GETTING TO THE CORE | Friday, June 20, 1997
With the warm, 80F weather here and seemingly staying for a while, it's easy to see what's causing the widespread problems: aphids. Green, large-winged aphids are eating everything in sight. There's an infestation on just about everything except rocks. During the growing season, Ortho's Malathion works well. The nasty little buggers ingest it as a residue on the leaves and are whacked. But since aphids are born pregnant, repeat applications will be required for the subsequent and almost daily-hatching eggs. Be sure to spray all surfaces thoroughly. I really hate to use chemicals unless it's absolutely necessary; IPM (Intergrated Pest Management) is the smart way to go in insect control. But the situation is way out of hand now throughout the county.
USA Today Article.
On USA Today's website, the piece appears at The Digital Frontier page. You can save the .50 newspaper price and browse it for free. Enjoy.
Some old friends have surfaced. People I lost track of ten or more years ago when I left NYC to start this business, have dropped a note after seeing the story about me. Great to hear from them again. Things will settle down again to it's usual humdrum level of about 100 per day, which I can better handle, as soon as the novelty of it all wears off. I hope.
Just Desserts.
It's a safe bet that Jim McDougal will be the 5th of Clinton's inner circle to wear stripes for the next three years. And according to him, Hitlery will be next. It'll be an interesting Summer.
No Plateau.
I am maxed-out at 9-10 on-site visits per day, get the design work done, produce detailed computer estimates and follow-up calls but by Friday, I'm exhausted. I look forward to the weekend, but then remember I'm working it too! Two and three hours of sleep per night, seven days per week just aren't enough anymore; I need six a night. This next week I'll try an experiment: crash immediately upon returning home and sleep as late as I can before the cats start chewing on me personally as their morning food. Maybe six or seven hours per night will revive me. This morning, I went back to sleep after getting up at 4am to feed the cats. Normally, I'd stay up and make breakfast and coffee, logon and get my email and then leave at 6am for work. Today, I got an extra hour of sleep and am much refreshed. We'll see how thigs go by 3pm or so; that's when I start feeling the lack of sleep, and begin dozing off. The frenetic pace is taking its toll in the sense of a longer journey. Remember: it's the miles, not the years.
AOLs Continuing Woes.