the snake
+ in +
the white house

Friday, January 12, 2001

t never ceases to amaze me that there truly is two levels of Law for America: one for "them" and the other for "us". No, I'm not naïve; I'm a realist after the past eight tortured years of stinking Clintonism. (Warning! This ABC article is really prejudiced lib-dem shit, but worth reading for the twisted perspective it provides.) This is more accurate. But with the hopefully, joyously, imminent pending indictment of President Bubba Jeffy Clintoon for perjury, suborning of perjury and obstruction of justice, that justice as we've come to know it, will truly be changed. I'm not going to hold my breath for too long, though. For the past eight years, both of the Clintoon slimeballs and their lowlife cadre of scumbag criminals have skirted the Law and skated freely around the Truth. If you or I had done what he did, we'd already be serving time in a federal prison. There are millions of people who support the indictment of this corrupt, lying moron. Clintoon's scandals and crimes are prodigious. Now, the OIC (Office of Independent Counsel) is finally empanelling a federal grand jury of 23 Citizens to determine whether to bring charges. As is the State of Arkansas contemplating disbarring the Clintoon son of a bitch for his crimes. Like I said before, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Truth and Justice to will out. Am I turning blue yet?

Around The Garden Center.
Mother Nature must have felt sorry for us since we were "missed" by last week's year-ending Millenium Blizzard which pounded New Jersey and New York City. She ordered up a mini-blizzard for last Friday which dumped 3-4" of wet snow upon us in a few short hours. Wow, did it ever come down fast; then it moderated to flurries, just enough to make the roads slick and cause lots of accidents. I sent Lynn, my General Manager home at 11am, but I had to stay since my weekly cleaning service was at my condo until 2pm. Drat, it would have been a nice day to snooze on the couch in front of a roaring fire.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened my monthly bill from my natural gas provider: a 60% cost increase over the same period in 2000, for almost the same amount of gas. Jeeez, what a shock. And it's going to get worse as the Winter wears on. November and
December 2000, and January 2001 were three of the coldest months in my recent memory.
But hey, compared to -70°F in Siberia, and wind chills below -100°F, we're sitting pretty warm and cozy, comparatively speaking. Go outside in the cold to have a smoke? Catch a cold or pneumonia? Hmmm, I don't think so. I own my business and smoke in my office when I want to, and no cretinous lowlife government moron is going to interfere with my rights. A lot of my customers express relief when I light up at the conference room table; they're tired of being told by others not to smoke. (Hey, I'm not gonna intentionally blow smoke in your face, but I'm sure as hell not gonna go outside and smoke, inside my facility. Hey, since you're the visitor here, if you don't like it, go to the NO SMOKING section; I don't frequently visit there, so be prepared for a long wait.)
Over the past few weeks, a large Red-Tailed Hawk has been visiting the Copper Beech (Fagus sylvatica "Atropurpurea outside my office window, during his search for food. Since hawks are meat-eaters, primarily feeding upon rodents, all the other birds scatter for cover when s/he (how does one know?) shows up. It is a wondrously powerful creature; so elegant in flight as it soars on the winds above the 20ac Garden Center complex. There are plenty of field mice for it to feed upon here, now that Pickles is less active during the Winter months.
Here's a guy in Pennsylvania who is paid to collect and dispose of roadwhack. I do it for zip, and bury them where I find them. I couldn't bury a ~45lb dog last Thursday, laying along the road, because the ground is frozen. So I put it into a plastic garbage bag and placed it behind the Storage Building until the ground thaws and I can give it a proper burial. I've buried close to 100 cats and dogs so far, just in southern York County, in my 11 years here. I curse the owners who let their animals run loose and breed wantonly. May they rot in Hell.
Yes, the economy is slowing down noticeably. I've seen it coming for almost a year, and the signs are making headlines everywhere. Companies closing up completely (Montgomery Wards), closing stores (Sears), laying off employees by the thousands, the US Economy creating fewer jobs than in previous months, et al. It does not bode well for the near and mid-range future. My own business has felt the ripple: sales were up but revenue was down 11% over '99, less Gift Certificates were sold for Christmas and we were hurting for quality workers all year. 2001 may be a mixed bag, who knows? Well, some people claim to know.
The weekend was uneventful. I spent Saturday watering the dormant hardy nursery stock in Greenhouses 1-5, and cleaning out all the dead (from cold) houseplants and tropicals in the Main Greenhouse. We're now closed on Sundays during Winter, but I went in for a few hours to feed Pickles and do some paperwork. On Sunday evening, I cooked a 5lb Italian filling stuffed prime rib and made au jus sauce, for my GM, Lynn's family, and myself. My two condo cats loved "their share" of it.
On Monday, we had another wet "mini-blizzard" for a good 6-8 hours, but temps hovered at 32-34°F, so not much stuck to the roads until nightfall when temps dropped back into the 20s. By then, I was long asleep and impervious to what was going on "out there". By Tuesday morning, a fresh 1-2" layer of white covered everything and it once again looked like Winter. And it truly felt like Winter again: the thermometer outside my office window read a mere 19°F, with a howling 23mph northwest wind and a wind chill of -5°F. Nonetheless, I went to a 2pm meeting at the Southern Regional YMCA for Spring landscaping, and people keep calling to get on "the list" for Spring work. Temps moderated on Wednesday to around 38°:F and I had three meetings on customer's sites; hell, it was downright "balmy" outside as compared to the previous two months.


January Gardening Chores.
As all the gardening catalogs continue to arrive, here's a list of things to do for January as you kick back and relax with that steaming hot cup of cocoa, in front of the fireplace:
»Order seeds,
»Sow seeds of warm-season annuals,
»Sow seeds for hardy spring-blooming plants ,
»Cut back on feeding houseplants (do not feed dormant houseplants),
»Sow seeds for cool-weather vegetables ,
»Sow frost-tolerant perennials indoors.

Dumb Republicans.
What is it with all of these GOP'ers and their illegal aliens? Why does anyone need undocumented workers doing domestic and handyman work? There are plenty of such legal services available in every city and town, without having to resort to housing/ hiring/ paying illegals.
Christie Whitman (Gov R-NJ) revealed she'd had two in '93, and now Linda Chavez (Labor Dept appointee) reveals she'd had one in '91-'92. And, a shitload of lib-dem filth also had illegal immigrant problems, too. So maybe it's a dumb politician problem, where skirting the US Law is a fun thing to do. I don't know anyone who employs illegals. Hear that, INS (Immigrations & Naturalization Service)?
Oh, there are lots of wholesale grower nurserys in the US who use illegals to tend fields and do menial work, since few if any Whites want the work. And the INS (Immigrations & Naturalization Service) keeps tabs on the problem; hell, just a few miles south of my 20 acre complex a company called Phypon (plastics mfgr) has been raided several time by the INS and PA State Police for illegals in their workforce.
Sooooooo, Linda Chavez bites the dust. What she did for the illegal immigrant is to be commended, but W shouldn't have walked into that minefield. W allowed lowlife lib-dem filth to screw-up his Cabinet picks, right off the bat. She was a great candidate but a huge liability. And OH!, there are more to come. It ain't over yet. It's not "their" fault; they're lowlife subhuman lib-democRAT slime, and we've come to expect it. It's W's fault and he should have made sure she was "squeaky" clean; no loose ends to pick nits with, as lib-dem slimeballs are wont to do.


Liberal DemocRAT Garbage.
It's legion, the lowlife moron cretinous scumbag liberal democRAT fudge-packers, whining, bed wetting and hand wringing, vetting the various liberal oldtime mainstream media, whores and homos that they are. Failed lib-dem programs by the score.
Sore Losermans: the lowlife blacks in the US Congress. What morons those scumbags/scumbagettes are.
Still think Clintoon was responsible for this booming economy? Read this. Bubba Jeffy Clintoon was an moron.
Another democRAT criminal is going to prison. Lowlife scumbag ex-Gov. Edwin Edwards is facing 20+ years prison on political corruption charges, along with his morally-retarded son Stephen and three other men of extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from businessmen applying for riverboat casino licenses. Hopefully, all will be gone for a long time. Good riddance. Hmmm, he got 10 years; certainly not enough for the lowlife shithead.
I'm sorry to hear about any dotcom company laying off workers. Usually, these people are just "worker bees", who execute the HTML et al dictated by the elitist left wing wacko lib-dem slimeballs, for example, at The NY Times. All the pity. Fire the homo, commie socialist, elitist, democRAT-loving trash, and liberal, lowlife slime editors; not the web technicians.
Tony "the lib-dem commie scumbag" Blair? Hit by a bloody tomato? Hooooo-f*ckingggggggg-a-a-a-a-a-ayyyyyyyyyy! He's a f*cking socialist-commie-leftwinger-wacko lowlife moron scumfilth. Should have been a grenade!
At least Socks The Cat doesn't have to frequent the lowlife White Trash Clintoon morons anymore; he's got a new life with Betty Currie, Bubba Clintoon's former secretary, who let herself be corrupted by the Monica Lewisnky Whoredog Scandal & Impeachment. Shame on her. Enjoy the new, better and much cleaner life, Socks.
There's no power crisis in California. It's the left wing wacko environmentalists who've wrecked the state's ability to generate its own power by Killing the generating plants, all under the cleverly-disguised mantle of communism and socialism, for the past 20 years. Serves the f*cked-up state right for listening to all those morons. I have no sympathy for any of them, except my sister in SF. I hope she's smart enough to get out soon.
Well finally, a poll suggests most Americans are glad Clintoon is leaving office. Too bad it didn't happen 4 years earlier.


morons and Scumbags.
No, I'm not necessarily talking about lowlife liberals or democRATs here, just some of the scum de la scum who ruin the rest of the World for all the rest of us.
Remember the fat, stupid lardass judge who persecuted and prosecuted Microsoft and ordered them broken up, which they're now appealing? Thomas Pennfield Jackson? Yep, he's back. Now he's making disparaging remarks about Gates & Co; like there's not enough out on the Net already. This Jackson is so f*cking stupid that he can't find how own ass with both hands. A typical lib-dem shit for brains and no one to rein him in. The MS Trial is one of the major factors which caused the Tech Sector and the US Economy to tank.
Here's some wacko bitch whose '97 piece of shit Ford Explorer flipped and left her a quadraplegic (vegetable), and she now thinks she's on a "mission" to make all products more safe. Both Firestone (unsafe tires) and Ford (documented unsafe Explorers) have settled out of court, like idiots. Who is to say she wasn't driving excessively fast and weaving unsafely. Someone ought to be merciful and pull the bitch's ventilator.
Gee whiz, Apple is coming out with some 733Mhz models; what shit. My 933s at home and work blow away anything that tired old company can produce. Macs and Apples are shit, pure and simple. Always have been. Why people would even buy that shit is beyond me. I've used them and they crash more than Win v3.1 and Win95 combined. Jobs is an moron, who has bilked and hoodwinked millions of idiots worldwide.
Another so-called "professional athlete" with his third DUI in 3 years. Just f*cking lucky he's not in Pennsylvania or New Jersey or a real state. In DC, they apparently don't care to enforce the law if you're an athlete or politician. Here, that lowlife scumbag would already be in prison for the second DUI in 2 years (3-5 years in prison), and no third one would have happened. Three in 3 years means 7-10 years in prison.
Oh here we go again: people suing airlines because of their personal health problem, which the airlines had and have nothing to do with. Scumbag passengers who are in poor health with deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) blood clots are now claiming "economy class syndrome", are suing the airlines which carried them. Just like the fraudulent suits against tobacco and gun manufacturers and corporate race discrimination, this f*cked-up world is lawsuit happy and wants money. I say tough f*cking shit: take some responsibility for your pathetic lives. Hopefully, a judge will throw it all out before it gets very far.
Here's another moron suing McDonald's and her mother over some spilled hot coffee. The last suit garnered the plaintiff something under $600k. Just amazing that the US Court System lets scumbags like this bitch ever get the suit into a courtroom.






Race Pimps.
Instead of working honestly for a living, blacks with a low mentality are targeting Microsoft for racism. Yeah, sure. It would appear they've spent too much time taking cues from America's worst race-baiting bigots: Irrev Jesse "Hymietown" Jack-scum and Irrev Fat Al ""interloper Jew scum" Sharp-scum, both with no visible means of support, except from out of court settlements with cowardly white owned companies. These two are truly blacks, in the worst sense of the term.
I sure hope MS takes it all the way through the US Legal System, exposing these race pimp filth as frauds, instead of settling out of court, as their ambulance chasing race pimp lawyer wants.
National Review carried an interesting article about race pimps who sue for "race discrimination", as being a part of business, like pilferage and theft. We're not talking about Blacks, we're talking about blacks, like Jack-scum and Sharp-scum.
Fact is, blacks love to play the victim role.


Execute These Subhuman Filth.
I can't believe these 7 pieces of shit are still loose. After escaping from a Texas prison and Killing a police officer, they're running wild. Hell, get an Army Special Forces Team in to track and whack them. No more trials or prison; simple and sweet execution for all. Huh? A lapse in procedure? Well, duh, sure that's how they got loose, morons. Someone f*cked up.
There are a few categories of lowlife subhuman dogshit filth who deserve immediate execution prior to commission of their crimes: murderers, rapists, child molesters, armed robbers, arsonists, traitors. If not prior, then certainly afterward, wo/ benefit of trial.
I love this story: a rapist cuts his own penis off and flushes it. That should happen to every rapist and child molester, several weeks before they're executed.
I'm happy as a pig in mud when a right-thinking judge overrides a wimpy jury's "life in prison sentence" and gives a murderer the "death sentence". That's the way it should be: murder, rape, rob, molest someone and you die. You're a menace to society's innocents and you deserve to rot in Hell. Only liberal slime want to "rehabilitate" the subhuman shit-scum. 'Nuff said.
The gutless Brits failed to execute two child murderers; now they're going to protect their identities after they're released back into that f*cked-up, wimpy society. The two subhuman filth should be tracked down and executed by citizens, if the courts are so gutless as to not do their duty to society.
Here's a Maryland child molester and murderer who really warrants execution; instead, the state has released him. You figure it out, Sherlock, because I can't.
Seven members of a murderous DC drug gang who've executed 18 people are going on trial. Whaddya wanna bet they'll only get prison, instead of the death sentences they so richly deserve?
I love it: a murderous piece of subhuman shit on death row "wants to die instead of lingering" after 21 years, far too long anyway. Give the lowlife his wish: execute him! Of course, it's the shithole California (600 on death row!), so they'll string this whole process out for many more year, lib-dem moron filth that they all are.
Damn, Oklahoma was scheduled to execute 8 pieces of subhuman filth this month, and I've not heard a peep about it yet. If they kept that schedule, it'd tie Texas and make 2001 a great year.
Well, at least after shooting and Killing three other Asians, the Asian gunman had the decency to whack himself. Saves the US Taxpayer some bucks. Just a "clean-up" fee.
Another "Angel Of Death"? Well yes, if the patients OK'd it. I have no problem; everyone should be in charge and control of their own life and destiny. But, it it's murder, execute him for it.


F*cked Company: The Dot Com Deadpool.
A variation on the classic celebrity death pool game, F*cked Company invites savvy business watchers to bet on the demise of shaky Internet companies. Points are awarded relative to the severity of the company's downward spiral: IPO delays, staff layoffs, tanking stock prices, funding failures, etc. A clinically filtered news section offers the latest casualty reports, and confirmed whacks are verified by Dotcomfailures, whose motto reads "kick 'em while they're down."

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