weather to die for
friday, july 29th, 2011
in my 21 years of founding, building, owning and operating my business, I can't remember there ever being such a prolonged period of heat and humidity, resulting in so many deaths out in the West and Midwest, and now here in the East, Northeast & South.
I do remember when I was General Contractor for the excavation and building of the Complex, starting back in May 1990, that on that July 4th Holiday Weekend, it hit 107°F (not the Heat Index; screw Limbaugh's opinion) as Dave (my first landscape foreman), Milt (my long-time neighbor across Rt #24) & I were hand-digging-in locust fence posts with iron digging bars, for 1,000ft of a locust wood split-rail fence along the north side of my 20-acres. We sweated so much and
Un-Godly Hot!
There are many recorded instances of people dying from drinking too much water. Cattle and other livestock can also die from too much water consumption. I had no idea until years ago, when I read about a 22-year-old Brit marathon runner dying from too much water consumption at the end of the London Marathon's 26.2-mile race in 2007, in only 75°F (23.5C) temps. (That's merely a mild mid-Spring, over here, chaps.) Apparently, the excessive water upset the "electrolyte balance" in his brain, and he keeled-over and died. Another 28-year-old runner died in 2002 in the Boston Marathon. Another died after the 26-mile 2002 US Marine Corps Marathon, from the same condition. Three died in the 2009 Detroit Marathon. Two people died at the end of the 2009 Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in San Jose, California, and one person died at the 2009 Baltimore Marathon. The condition is known as hyponatremic encephalopathy – which happens when the brain becomes swollen because of a critical imbalance of sodium – runners drinking too much fluid, including sodium-laden "sports drinks", which can dangerously dilute the blood sodium levels in their brain cells. Go figure.
I make sure that my Landscape Crew – Alan's in his mid-50s, Arthur's in his early-50s and Jon's is his late-20s – have plenty of water, take frequent breaks in the shade, and above all, pace themselves. I'd provide salt tablets, as we players-in-conditioning used to get on the JV & Varsity HS Football Team from Coaches and Trainers in the early 60s, when we did 2 physically-excruciating and exhaustiing, über-hot morning/afternoon 2-hour practices per weekday, during July and August, but that's now outlawed by the "nanny-state", commie-run FDA. I can't even dispense simple aspirin to anyone with a headache anymore.
Around The Garden Center
I got-up at 3:45am, just slightly groggy from the Ambien® CR™, but quickly rid myself of that feeling with some Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal w/ Cinnamon & Nutmeg, Country Sausage and Turkish-Grind, French Roast Drip Coffee, fed & watered Murphy when he later woke-up and joined me as I was scanning Net weather station forecasts, and getting ready to leave for work in the dark at 4:45am. It was already 81°F and very humid. It would be a very, very ugly Friday, Saturday and probably Sunday, too.
I opened the Complex at 5:20am, and got it and the irrigation system running; no small feat. No tripped GFI switches (presumably due to grid power surges) as with Thursday, so everything worked just fine. I set the Controller Program to 15mins/ Zone and let it run. Plants were wet, but turning brown all over the place, and they would take time and much water to recover. I started on paperwork, and finished the article for "Pennsylvania Gardener" Magazine; now I'd have to go through 200+ pics in a folder and choose 6-8, number-key them to the article, write captions and send the article (in WIN-7 Pro's MS-Word/Office v10) and them to the editor by Thursday the 28th, as Friday was the deadline for the November issue. No pressure.
By 9:30am, it was already 89°F, climbing rapidly, and the humidity was stifling, much like a sauna bath. I had everyone "sign-out" on their weekly timesheets at 11:30am, so dad could get their paychecks done, and we could leave before the day's *heat* really got bad. I had my usual 8pm Church Board Meeting to attend; luckily, it's actually "cold" in the basement room where we meet, next to the choir's auditorium and restrooms. In the Winter months, we actually have to wear jackets, it's so cold down there! Getting there and back wouldn't be any big deal, as I had a good sleep last night, as opposed to Wednesday's restless, weird dream-filled night of very little "quality sleep". Bless that Ambien® CR™ when I need it! At 10am, it was 91°F and rising. By 10:33, it was 93°F and still rising. The record was 107°F, set on July 3rd, 1966. Now, THAT'S HOT! I sent everyone home at 11am, for their own protection.
Just as I was closing-up the Main VWGH (VanWingerden Greenhouses) Retail GH, the pump quit on the large indoor double water garden, and Alan & I had to switch-out 1,800GPH pumps in the heat and humidity, with the GH closed-down and heating-up quickly, so the Koi wouldn't die from lack of O2 and hot water. We both were drenched with sweat, finished as quickly as we could and got-the-hell-outta-there. I chained the front gate with a sign which read: "Closed Due To Excessive Heat ~ Re-Open Monday at 8:00am". On the way home, I had two quick stops – the dry cleaners and the bank – to make and the Jeep's Overhead Console's Outdoor Digital Compass/Temperature Gauge kept climbing until it hit 102°F/ 112°F Heat Index, at precisely 12:02pm. I just smiled; dunno why.
It was nice to get home, turn the AC down to 76°F, activate the large, vaulted ceiling fans, shower and get into some dry, fresh clothes. At 1:30pm, a recorded call from Met-Ed Electric Co came asking me to turn-up the AC, turn-off extra lights, not unnecessarily open the 'fridge etc. Okay, I can do that. Then, I got a 2nd and 3rd recorded call from them, and was starting to get irritated at repeated calls on the same topic. Once was enough, IMO. I made a Grilled Cheese, Fried Egg & Ham Sandwich, a bowl of Sun-Dried Tomato Soup and had a ½ pint of Lemon-Raspberry-Orange Sherbet for a "late lunch", along with a 3hr "nap" on the condo's LR King-Sized couch, with the AC reset to 80°F, all lights off, and with only the ceiling fans and computer running.
On mid-Friday afternoon, after my "nap", I packed my gear for the Saturday-Sunday trip to "The Cabin": I'd leave for "The Cabin" after Steffi and I closed and left early at 11am, on Saturday. I decided to close for the entire weekend, and re-open on Monday at 8am.
Severe t-storms suddenly rolled through the York area, waking me up at 4:30pm, and dropped temps from 102°F to 75°F in a matter of 10-15 minutes. In East York, we got heavy thunder and a brief shower, but nothing like the damage compared to what other areas west and south of us, received: power & telephone lines down, trees and limbs down and traffic snarled with 2-3" of rain and road/street flooding and accidents aplenty, as reported by WSBA 910-AM Radio. More were headed toward us, but without all the severe Red & Yellow Cells during the t-storm's first pass through. By 6pm, temps had climbed back-up to 99°F.
My Church Meeting over at 9:30, it was still hot and muggy but a mere 82°F and the ride home was irritating since I had a "tailgater" right on my back bumper for miles. I slowed down from 45mph to 30mph, pissed him off, and he passed me doing 65mph+ on a double-yellow line, right in front of a York County Police Car, sitting in a Rutter's Convenience Store parking lot, with RADAR. Needless to say, the LEO (law enforcement officer) was on him "like white on rice" and I'm sure he "regrets" his dumb actions. Once again, I smiled. Murphy was waiting for his goodnight feeding and drink at the sink, and I called it a night, as 4:30am would come all too soon.
It did. I was tired from getting home from the meeting at 10pm, and not going to bed at my usual 8pm hour. So I slept until 5am, woke-up with some cold water to the face, fed & watered Murphy, and made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Pancakes w/ Cheddar & Blueberries, Smoked, Slab Bacon and Turkish-Grind, French Roast Drip Coffee in my Chemex System. Normally, I wouldn't hurry to get into work until around 7am, to open by 8, but since I'd be closed today due to more *excessive heat*, and Steffi & Jon wouldn't be in until 8 to water the 5 GHs, I'd take my time this morning. Upon arrival, I found scores of pieces of containerized plant laying-down, set them up, and turned-on the Irrigation System, on manual override to do all 13 Zones. We're still closed on Sundays anyway, for the rest of July and all of August, on our "Summer Hours" Schedule. No one would be in for any retail business anyway, so all we had to do was water the GHs, and make sure the Nursery Irrigation System was working, and then we could leave around 10:30am, or earlier.
I had watering to do in the Main VWGH (VanWingerden Greenhouses) Retail GH, which I had Jon do instead, 6-8 pics to select (from hundreds) and captions for the "Pennsylvania Gardener" Magazine article and would work on that pending project instead of watering, re-schedule a tree digging/installation to mid-September, as well as take all batteries out of my numerous rifles' & shotguns' electronic scopes and sights. Many were "expired" (aka dead) and needed replacing, plus I needed some spare packages of batteries (to keep in the 'fridge) for future use. I also had to transport several cases of bottled water left-over from the 2011 Open House back to my condo's basement for storage, with all my other "provisions", in case of a TSHTF "emergency", like an EMP nuclear blast.
I got an "earworm" from WSOX-91.6-FM Radio, on the way into work – "Land Down Under" by Men at Work – and kept playing it so loud in my Office that the Main Retail Building was (((shaking))), over and over on my Office's HP Logitech TFX v5.1 Z-906 Surround Sound System; same audio set-up as I have at my condo on the identical super-fast HP hard-drive in the HP Pavilion HPE h8se series (WIN-7 Pro).
Steffi, Jon & I finished-up at 9:30am, left and I stopped at the cleaners to pick-up shirts, which hadn't come-in yesterday, and at a local Church's Car Wash and had the Jeep washed/dried, for which I donated $15, twice what the others were "donating" for the kids' work. After getting home, I emptied the 3 cases of water bottles, loaded my weapons and gear, fed & watered Murphy, turned-up the AC to 80°F and left for "The Cabin". (Jump down to The “Virtual Cabin” – A Novella; if you please.)
I was back in my York condo by 4pm, unpacked my gear and unloaded the weapons, watered & fed Murphy with his usual Fancy Feast® Catfoods, which he loves. I took a 2-hour "nap" on the couch, and then watched Food Network TV's "Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives", with Guy Fieri, and picked-up some good recipe ideas for my "future cheffing routine", whenever I get around to it again.
I made an Allen Bros' medium-rare 10oz Filet Mignon, with sauteed onions & roasted red peppers, in butter and olive oil, with crusty Italian bread spread with garlic paste, butter & parsley. Mmmmmm, so good. I gave Mrphy a nice piece of the steak and he dvoured it; it's been a while since I made Filet Mignon, since beef's price (8 10oz Filets) has gone up almost 50% in the last 13 months, thanks to 60-70% of Nation corn production being diverted for the mileage-killing and bogus, dumbassed-idea Ethanol crap. Fo∅ are making billions, while US Citizens are getting SCREWED, again!
We have a full week of landscape work ahead, with temps finally getting down into the upper-80s & low-90s. I'll probably wind-up closing early again on both Friday and Saturday, if temps become dangerous like last week, when 24+ people died from the heat wave, just last week alone. I won't take any chances with my employees; I'll shut-down and send them home early. We'll make-up the heat-shortened hours later on in the season. It was still 90°F at 7:15pm on Sunday, so I knew next week would also be a hot and humid one for all of us.
My Mom (88) is undergoing L/S Neck Carotid Artery Bypass surgery on Tuesday morning, at York Hospital by Dr Taylor, after having successful R/S Neck Carotid Artery Bypass surgery almost 2 years ago. I'll be going to see her after her Tuesday morning surgery, after leaving work at or before 3pm, on Tuesday afternoon. Dad (87) will be with her during her stay and be bringing her home.
I decided to get to sleep by 8pm on Sunday, so I could get in early and work on the pending-deadline for the "Pennsylvania Gardener" Magazine article's 8-needed pictures, run the Nursery Irrigation System on short cycles for the 13 Zones to wet-down the plants, and get the LSCP Crew off on their daily jobs scheduled for the week. Murphy was close behind and we were asleep by 7:45pm. 4:30am comes all too soon, but it's back-to-work Monday, so I don't have a choice after my 1 day off per week in July & August. Then it's back to 7-days-a-week in September & October. Shit. Crap.
After another bad night's sleep – this time from back and Sciatica leg pain from a Saturday evening fall at the GC&N Complex, in the pouring rain, answering a false fire alarm call – and getting-up 5-6x during the night to take aspirin for the pain, 4:30am came much, much too early and I was dead-tired all day. I feel like I'm "living on Bayer® aspirin", now. I took care of Murphy's water & food needs, made a quick breakfast and left for work at 5:15, in the dark. I met with Alan, my Foreman, to review the day's and week's jobs, make a few plant substitutions and work on that magazine article's picture selection and captioning, so I could email all of it to their editor by noon on Thursday and be done with it. It's taking-up way too much of my time. Around 1pm, massive t-storms blew through the area, dumping 1"+ of rain, and we quickly powered-down all computers, but the #2 Front Counter wouldn't come back-up and it holds some important apps and data for us. I contacted our IT Folks in Baltimore, and they gave me some things to try on Tuesday. It's probably going to have to be replaced, as #1 Unit was a few months ago with a more modern HP, since #2 is one Jeff & I built ourselves almost 7 years ago, and it's probably "shit the bed" about right now, due to age and hard usage. I'll try some of Mark's suggested "quick fixes" tomorrow, but if those don't bring it back, it's probably "toast", and the unit will need replacement. I'd hoped to make it through this season before replacing it, but it's not likely now. I called it a nigh around 8:30pm.
Up 4-5x during the night with back and Sciatica leg pain, to take 2-3 325mg aspirin each time, I didn't get much sleep by the time 3:30am arrived; my 5am alarm de damned. I fed & watered Murphy, made Grits w/ Butter & Sea Salt, Smoked, Slab Bacon and Turkish-Grind, French Roast, Drip Coffee in the Chemex® Drip System, dressed and left for work at 5:15am in the dark, again. As with yesterday, the roads were empty until it got light and then the traffic began to get heavy. But by then, I was almost at work by 5:45, opened-up and got the 20-acre Complex up-and-running – a 20-30 minute job itself – by the time Alan showed-up. The LSCP Crew had to finish yesterday's job; Tuesday's job was moved into Wednesday, and Wednesday's job was moved into Thursday; those I had rescheduled on Monday afternoon with several phone calls to the various Customers involved.
I tried twice to get #2 Front Counter Computer working, per the routine Mark had emailed me last evening, but with no luck. It was DOA. With the oppressive heat finally – but only temporarily – broken by Monday's severe storms pushing a cool/cold front through, it would be a little more comfortable until the nasty, hot and humid weather once again arrived for the weekend. Natch. I'd probably be closing early, if not all-day on Friday, since it was predicted to hit 95-98°F, after paychecks were done and issued by 11am. Ditto for Saturday, as no one plants much of anything in this "Unending Drought From Hell" weather, now into our 17th year. After opening-up the Complex, I again tried #2 Computer at the Front Counter, and again was given the following audible signal: "AMD Bios Beep Code - 1 long, 2 short; Indicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information. CPU most likely at fault." Crap. Shit! What next?
I had Kim remove and clean-out everything from the #2 counter area, plant the rest of my Sweet Basil plants in the raised garden beds and do no watering all day, since all nursery and GH plants were overly-wet. She had plenty of other work to attend to, and I'll be working on the computer #2 re-wiring underneath the counter, on Wednesday morning. I closed at 3pm and drove to York Hospital to see Mom (88), who'd come through (her 2nd) delicate Carotid Artery Bypass surgery at 10am, just fine. Dad (87) was there with her all day and would go back on Wednesday to stay and bring her home that evening. Becky and I were also very relieved that she was doing so well, despite her age. After getting home, I fed & watered Murphy, and made a list of books abd DVDs that I wanted from Border's, just down the road.
My laser Logitech MX-3200 Cordless Keyboard & MX-600 Mouse quit working at the condo, when I changed its AAA batteries, just after getting the "red light warning", indicating low-battery power. No cursor movement, no matter what I tried. It was "stuck" on center-screen. The Cordless Keyboard worked fine, but without a mouse, I was SOL (shit outta luck). I tried different USB ports (9 additional to choose from) on the HP's backside, and WIN-7 Pro reinstalled the software successfully each time, but still no pointer movement. After several reboots, I gave-up. Fortunately, I had the original corded HP mouse and keyboard, WIN-7 discs etc in a box in my basement "computer museum" and subbed the corded mouse for the cordless unit, and I was back-in-business. What a frigging mess.
I drove back over to Border's Store just down the road from my condo, to shop their "40%-Off Going-Out-Of-Business Sale" and bought 4 Tom Selleck DVDs (7 total movies), but they were out of the 2 books and the other Tom Selleck DVD I was searching for, so I'll buy them online through's site. It was nearly 7pm when I finally got home, watered & fed Murphy, skipped dinner, and took a handful of aspirin for my back and leg (Sciatica) pain. I'd try an Rx Ambien® CR™ tonight – not a Lunesta or Ambien Generic version, but the "real one" – and see if that helps me get a good night's sleep. After last night's 3¼ hours of fitful sleep, I paid the price today and really need quality sleep tonight. I keep track of the number of times I get-up for aspirin pain relief, by the number of Marlboro butts in the bedroom ashtray in the morning; Monday night it was 5. Yikes. I was asleep Tuesday by 9pm, and Murphy joined me right away. No butts in the ashtray on Wednesday morning!
I was up at 4:45am at Murphy's "behest", wanting water & food, so I took care of "his needs", made Poached Eggs w/ Grits & Butter and coffee for breakfast, and headed out to work. At work, I found an old Logitech MX-3200 Cordless Mouse & Keyboard to take home and try, PLUS a new unopened Logitech MK700 Cordless Mouse & Keyboard box, as their replacement for the MX-3200, to also try Wednesday evening. I hate corded mice and keyboards, since I don't need "more damned wires" in my life behind the kitchen table, where my HP® Pavilion HPE h8m series (Win-7 Pro) unit, WD® "My Book" External Drive and Logitech® TFX v5.1 Z-906 Surround Sound System live.
Okay, I found the *teeny-tiny* connect button, well-hidden and disguised on the USB stick's underside and painted black (not red) so I missed it last evening, and reconnected the MX-600 Wireless Mouse, put away the corded mouse, so everything's "back to normal" with my cordless, laser MX-3200 Keyboard/MX-600 Mouse.
I watched one of the DVDs I bought yesterday – Tom Selleck's "Jesse Stone: Sea Change" DVD last night - and have 3 more to watch, 1 other "Jesse Stone" DVD which I had previously bought in January, plus a 3-set DVD with 3 of of his good western movies on it, to watch also. The one I really want is "Quigley Down Under", and will buy it through, since Border's was sold out the other day. I'm a big Tom Selleck fan, ever since I was an "extra" on one of his 80s TV Show, "Magnum, PI", on a 1986 show episode called "Little Girl Who?", met and had dinner with him, John Hillerman and Larry Manetti, when I was vacationing in Hawaii. I had it on Beta Tape, but can't find it in my 25-year old collection. Damn! I also missed his 2010 CBS-TV Series, "Bluebloods", but will purchase the 1st Season DVD when it becomes available in September.
I was asleep by 8:15pm and up by 3:30am, with Murphy close behind each time. I fed & watered him, made my breakfast of Country Bacon, Grits, Sunny-Up Eggs & Butter and coffee, scanned the weather and news channels for today's and the rest of the week's Summer-like weather – hot and muggy but not bad enough to close-down, really, since we had lots of landscape work to do – and remembered to re-send the that magazine article and 18 pics, since it all didn't go through on yesterday's attempt. Their limit is 10MB, and I easily-exceeded that, so I'd have to send it again today, in "batches". I left around 5:15am in the dark, and had an "engine light" come-on on the Jeep's dash. Dammit! It's always "something else" going wrong!
I stopped at Sheetz® for Marlboros® & coffee, and opened-up the Complex at 5:45am. I re-sent the magaine article and 18 pics for their November issue, in "batches", so it wouldn't overload their supposedly "wide (Net) pipe". I can receive 20Mb down and send 10Mb up, so my capacity is 2-3x of theirs. Poor babies; tey just can't afford a really "wide pipe". That done, I moved on to other piles of paperwork on my desk: 3 new plant lists and design/plans from Rich which I had to do LSCP Estimates for, and I'd done all current job billing as of yesterday. And I still have a pile of other paperwork which needs attention, and I'll get to that today.
High fructose corn syrup in fruit juice drinks? No, I gave it up on January 10th, 2011, along with all alcohol, chocolate, salt (use only Kosher Sea Salt), sugar (use only Truvia® Natural Sweetner), all candy, all dairy, bread and pasta, and lost 85lbs – from 247 lbs to 162 lbs – in 4¼ months. It was too much, too fast, and I needed to regain some weight and strength. Now, I eat "a very carefully-selected some" of those categories, in great moderation, and weigh-in at 175 lbs – down from 247 lbs! – and feel great. My BP dropped 61 pts. My doctor was very pleased and reduced my BP Rx meds dramatically.
My LSCP Crew finished the small job in nearby Felton, and were back early, doing needed chores around the Complex. Alan, my Foreman, and I met for a while and reviewed ypcoming jobs for the rest of July and into mid-August, with 2-3 more possibilities of much larger jobs coming-in through him, a local church and several customers on Saturday. We'd most likely make it through August and into our September-October Fall 25% Off Sale, without much problem. I could sleep a little better, except for the back and Sciatica pain. Thursday was a relatively-mild and cloudy day, with temps only getting into the low-80s, so it wasn't all that uncomfortable. Friday promised to get more ugly with higher temps in the low-90s and much higher humidity numbers. I closed-down at 2:45pm and headed home, fed & watered Murphy, worked on some Corporate Website Pages and called it a day around 8:30pm.
The “Virtual Cabin” – A Novella
I was on I-83 north and at the exit for the quaint old village of Adam's Junction in a few minutes, driving down the long road to The Cabin, and its 1,000ft, "Princeton©" American Elm-lined driveway. Once there, I parked the Jeep in front of the large deck & picnic table, on the right side of porch. After disarming the building I went in to see Jenny, brush, rub her down, and feed & water her. I called Randy on my way up and told him to stand-down until Sunday evening when I left, and would call him again to come by on Monday morning to resume care of her and The Cabin.
After unpacking my clothes and gear into the Master Bedroom and stowing some extra provisions into the well-stocked Kitchen Pantry. I grabbed a shower, some fresh clothes, and plopped myself down in one of the LR's comfy chairs to rest. I had some food and personal item shopping to do at Bev & Tony's General Store, and some freshly-baked crusty Italian bread and delicious "Hot Cross Sticky Buns" to get at Old Mrs Patagonia's Bakery, before they closed at 5pm today, for Sunday's Church Services, so I closed all the windows, loaded both the AR-10 .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO), with the Leupold Gold Dot Mark 4 CQ/T Scope, and Beowulf .50cal with an EoTech Red Dot Scope into the Jeep's back compartment, armed the building, put Jenny in the passenger's seat with the seatbelt on, and left for town. On the way there, I filled-up at Roy's Shell Gas & Service Station, Randy's father's place, where lots of truckers and scores of tourists now stopped-in right off I-83, in both directions. I had plenty of time, since it was only 10:30am, and a tepid but cool 73°F, as compared to a very humid and hot 95°F, when I left York.
I stopped-in at the AJ Police Station & Town Hall, parked in my #7 slot, next to all the shiny new Police Cruisers and their personal cars in the adjacent lot, put Jenny on her leash and went inside to the front desk. Deputy Alan was on-duty and greeted me. He was the one I had my doubts about making it this far, but he had, and I was glad he did. I had my Deputy Sheriff Badge on my belt next to my Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45cal ACP and my ID along, so there was no admittance issue. He notified Capt Clay that I was here, and Clay came out to shake hands and usher me and Jenny back into his spacious Captain's Office, replete with comfy chairs, couches, a large conference table, all kinds of new electronic displays and laptop computers and his framed commendations, badges etc all over the walls. I was impressed since I'd been in here last weekend and he was just getting the new office renovated. And he was impressed that I was impressed. He'd obviously put-in some long hours getting it to where he wanted it to be. Jenny curled-up on the large rug next to the conference table, and snoozed, while Clay and I talked.
He now had 3 Veteran Deputies – Tim, Alex, Lee and me (part-time), with Deputies Bob killed 5/1/11 and Charles killed 5/19/11 – and 3 new Deputies Jon, Arthur and Alan, hired 6/22/11, but he wanted 3 more to handle all the tourists, traffic and resultant growth problems/crimes which Adam's Junction (north end of Main St) was experiencing in the past 12-14 months. The Town Square was always packed with people shopping and traffic and If I didn't invent "The Virtual Cabin" to escape to, I'd have gone completely insane over a year ago, with all the burdens the lousy economy and traitors in DC have foisted upon me and my business. Although "virtual" when I'm there, it's "real" to me and I "come back" refreshed and ready for another week in the "real world". parking (east side of Square) was getting to be a real problem. What did I think he should do? I thought for 10-15 seconds, and said that since tourism drops-off to negligible levels in Winter months, there'd be no need for, or payroll to support 9 full-time Deputies plus Dispatcher and Civilian Clerks, but that "3-4, part-time Volunteer Deputies" like me, would be the most sensible and economical solution, IMO. He seemed stunned that he hadn't thought of it. Well duh, Clay! His retort was that "there was no one else like me available", with my 3rd Special Forces 101st Airborne (Green Berets) background, trained instinct and uncanny ability to size-up a situation and "conclude it", very quickly. I said that he should pick the 5-6 best he could find, let me train them and if necessary, "wash-them-out", if they couldn't "measure-up" to the AJPD & "my standards". He said he'd begin making calls to some of the Civilians he'd considered in the past, before meeting me way back on January, 2010 and when we first worked together with the Fire fighters, PANG (PA Nat'l Guard) and EMT medics rescuing many locals from melting, raging snow rivers and floods, back in March, 2010. He was a Corporal back then, and his (now late) father-in-law, Ray Bunce, was Captain of the then fledgling 3-man AJPD Police Force. Clay was promoted to Sargent right after we did the dangerous flood rescues.
Clay took me outside and showed me the new, unmarked Police Cruiser, also with a new, state-of-the-art interior, which he'd ordered for me to use instead of my personal Jeep. It would "take some getting used to", on my part as I like traveling "incognito" to a crime scene – less of a target for perps, IMO – but I'd hate to get my SUV all shot-up if it came to that point. My insurance probably wouldn't cover it, since it was technically a "company vehicle" and not to be used for other than that and personal purposes. So I gladly accepted the keys, moved my Jeep to the AJPD's personal car lot, and slid the new Cruiser into slot #7 for my use, when I was in town. My agreement with Clay was that *I could smoke in it*, unlike the other Police Cruisers in which he didn't allow any tobacco usage. I'd be responsible for keeping it aired-out, inside windows clean of cigarette film, and ashtray clean. I readily agreed to those conditions. He spent 25 minutes showing me all the electronics and how they functioned, the SWAT Gear in the trunk and emergency equipment I'd be issued to go along with that new "UNIT #7" Cruiser. We went back inside, I got Jenny and headed for the unit to "test drive" it, with her securely-belted in the back seat with a special quick-release, K-9 harness.
I told Clay that I could begin training his 3 New Volunteer Deputies after I'd "met and evaluated" them, in the week(s) following the 3-Day Labor Day Weekend, when I'd be training him and his 6 full-time Deputies in 3-man shifts, early on Saturday morning, per "his re-arranged schedule". After the sessions for the 6 Deputies, I'd join them on patrol, giving him 7 men in the field. I could also get down on Saturday after work and do a partial-shift, before the training started on Saturday morning at 7am. I also had a "final list" of "Special Class III Weapons" he'd need to immediately purchase for himself and the 6 Deputies to being them up-to-date, in order to deal with better-armed "bad guys", than the standard Police-issued junk they now had. He could have all their current weapons cleaned and stored in a locked vault, in case they were needed. The retail price was almost $96,000, but he could get them at the "nice price" through several trusted, local FFL (Federal Firearms Licensed) Dealers, in Harrisburg. He'd need to place the order *right now*, so as to have them available by September 1st, since all were restricted, Class III Special Police-Issued Weapons. He agreed and said he had almost $100,000 set aside for it.
I spent the next hour driving "off radio" in the new Cruiser, testing the computer, RADAR, license plate recognition software, NCIS Database access, low profile police Emergency LED Lights and 25-30 more abilities/options which new unit had available to me. Their old cruisers and my Jeep were "Neanderthals", as compared to these state-of-the-art units. About damned time, I thought. It was *sweet ride* and I decided to use it on all my subsequent visits when I'd be on-duty patrol, instead of my personal Jeep. I cruised through town, around the busy Bank & Maple Streets' intersection and through theresidential section of my 10-square block patrol area. People were noticing the new Cruiser and me, and waving! I drove back to the AJPD Parking Lot, slid into slot #7, removed Jenny, locked it and we headed to my SUV to finish my original shopping chores. It was getting on to 2pm. I had plenty of time left before most stores would begin to close at 5-6pm, for the day.
I got what I needed and drove out to Nell's Kitchen Restaurant & Drive-In for a Pan-Roasted Duck Breasts w/ Butter-Braised Radishes, Broccoli, and Brussels Sprouts, Noodle Soup & Dumplings and Cold Pasta Salad to go. I waited at Nell's Lunch Counter for the order to be packaged and boxed-up for safe, non-spill transport, since I didn't feel like cooking tonight, paid my bill and left a nice 25% tip, loaded the Jeep with the large box of dinner and left the parking lot with Jenny salivating the whole way back to The Cabin. She'd get some duck breast and her regular Iam's® Wet & Dry Dogfood when we got back home.
Temps had risen at The Cabin to 82°F but there was a nice cool breeze blowing through the 80-100ft tree canopy. I disarmed the building, took Jenny inside after a short walk down the driveway so she could "do her business" in the recently-mowed grass along the crushed stone drive. I locked/armed the Jeep for the night, closed and armed the building, turned-the AC to 76°F and laid-out the food in the Kitchen & Pantry, set myself a place at the Dining Room Table, after feeding Jenny. She was ravenous and thirsty. The food needed a quick, minor re-heat in the microwave and I added-in some crusty Italian bread smeared with roasted garlic clove paste and Keller's® Butter, and washed-down with Ocean Spray® Diet Blueberry-Pomegranate Juice. Man, was I full, and had left-overs for lunch tomorrow.
I took a shower and changed into some fresh clothes, wearing my Turkish Bathrobe to sit in one of the LR's comfy chairs, light a medium fire which immediately drew Jenny, also full from dinner, on to her Kodiak Bearskin for a nap. I searched the 1930s Oak Stacking Bookshelves with 8 drawers and the Glass Front, Antique Oak Barrister's Bookcase with 4 large shelves for a book to read, until it was time to sleep, for I'd set the alarm for 7am. I chose "The 5,000-Year Leap – A Miracle that Changed the World", a new one I'd picked-up at Border's on Wednesday at 50% off, when I heard they were going Chapter 11. What a shame, but not entirely unexpected. I'll be going back next week to see what's left at 40-50% off their remaining inventory.
After reading for a couple of hours, I decided to call it a day, and let the fire die down, checked all of the windows, doors and front/ rear spotlight arrays, armed the building and headed for bed. Jenny joined me within minutes, at the foot of the King-Sized bed. Jenny was snoring by 8:15 and I was asleep by 8:30.
I had another bad night; this time not from dreams but rather from R/S back & leg (Sciatica) pain. It's "back" after being gone for 6+ months. Maybe it's a result of carrying so much heavy ammo boxes, cases of bottled water, bags of canned food etc into my basement at the condo, last week, which aggravated it. I was up 2x during the night taking Bayer® Aspirin to ameliorate the pain, as it wouldn't let me sleep peacefully for very long. I got up for good at 4am, ate 6 aspirin, fed & watered Jenny, made breakfast and coffee for myself, tuened-off the AC and opened all the windows to air-out the place, and went out to sit on the porch at the picnic table, in the early morning light. It was getting on to 5:15am now. The aspirin helped take much of the pain away, and so did moving around. I let Jenny out on her leash, tied to the railing so she wouldn't go chasing any "wildlife"; it was just too early for a chance encounter with a black bear or mountain lion family passing through the 4-acre meadow in front of The Cabin. Besides, I only had my Kimber .45cal with me on the table. Although humid, the cool air passing under the tree canopy felt good, and the coffee tasted somewhat better than usual.
I saw Jenny stiffen-up and pointed to the meadow, and sure enough, a black bear and her 4 cubs were waddling through on their way to the stream, ostensibly for a drink. I went into The Cabin and grabbed the Beowulf .50cal with an EoTech Red Dot Scope, and 300gr .50cal rounds, causing massive damage to whatever it hits inside of 200yds, just in case they came this way for us. But they didn't even notice us. Jenny kept quiet, probably as a reasult of her last experience with one of those bears, which nearly cost her her life, if I hadn't intervened with my AR-10 .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO), with the Leupold Gold Dot Mark 4 CQ/T Scope, and .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO) ammo. I quickly untied her and took her back inside with me, as I sure didn't want to kill anything today, especially a momma bear with 4 cubs.
At 6am, I closed-up and locked the windows and doors (all have screen doors on them now), turned down the AC to 76°F to cool The Cabin off and get the humidity out, grabbed a shower and some fresh clothes and decided to take a drive through town and sit in The Square, and just "watch people" on their way to "early services" at one of the local Churches, for an hour or so. Adam's Junction had 3 churches: the original, massive stone Church near the center of town, and two newer ones; one Church on the east side and another one Church on the west side. I'd been to all 3 and hadn't made a decision on which to join, if any, yet I'd had "offers" from all three. Some of the other Town Square's "residents" were out and about, looking for breakfast, and I'd brought another 1-lb bag of unshelled peanuts along to feed them, as I have on previous occasions. Soon, there were so many of the little hungry and aggressive "critters" after me, that I had to throw all the peanuts on to the walk, quickly-abandon the Park bench and take a walk around the Main Street shops & stores, which were closed. Getting clawed or bitten by squirrels isn't my idea of "fun". And my Kimber 1911 .45cal would make a real mess in the Park area. It was afterall, Sunday morning at 8:30am and gunfire in town wouldn't be appropriate. Sometimes, "discretion is the better part of valor". In this case, it certainly was.
As I was walking, Deputy Tim drove by, hit the brakes, parked in the diagonal space just ahead of me and called-in a "10-20", so he and I could talk for a few minutes. He was concerned that he might not "pass my training standards" and lose his job. I assured him that that wasn't the case. This was just "a training exercise to bring all of them close-to-my-level of proficiency", and that no one's job was at stake. Capt Clay had assured me of that fact. He was relieved and promised to do his very best to learn what I taught. That over with, Tim drove off to his regular patrol assignment of the 10-block residential neighborhood, which used to be my assigned patrol area, before it was increased to 30 square blocks, after Deputies Charles and Bob were ambushed and murdered, back in May. They were both family men, gentlemen and we all missed them.
I was walking back to my parked Jeep, when I saw the red light on the Police Radio blinking, indicating that "something" was happening, and after opening the door and sliding-inside, picked-up the mic and asked for a repeat. Deputy Alex had answered another "domestic disturbance call" (the most damgerous type along with simple traffic infraction stops, IMO) just a few miles east of where I was, and he had been pinned-down by shots coming from the main house and adjacent woods. It sounded like another "ambush" to me. I had my AR-10 .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO), with the Leupold Gold Dot Mark 4 CQ/T Scope, and .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO) ammo in the back seat in its Eagle Carrying Bag, and got a location to respond to for back-up.
When I arrived near the scene, I parked some ¼ mile away, out of sight and range, grabbed the AR-10 and 3 extra mags, notified Deputy Alex and the Dispatcher that I was on the scene and to be careful to whom they returned fire, since I was now in the same woods as the ambush sniper(s). I made my way along a tree line and thick brambles, and could see him aiming at Alex's Cruiser, which had taken several hits to the windshield and driver's door. Alex was behind the car, with what looked like a tourniquet on his right leg, obviously having been hit and losing blood. I radioed for an ambulance and EMTs, as well as for Deputy Tim and anyone else nearby, who could take charge of the scene after I killed the sniper. Sighting through my Leupold Gold Dot Mark 4 CQ/T Scope, I could see that he had a Winchester Model 70 .243cal hunting rifle with a fixed Bushnell Scope and had Alex well-sighted-in. He fired again, narrowly-missing Alex, who was about to pass-out from the loss of blood.
I sighted-in on Triangle and fired, hitting it and dropping him instantly. Another perp stuck his head and 30-.06cal deer rifle w/ scope out from behind the adjacent tree, and I headshot him between the eyes. Both were dead, and all shooting ceased. Just then, the ambulance passed by my Jeep and I radioed that two were down, but the house hadn't been cleared or secured yet. Then I began scanning the two-floor house and saw another rifle, through the curtains, pointed toward the approaching ambulance and other Police Cruisers, and I fired again. The blood splattered all over the moving curtains and open window's glass, and another POS went to Hell, quickly. The .308cal round's kinetic energy is so deadly at a 300-800yd distance, there's just no chance of survival from "Triangle" or head & "center-mass" body shots. I kept scanning windows, and saw another rifle barrel sticking out a 3-4" gap in the open window. I fired 3 shots at the window sill and just below the barrel, which the .308s easily-penetrated, with more blood splattering the blinds and glass. 4 down, and who knows how many more were still around. I kept scanning the main house and 2 outbuildings, where I saw another rifle barrel portuding from a slightly-opened door. I fired 3 more into the door and the rifle fell as the perp crashed face-down, outward through the open door into the dirt, quite dead. I went back to scanning the house and saw nothing more to fire at. Capt Clay, Deputies Tim, Jon and Alan had arrived and roared-up the driveway in their Cruisers, after I gave the "supposed all-clear" to enter and secure the buildings and weapons.
The EMTs quickly got Alex on an IV blood transfusion and rushed him off to Memorial Hospital, where he'd undergo some reconstructive leg surgery for his wound. He'd recover and be just fine, they said, as no arteries or veins were hit, though it was very "colorful", I'd seen much worse, but the shinbone was broken and he'd be in a cast (and desk duty) for 6-8 weeks. Lucky him. Deputy Jon found a cowering, beaten woman and her children in the house basement, and Clay discovered a small meth lab in the outbuilding where I'd shot the scumbag through the heavy wooden door. The woman had made the call on her cellphone, after being beaten by her husband and his meth-making buddies, all of whom were now in Hell, awaiting Final Judgement. I was just happy to "hasten the meeting" with their Maker.
Coming out of the woods, I'd secured the 2 dead perps' weapons and also helped Jon secure the house and the 2nd outbuilding, with Clay. The Coroner's Wagon arrived within minutes of the "all clear" from Clay, and began the necessary photography and "tagging & bagging" of the 5 dead. Shit, what a Sunday morning. Deputies Alan and Arthur had blocked-off both ends of the road to Civilian traffic, yet a small crowd of neighbors had begun to walk toward the scene and were immediately turned-away. I gave my statement to Capt Clay, who called-in the PA State Police, DEA, BATF and CSI from Harrisburg. About 25 minutes later, one of the Feds' UH-60L Blackhawk "Black Choppers" landed on the adjacent lot and 6 DEA guys got out and took immediate charge, since they're always hunting-down meth and coke labs in the area. I gave my Badge number & ID info, plus statements to 2 of them, as did Clay, Tim, Jon, Alan and Arthur, and then they "dismissed us until further notification". Once again, the Feds were PO'd that I'd killed all 5, since now they had no informants to question for leads, but what was I to do? Just allow one or more to keep firing at us until the Feds arrived and could "talk them down from the tree"? Screw that shit! I did what I had to do, and told them so in no uncertain "four-letter words". They quickly understood, when they saw Alex's shot-up Police Cruiser and his blood all over the place. It just wasn't an option at the time with 5 meth-heads firing at us. Once again, they offered no apology; just turned and walked away.
Thoroughly disgusted, Clay, the Deputies and I left the crime scene to the Feds and PA State Police, who'd arrived a few minutes earlier. The SBI (State Bureau of Investigation) are nice guys, only doing their job, and not as self-obsessed, obnoxious and dictatorial as the Feds are. I headed back to The Cabin to clean my AR-10 on the DR's empty wooden table, after spreading-out 5-6 protective sheets of newspaper, and getting the right Hoppe's cleaning kit for it. That done, I put it back in the Eagle Carrying Bag and brought-out the other rifle and shotgun, started packing my gear, changed the bed linens, did a load of laundry, cleaned the Bathroom, put the dried dishes away, emptied and refilled Jenny's 2 litter boxes on the rubber tarp in the 2nd Bedroom, bagged-up the garbage for pick-up on Tuesday, which Randy would handle for me. No vacuuming was needed, as I used my new Dyson® Vacuum last weekend and it is just amazing! The Cabin's windows (and 3 Winter glass storm door units) needed an inside/outside washing, and I'd do that on next weekend's visit.
The woodshed was 90% full, and Randy had cross-stacked almost 2 cords on the back porch deck, plus had another 60-100 3ft logs ready to be split and seasoned, along with the gas-powered, log-splitter I'd bought last Summer, sitting near the shed. He'd get it finished by October 1st, and I'd pay him nicely for it, since all the wood was logged-free from my 43 acres. I cleaned-out the fireplace ashes and re-stacked the splitwood on the raised iron grate, with a 3ft log and 10-15 extra pieces of split firewood, next to the hearth. It was now 3:30pm, and I was ready to head back to York, after feeding, watering and brushing Jenny one last time, until next weekend. If the weather was as bad as this weekend, I'd close on Saturday – we're closed on Sundays for both July & August "Summer Hours" anyway – and leave after my Friday 8pm Church Meeting. (Go Back Up To "Around The Garden Center".)
Things Which Make Your Head Explode
Another 400,000+ people are again out of work, just last month; over 10,000 last week alone. This is a DEPRESSION, NOT a "double dip recession" or "Summer of Recovery", you shit-for-brains, racist, commie, lowlife dirtbag ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy! Got it yet, moron?
The FDA says that walnuts are illegal drugs and now wants to "regulate" all walnut sales, and they also want to "regulate" Cheerios©! Cheerios© cereal? Are you frigging kidding me? The FDA is a "killer agency"; it needs to be totally-defunded and disbanded, as does the EPA, BATF, IRS, NEA, Planned Parenthood etc. Where's the duct tape? My head is exploding!
Sabotage by an American insider at a major utility facility, including a chemical or oil refinery, could provide al-Queerda with its best opportunity for the kind of massive Sept 11th "anniversary attack" (the very dead) Osama bin Laden was planning, according to US officials. A new intelligence report from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued Tuesday, titled "Insider Threat to Utilities", warns that "violent extremists have, in fact, obtained insider positions," and that "outsiders have attempted to solicit (White) utility-sector employees" for damaging physical and cyber attacks. It's all "Whitey's fault", isn't it? Blows my mind when I think of all the illegal, subhuman, murderous muslim and black muslim running around this Nation's unprotected borders.
A dumbass, moronic La Mesa man who posted racial epithets and a call to "shoot" Barack Obama on an Internet chat site was engaging in constitutionally protected free speech, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday in overturning his criminal conviction. Shit-for-brains, Walter Bagdasarian was found guilty two years ago of making threats against a major presidential candidate in comments he posted on a financial website after 1 a.m. on Oct. 22, 2008, as Obama's impending victory in the race for the White House was becoming apparent. Bagdasarian told investigators he was drunk at the time. Idiot!
Lowlife dirtbag, shit-for-brains, liberal-demokkkRAT asshole buttboy, Peoples' Republic of Maryland Gov Martin O'Malley (TRAITOR-MD) said that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (RINO-VA) and the "dinosaur (GOPers) wing of the Republican Party" are actively trying to ruin the economy by undermining debt-ceiling negotiations. Another idiot lib-dem piece-of-lying-shit.
The corrupt, criminal, junkie politicians in DC are like drug addicts: uncontrollable spending – not on drugs – but wild spending of We The Peoples' Money!
When are black Americans going to "wake-up" to what ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy's doing to them? No, the lowlife sambos (and white trash) will never wake-up, but who cares about them; they deserve killing, as do all subhuman "flash mob" trash and filth, regardless of color. Ditto any white trash who participate in that shit! KILL THEM ALL!
Wynn Resorts' billionaire CEO Steve Wynn, speaks the truth about ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy's, urine-soaked "wet blanket business policies and other weird political philosophy". Bravo, Steve!
Why are American Jews so naive and self destructive? Are they still suffering from the "Gas Chamber Mentality"? This girl's murder was a "prime teaching moment" and they all completely ignored it. Pity on the Jews. In this country about the only people that stand in the defense of Jews are the Conservatives and "evil" Christians. Subhuman, pig-fucking, dirtbag muslim garbage, Naveed Afzal Haq, should have been tortured on-the-spot, and then slowly killed for what he did to her.
Years ago, right after 9-11, I said this horror by al-Queerda, was going to happen to us in America. They'd go after schools, hospitals, VA Hospitals, corporate offices, nursing homes, shopping malls etc, where Americans are unarmed and unable to fight back and kill them. It's happened in Mumbai and now a massacre in Oslo, who was totally unprepared for it, and will only get worse in cities, towns and rural villages around the world and in America. Subhuman, pig-fucking muslim filth did all of them, and it's coming to a city or town near you! Count on it, all too soon. But the DHS thinks that "America's White Middle Class" is the real enemy, not the subhuman, murderous, pig-fucking muslim filth!
NO! to gay "faggot history" should be taught in any school curriculum, anywhere! Teach *what Americans have done*, not just homos and dykes.
So long, Border's; I will miss coming to your wonderful and convenient store, just down the road from my condo to buy my books.
Walnuts are "reclassified as drugs", and will be regulated by the commie-laden, corrupt FDA. This is insanity! I just bought 50lbs of Diamond Walnuts at Weis Markets in East York, for use in my Pesto Sauce. Fuck the FDA!
Goodbye, US NASA Space Shuttle Program. This is outright treason – high crimes & misdemeanors – by shit-for-brains, racist, hate-America, commie-loving, lying lowlife dirtbag, ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy, who should be tried, convicted and executed, IMO.
"The Pigford II Settlement" is a race fraud, outright scam and back-door reparations scheme, perpetrated by the criminals Eric Holder USAG and ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy, to pay-out many hundreds of BILLIONS OF US TAXPAYERS' hard-earned dollars to thousands of scammers who are NOT BLACK FARMERS, supposedly "wronged by the USDA", years ago, between 1983 and 1987. The *7-year statute of limitations* has long run-out, and none of them are legally eligible for one thin dime, let alone billions! Read this about it.
Who's "The Most Dangerous Man In America?" Read this and decide for yourself. I did and there are "several" of them mentioned in that article, IMO.
Another ignorant, inept, incompetent, brainless, liberal-demokkkRAT sambo, Baltimore mayoral candidate Otis Rolley, with an idiotic scheme to tax bullets while decriminalizing drugs. Moronic sambo asshole! That NEVER WORKS, commie shithead asswipe. Just like shit-for-brains, ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy!
Here's reason #1 why I don't donate to the GOP or any Republican organizations, anymore.
Aw gee whiz: the subhuman muslime filth are crying again about "islamophobes" disliking and hating them. FUCK YOU, murderous, subhuman muslim filth/ shit/gatbage/trash! Go suck a dead pig's asshole until its head caves-in, you son-of-bitches! I wipe my cat's ass with pedophile mo-ham-head and dirtbag allah, and your fucking koran crap!
Mitt "Shit" Romney (LIBERAL/RINO-MA) is dogshit – Romney believes in man made global warming. He originated RomneyCare, the father of ObamaCare, Romney supported gay rights, He supported the GM/Dodge bailout, He supported the bank bailout, He was for abortion until he ran for president, NO THANKS! – and 100x worse than ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy, the worst president in US History, IMO!
Jeeeez, this cop needs some serious vacation time and mental evaluation. I always present my PA-CCW with my PA Driver's License, Insurance Card and Registration, and tell any LEO that I'm carrying concealed, although I'm not legally-required to do so, I do it as a "courtesy" to the officer, whose job is hazardous enough.
Is a Big Mac© now a hate crime? Aparently it is now. Watch the video in the article. The racist, sambette bitch manager was fired; good riddance, 'ho!
Close down the USPS – it lost $8 BILLION last year and hundreds-of-billions in previous years – and replace it and its stinking commie union with a private enterprise, which will operate far more efficiently and economically, dammit! The USPS is another example of a useless Postal Carriers Union, and wasteful, Federal Dogshit, ingesting US Taxpayers' hard-earned dollars and delivering poor service.
The "Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine" is a commie-based group of lowlife, do-gooder, nanny-state scumbags, who want to run and ruin your life. They're ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy's assholes; don't listen to their outright lies and bullshit.
Idiot, moron, racist piece-of-sambo-shit, Benjamin Todd Jealous, douchebag president of the NAALCP (National Ass'n for the Advancement of LIBERAL Colored People) said that – HERE COMES THE RACE CARD! – "laws requiring poor people to have IDs to vote is Jim Crow" legislation. I would wager that the "poor" don't have much problem with an "identity problem" at the fraud-filled welfare office. He blamed "racist elements" in the "Tea Party" movement for new voting requirements, which he said have "disenfranchised minority voters in dozens of states", as HIS shit-for-brains president, ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy, prepares to seek re-election in 2012. Fuck you, Jealous asswipe! Get an ID for yourself your "poor folks" and PROVE that you're eligible, racist pig-boy scumbag! Real American blacks should be totally-embarrassed by this shit-filled, commie, liberal-demokkkRAT organization!
"The Great Recession may have affected Americans from all walks of life, but it took a dramatically lopsided toll on the personal wealth of blacks and Hispanics, erasing many of the gains made over the past two decades, a new report shows. The report, released early Tuesday by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, found the median wealth of white households at the official end of the recession in 2009 was 20 times that of black households and 18 times that of Hispanic households – the biggest gap since the U.S. Census Bureau began collecting such data a quarter century ago." Hey asshole: deal with it, YOU VOTED FOR THE INCOMPETENT, INEPT, DIRTBAG SAMBO, PIECE-OF-LOWLIFE-SHIT ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy!
Hey, Rachel "Bunny" Mellon: DIE ALREADY, dumbass, liberal-demokkkRAT moron bitch!
Someone please help me understand this. If the Oslo, Norway piece-of-death-deserving-shitscumbag, murderer, Anders Behring Breivik, was a "Christian fundamentalist", why did he kill 72+ Christian children, if he hated subhuman, murderous, lowlife, pig-sucking muslim filth and trash? Why didn't he kill muslim garbage, who truly deserve death?
Fuck you, Tulsa, Arizona jury and the subhuman, filthy, pig-ass-licking muslim whore, Samantha Elauf!
US Sen John McCain is truly mentally-ill, and should be locked away in an asylum. He's NUTS! I spit on him and his treasonous, Manchurian service in VietNam!
The SEIU is a corrupt, criminal organization and ∅bummer-asshole-sambo-boy is complicit in their many crimes against America.
Some People Just Need Killing
It's not my intention to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter to me, at all — and rid American Society's innocents (especially our precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly) of them, once-and-for-all. And yes, I'd rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers/robbers/child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey; call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Just & RIGHT!
Yes, I agree with the premise of this article, that "the death penalty is a Noahic Covenant with God, in a post-flood world", and America should apply it everyday to those deserving death for their crimes against society.Society's innocents — our precious, defenseless children and the frail, defenseless elderly — must be protected from predators, murderers, rapists, robbers and other subhuman filth, at all times and at any cost.
Thank you, Georgia, for making my week, as Texas did last week! Subhuman, piecce-of-lowlife-shit murderer, Andrew Grant DeYoung, was lethally-injected Thursday evening. On October 13, 1995, DeYoung was convicted in Cobb County of fatally stabbing his parents, Kathryn and Gary DeYoung, and his 14-year-old sister, Sarah. Good riddance and rot in Hell, asshole!
USAG Eric Holder is a treasonous criminal, and richly-deserves to be stood against a wall and summarily executed, after a US Military Trial and conviction, IMO.
Fatso scumbag, lowlife dirtbag pick-fucker, Rev Al "Kill The Jews!" Sharpton (CRIMINAL-NYC) needs summary killing for his many, many, many unpunished convictions of crimes, including murder (Freddy's Fashion Mart); NOT a TV show on that liberal-demokkkRAT-controlled commie shithole, PMS-NBC TV. Stand that fat, racist, hate-America, hate-Whitey, smelly, bloated, hair-ironing, Pomade® nigga (not a black man at all) against a wall and shoot him, IMO! Justice would then be well-served.
Identify, track-down and KILL ALL THE MURDEROUS, SUBHUMAN mUSLIM BROTHERHOOD FILTH! They're shit-for-brains ∅bummer's buddies, and deserve summary KILLING, IMO!
The father of an admitted terrorist was convicted Friday of charges he destroyed evidence and lied to investigators to cover up his son's al-Qaida-sanctioned plot to attack the New York City subways in 2009 as one of a trio of suicide bombers. A Brooklyn jury found the father of Najibullah Zazi guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice at a trial detailing the disintegration of a working-class family of Afghan-Americans amid chilling allegations of homegrown terror. KILL HIM!
Last week, hate-America, anti-US Military bitch and traitor, "actress" Jane Fonda said in a statement posted on her website today that the QVC television channel canceled an appearance they had scheduled with her today to promote her new book "Prime Time," blaming the cancellation on what she called "well funded and organized political extremist groups". In the same statement Fonda said, "I have never done anything to hurt my country or the men and women who have fought and continue to fight for us". LYING BITCH! In 1972, during the Vietnam War, Fonda took a two-week trip to North Vietnam, where she was photographed sitting on an antiaircraft gun that North Vietnamese forces otherwise used for shooting at American planes. She richly-deserves summary execution for TREASON, as she did 35 years ago, IMO! I'd volunteer to put a bullet through her liberal-demokkkRAT-commie, traitorous head, at no charge to US Taxpayers.
Subhuman, racist, piece-of-lowlife-shit, Malcom X-Crement, needed killing and may he continue to rot in Hell, where he so richly belongs. Don't waste my hard-earned tax dollars investigating the murder; it was mercifully-done by a fellow black, and that's all we care and need to know about it. Good riddance, asshole!
An Ohio jury Friday found Anthony Sowell guilty in connection with the kidnapping, abuse of corpses and aggravated murder of 11 women around Cleveland between 2007 and 2009. Fine and dandy; now KILL HIM and may he also rot in Hell!
C'mon Delaware, make my week! Execute the murserous, subhuman piece-of-lowlife shit, Robert Jackson III, convicted of killing a woman with an ax, in 1992. In 1992? Hell, it's now 2011! Better late than never, IMO!
The cowardly punks of al-Queerda v2.0 are definitely coming after America and the Western World? Bring it on, you subhuman, pig-fucking, lowlife, islamic shitscum, muslim-garbage-shit-trash-filth assholes! Side with them, ∅bummer, and you share their fate! Count on it, Kenyan asshole.
The baby-murdering Casey Anthony wants "no less than $1.5 MILLION per interview"? Hang the murderous, subhuman bitch! Her's my $1 toward the rope.
Why do LA Cops put-up with this destructive rioting bullshit from subhuman lowlifes? SHOOT THEM ALL! Make their blood run thick in the gutters, where they came from and belong!
Kill these two subhuman, filthy wetback garbage, asshole punk, Baez brothers! HEADSHOOT THEM BOTH!