It's bad enough that roadside junk merchants and mass merchandisers are selling plants and nursery stock these days. Neither they nor grocery and hardware stores are qualified or licensed (why not PA Ag Dept?) to care for and sell these items, regardless of how many times their Assistant Manager has cut grass or the hired Master Gardener (not a "Master" at all if working for these places) has a certificate hanging in the employee coffee room. If the so-called Master Gardener was truly so, they'd be working for a real Garden Center or Nursery. Anyone with eyes can see the condition of these plants in a grocery or hardware store; fluorescent lighting was never meant to replace the sun. Watering, cultural information, care and aftercare? Forget it. They're incapable of even the basics here. So why do so many people around these parts buy plants when they buy milk, bread, hardware, TV's and such? Convenience. After being brought to the store, the plants are in terrible condition inside the store and worse outside. Actually, these supermarkets, hardware, mass merchandisers, roadside junk merchants and grocery stores throw away more than they sell. They've originally bought-in sub-standard grower's surpluses, and the plants fail quickly in their new, sub-standard environment. Most or all of these plants should have been composted for fertilizer, and not sold in the first place. Plants and nursery stock should be bought on quality, not price. Buy shoelaces and dry-wall screws on price, they're commodity items, plants aren't. You shop around for the best quality on other items, why shortcut the plants? Sometimes the world is a funny place.
In addition to carrying only Premium Dark Bark Mulch, we feature over 900 varieties of perennials, 200 varieties of annuals and herbs, over 100 varieties of ornamental grasses and bamboos, and more than 1600 cultivars of nursery stock, ranging from the common to the very rare, unusual and hard-to-find. Our Collector's Rare Plant Nursery has been supplying gardening enthusiasts for over seven years, and is a must for connoisseurs and serious collectors. Our Nursery Division can supply any request from the common to very rare and unusual material. And if you need a tree or shrub moved, we feature a special team capable of easily moving anything from 1-inch to 10-inch diameter trees. Call us for a free consultation and estimate. Our Warranty: is unmatched by anyone, anywhere, and is one (1) year from date of purchase if you install the plant material; it is five (5) years if we install the material. Call, write or email us for a complete copy of The Warranty. It's also online right here. Drop by our Website on The InterNet for a tour of the Garden Center & Nursery. It's located at for those digerati among you out there who are connected on-line. |