also had a tear in my eye, after that. These people were used to working for peanuts and never charged the real value of their work. Pity.
I was stunned when I arrived at The Cabin. The driveway was cleared right down to it's gravel base, and cindered/salted; the lean-to's roof had been cleaned-off of 2-3ft of snow, front, side & back porches had been hand-shoveled and swept clean and salted; the woodpile on the back porch had been replenished and tarped; and he used his own Lock-DeIcer to free-up the 3 doors' keylocks, so I could get in all three entrances. I was impressed with him, and his Dad; good, fine Americans, not the kind you find these days anymore. I pulled into the lean-to, unloaded all that I'd bought into the pantry, fired-up the generator and turned the temp back-up to 80°F, and re-lit the massive hearth fire. I was both euphoric and much-pleased that this kind of America still existed, this is the kind I grew-up back in the 50s and early 60s.
By now it was almost 1pm, Jenny was hungry so I fed her the Iams "Beef stew", and I made myself a quick brunch of 2 grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup: "comfort food" from back in my childhood. I took two adult 324mg aspirin, and I noticed that all that "stress" had finally gone away, and that my BP was returning to "normal": 127/ 75. I have an Omron BP Cuff which I carry and use to check myself, since I'm on 4 BP meds/ day, since starting my own small business 20 years ago.
I finished reading "Rescuing Sprite" and put it in the "finished stack", and went back to "Unintended Consequences", which I started weeks ago, on my first sojourn here. It's some of the most fascinating 2nd Amendment reading you'll ever encounter, given to me as a gift from my good, Conservative friend, "flytosail", now living in NH with his lovely wife. I had started and stopped it several time, due to old eyeglasses Rx, but now that those are remedied, I can plow straight through it, no sweat. Likewise, the 3 other novels he'd given me, by author Jeff Head: "Enemies: Foreign and Domestic", "Domestic Enemies", Foreign Enemies and Traitors". These new tri-focals are wonderful, while that old Rx was very limiting, and for my target shooting as well. I was ashamed to admit I hadn't updated the glasses in 5-6yrs, but now I have and it's like having "new eyes".
I threw a few more whole logs onto the fireplace and kept reading through the day, hoping not to hear my cellphone's unique ring (remember that unusual "24" CTU telephone Center in LA?) This is that distinctive "ring" on both my cellphone and email. It didn't and all I missed was some Antonio Vivaldi music playing in The Cabin, but alas, "silence is golden" in this case; I need the relief. Perhaps in the Spring & Summer, I will play my beloved Vivalidi once more. Right now I crave and opt for ***silence***.
It started snowing again here in the mountains, and within an hour, we had another 1-3"+ on the ground. I moved one of the more portable chairs over to the large bay window, to watch the snow, of which I've been fascinated since a "wee lad" in the early 50s. For my 6th or 7th birthday, Mom & Dad bought me a wonderful Gilbert starter-chemistry set, replete with 15x microscope and lots of chemicals, plus an included 50s atomic chart. I took the microscope outside onto the backyard picnic table, and collected snowflakes with tweezers, pressed them between ice-cold glass slides, and looked at all the different shapes, patterns and sizes. Then, I accidentally set fire to the free-standing garage, and my Parents took the chemicals away, leaving my only the microscope, which I cherished until one of the compound lenses cracked, and it wasn't worth getting repaired. Memories of the mid-50s. Ha!
Dark was beginning to set-in, and I made dinner for myself & Jenny, and got ready for a good sleep, from a busy day. I took a hot shower, dried-off with a lush Turkish Towel and slipped into my lush Turkish Bathrobe, turned down The Cabin temp to 68°F and climbed into bed. It felt good to sleep. Jenny climbed into bed with me and curled-up at the bottom of the king-sized bed.
I was up early on Sunday morning, turned-up the heat, fed Jenny and went "back to York" to visit Mom & Dad, food shop for the condo, fill-up a low tire on the Jeep, and then came "back" to The Cabin for the day. I shoveled-off the front and side porches, and then I head Roy's son, Randy, coming-up the 1,500ft driveway with his plow, clearing-off the 2-3ft drifts, right back down to the frozen gravel base. We waved, he turned around and left. I guess he still felt "obligated" to plow me and help where he could, after I'd slipped him the $150 for his requested $50 effort. Next time I'm in town, I'll want to sit down with him and explain why he doesn't need to do that anymore. As far as I'm concerned, he earned the $150 and my debt is paid-off.
I fired-up the The Cabin heater when I arrived, carried-in a load of split-wood and a few whole logs for the massive hearth, and got that going. Jenny was asleep on her bearskin rug, as usual in front of the warm, dying embers of that morning's previous fire. I opened a can of Iams Lamb Stew for her, and she gratefully wolfed-it-down, lapping some water to wash it down, and returned to he Kodiak rug, as the fire caught hold and The Cabin warmed-up considerably. I poured a snifter of Brandy, settled into my comfy chair in front of the massive hearth, and began reading "Common Sense". I skipped the Cuban Cigars, and smoked a few Marlboros, instead; cigars are for long-term enjoyment and I only had a few hours before I needed to be "back at the condo", to deal with my two cats, and make plans for the Monday morning's coming ice/sleet event, as well as Tuesday's snowfall. Certainly not enough time to fully-enjoy a 10" cigar; relighting them is awful, IMO. Best to smoke/ puff them through to their conclusion.
After getting halfway through that tome, I decided to inventory the panty and freezer, for all future visits. Conclusion: well-stocked and plenty of everything for when TSHTF and/ or just a "getaway". No need to bring-in further supplies, for now, unless 2-for-1 sales proliferate, and then I'll stock-up.
I stipped the bedclothes from my king-sized bed in the large Master BR, washed & dried them, added another soft wool blanket to the mix of down covers and pillows, and made-up the bed, as I would be leaving withing a few hours, realizing that I had a very full week ahead of me "back there" at the Complex, getting ready for my Office's Win-XP Pro-Windows-7 Pro conversion, and any/all problems which dad had with his "refurbished" HP laptop, from Mark. I cleaned-up the kitchen, vacuumed the Oriental rugs, and brought-in more split-wood and whole logs to stack by the massive hearth.
I finished "Common Sense", and put it in the growing pile of finished/ but, to be re-read books, near my comfy chair. I took out the garbage bags to the road in the Jeep, roped them 10ft into the pines; Monday was pick-up day, and I wanted to be rid of that so mice, bears, mountain lions and other critters didn't rip the bags open and make a mess. The garbage collection guys appreciate that.
I decided to take a drive into Adam's Junction, a few miles down the road, to cruise the pristine streets, angle parking, and check-out shops etc which I hadn't seen before, for one reason or another. I fired-up the Jeep, brought Jenny along and easily got out of my new-plowed driveway, thanks to Randy, Roy's son. I stopped at the mailbox, picked-up the utility bills and junk mail (discarded that at the gas station whre I refilled the Jeep, and motored into town. Streets were full, people were back from Chuch in the "Sunday Best" with ove3rcoats and scarves, and life was returning to "normal", after the murderous, subhuman muslim threats to "dirty bomb nuke" the town, simply because I had taken-up "virtual residence" there. I'd dared them to try it, and I still do; I'll kill everyone of those subhuman mohammedans, in a heartbeat!
I hit the center square of town, and went west; then back east on Main Street. Most 19th century homes, well-cared for. Same for Broadway, running north & south; pristine 19 & 20th century home, extremely well-cared for. I noticed Roy's Garage, Bev & Tony's General Store, a ACE hardware store, a VFW, Salvation Army outlet, several Family Restaurants, an autoparts store, professioanl buildings with doctors/dentists/lawyers/accountants and the like, a defunct K-Mart with a Wal-Mart sign announcing "we're coming soon", a state liquor store, two beer distributors, several full-service gas stations, several schools, a hospital, one corporate office building, and a tiny pawn shop. That's about it for the business inventory, for Adam's Junction.
I stopped into the local Police Station and asked who "Adam" was; they said John Adams, a Founding Father of the Declaration of Independence and US Consitiution, and US President. I got another reply that it was Adam Smith, a town founder, from Scotland. Whatever. Confused, I left and headed back to The Cabin.
Pulling into the 1,500ft drivway, I noticed a group of 5-6 "hunters", in military camoflage, crossing my property, large-bore guns slung over their shoulders. I'd posted "No Trespassing, No Hunting" signs on hundreds of tees all about the properties' borders, in no uncertain terms. I also had two sign on my driveway, saying: "No Tresspassing. Tresspassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again". I'd thought that was enough, but obviously it wasn't. Nothing was "in season" right now, so there was no valid reason for them to be on my land. I stopped the Jeep about halfway up the drive, and yelled-out to them, asking what they were doing here. That did it.
All of them executed a left-turn and headed towards me and the vehicle. The guns came-off their shoulders, and were now held in the crooks of their arms. I reached under my parka and loosened the 1911 Kimber .45ACP, extracting 2 additional 8-round mags from my l/s Galco Mag Carrier. I was truly outgunned — never bring a .45 to a long-gun fight — if they decided to get obstinate over me as a "newcomer". My Remy 11-87 Auto-Loader 12ga was loaded with slugs and in the Jeep, but if I walked to get it, they'd know something was up. I decided to play it cool.
I waited until they arrived and greeted them with a smile, and an invite into my cabin to warm-up, have a sip of 50-yr old Brandy. They declined and said that the property had been in their family for generations, and that no signs would keep them out. I reminded them that they no longer owned the land, that it was legally mine, and that they had no right to be there, without my permission. The one guy with an Iron Cross patch on his jacket, bristled, and began to aim his Winchester 30.06cal, my way, but was blocked by the eldest in the group. "You're the guy who took-on the DHS at the Town Meeting, as few days ago, aren't you? I nodded. He said that he and his brothers would respect that and my property.
Just then, two local Adam's Junction Sheriff's patrol cars pulled into my driveway, and 8 deputies got out, guns drawn. I walked over to them and said that everything is okay. The Sheriff pulled me aside, and told me that these 6 guys were Holtzapples, and known Neo-Nazis, hated Jews, Blacks and all "outsiders", except that they'd seen me stand-up to the DHS "jack-booted-thugs" in the recent Town Hall Meeting, and had a modicum of respect for me, as opposed to all other in-town. They were noted troublemakers, and that the police have been "after them for a long time". I shuddered at what might be coming. Dammit.
I walked back over to the 6 Holtzapples, and talked to the eldest, saying that I'd appreciate it if they stayed-off my property in the future. They all bristled at that statement, but agreed to it, partially because of the 8 police officers encircling them. I walked over to the Jeep, slid the slug-loaded Remy 11-87 Auto-Loader from its Eagle Bag, and carried it at my side. I put the Kimber back in its Galco "Fed" Paddle Holster and the 2 x 8-round mags back in their Galco Paddle Carrier. I grabbed a handful of .00 buckshot and slugs, and shoved them into my parka pocket, just in case. By then, the troublesome Holtzapples were heading-off my property toward the road, where their Chevy Blazers & Jimmmys were parked. I'd hoped I'd seen that last of those people, but I probably haven't, long-term.
I thanked the Sheriff and his Deputies for showing-up, and lending support to me in my confrontation with the Holtzapple Clan, but they warned me that those scumbag Neo-Nazis would be back in en force, one day, and cause some real trouble. I made a mental note and decided to have a heavy-duty security system installed at The Cabin. I used my cellphone and called my GC&N's Complex's Security Company, Choice One, to take care of it, plus driveway sensors. Even with all my firepower, I couldn't fight them all off without adequate warning and some "help" from the local authorities.
I went back to "The Cabin", shut things & utilities down, and headed "home to reality", until I "felt the need" to return. Which might be during the newly-arriving Blizzard III of 2010, on Thursday nite and Friday.
Fonts For You™.
Many Journal entries are best viewed in the Charrington Roughened and the Orlando typefaces. You may already have Century Gothic on your Windows-XP machine, and that's almost always used for the body copy or subheads, so grab it, if you don't already have it; you're reading it now. They're free from my website. Grab 'em! Save them to your HD, and install to C:/Windows/Fonts (folder), thru your WIN XP Control Panel > Fonts > File > Install New Font. Simple stuff; just takes a few minutes.
Here are a few others, which have been used in my Journal: Papyrus and Acoustic Bass, and Caesar Regular and Carleton and Charrington Strewn and Catherine. If you get and install them, you'll see how much nicer these pages are to view and read. Plus, they add to your repertoire of available fonts in MS-Word, as WIN-XP System Fonts, so you can use them for your daily documents.
Here's a new one, for your Windows/Fonts folder: Sketchy.
Things Which Make Your Eyes Squirt Blood™.
Hey, Kevin Smith: either lose 250lbs or pay for 2 seats, you obese pig! No apology needed from the airline, IMO!
Some People Just Need Killing.™
It's not my intention to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter to me, at all — and rid American Society's innocents (especially our precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly) of them, once-and-for-all. And yes, I'd rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers/robbers/child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey; call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Just RIGHT!
Thank you, North Carolina, for making my month! 3 executions of subhuman filth, but alas, 3 execution stayed by governor asshole.
Total f•cking bullshit! You murder someone, you should DIE, as punishment! I'd extend that to rape, child molestation, rape and murder, too. The subhuman filth of all societies must be *permanently removed* from society, and not just by prison, which they can get out of in 15-20 years, or less. Execution = zero recividism, and that's the way it should be, in a perfect world. But these UN Commies want to do away with the death penalty, which costs the taxpayers millions and wastes resources.