ATF's "Fast & Furious" Is Just One Example...

the government hydra
friday, march 30th, 2012
believe me, that video's the very last thing I ever wanted to know about our US Government. Until a few years ago, I've always held them up in a special place of reverence, and wanted to work for, and be like them, but that's now almost gone.
The more I dig, the more crimes and corruption I seem to find. I truly wish it were not so. (Some of the documents I found cannot even be posted here.) But I've concluded that much of it is sadly true (one must consider the "sources" of the following videos) and ongoing. And probably much worse than I've found, so far. I'm feeling sick about what I've seen, which appears to be "just the tip of the iceberg", thus far.
The criminal partnership with US Banks, numerous government agencies such as ICE Customs & Border Patrol, and the Defense Dep't & Pentagon, and the CPS (Child Protective Services), and the Treasury Dep't & FED, and the IRS, and the FBI, and the Homeland Security Dep't,
Finally, the US Supreme Court has stood-up against a mere *one* of the criminal, corrupt EPA's illegal activities, but that won't last very long. They'll soon "be brought into line" and made to conform to the Govt's demands; that's already underway, I'd wager. We'll soon see when they render their decision on America's Constitutional Freedom and Liberty in June, on the socialism/totalitarian bullshit, called "0bummerCare". The US Constitution is being shredded by hate-filled, intolerant, useless, racist, immoral liberals/progressives, right in front of us, a precious line at a time.
After researching those and scores more "documented" cases, I am both worried for America's Citizens and afraid for her future, from this grossly-overreaching, leftist-leaning Gov't that this Cold Civil War we're now in, will turn Hot. That's something we all don't want to happen. Meanwhile, the country is already going to Hell, more quickly than 90% of America even realizes.
A Day In The Life

On Friday, I was up at 5am again; "sleeping late" is nice, and Murphy's not happy about it, but it just wasn't in the cards. Having left the AC on, it was chilly in the Condo, so I turned-on the heat, and saw a heavy, dense fog outside hiding the Jeep in the driveway. I had to look twice to see my Jeep in the driveway. Of course, a silver vehicle in fog does tend to blend-in very well. I disarmed the Condo, fed and watered Murphy, made breakfast and coffee, and scanned the computer's weather/news sites. I had bills to finish and get into the mail, for a myriad of taxes, Condo's monthly maintenance fee, new roof project costs, utilities ad infinitum ad nauseum. It never ends.
I've been hearing on the radio, and now seeing it weekly at-the-pump, or whenever I fill-up the Jeep, that many people are only buying a couple of gallons of gas because they can't afford to purchase a full tank, which is now at 2x what we paid in 2008. It's going to get a lot worse in the coming months and years, especially if ∅bummer&Co are re-elected. We'll become Europe with $10/gal gas, simply with deeper pockets, but unnecessarily-gouged by our own corrupt government,
Heh, Home Depot® published my short review (click Reviews Tab) about their Shepherd 3/4" Heavy-Duty Self-Adhesive Felt Pads (20-Pack) product, as a "temporary fix" for my Kitchen's Breuer Chair, at the Computer. Of the 2 Reviews, I'm the first one (gdnctr).
I got home from 2 meetings and 3 errands by 4pm, decided not to go to "The Cabin" this weekend as I had too much to do here in York – I'll go up there for just part of Easter Weekend – ate a quick dinner of leftover Corned Beef & Cabbage,
After a good night's sleep, I was up at 5:30am on Saturday, watered and fed Murphy, made myself some breakfast & coffee, did a load of dishes and got ready to go to a 8am meeting at the GC&N Complex, with several of the Auction Buyers from last December's overflowing (865 people), nursery-wide auction of my closed business, who'd previously-arranged to pick-up their mulch/topsoil/B&B plant purchases. It would be a rainy and chilly 48-50°F – compared to yesterday's balmy 75– and sunny weather – day, so I broke out the raingear from the Jeep's Cargo Bay, before leaving. I needed it. The streets and roads were flooded/underwater 6-8-10" in many areas, and it poured so hard that it was often difficult to see clearly just 50-100ft ahead of the Jeep. There were 2 bad accidents on the round-trip – idiotic, careless, speeding drivers flipped-over and blocking traffic – both with injuries. After getting through those unnecessary delays, I finally made it home around 11:45am.
During that all-morning trip, I quickly noticed that gas prices at-the-pump, are now up another 10-12¢ in just 5 days, as of today, Saturday, March 24th: If you live long enough, you have regrets, and the ones that "nag" at you the most, are the ones where you knew you had a choice. The very same ones where you knew you could have stopped yourself; the very same ones where you looked into a mirror, and everything good inside yourself said, "Don't do this". Unleaded Regular (87 oct) is now up to $3.95/gal, Unleaded Premium (89oct) is up to $4.05/gal, Premium (93 oct) is up to $4.25/gal, and Diesel Fuel/Kerosene has risen to $4.39/gal. ∅bummer (IMPOSTER-IL) is blaming speculators and supposedly "investigating fraud at the pump", when this entire mess is very clearly the direct result of Barry ∅bummer's (TRAITOR-IL) failed federal energy policies. Refineries are closing down all over the place and many thousands are losing their direct or indirectly-related jobs. And shit-for-brains, commie Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) now dug America into a debt hole twice as deep as GW Bush's, in less than half the time. Stop digging deeper and lying about it, ∅bummer (IMPOSTER-IL). Despite that criminal, corrupt regime's best efforts to stop all oil/gas exploration and drilling – it's down 40% since the treasonous piece-of-racist-muslim-pigshit took office – the US has increased production over the past 3 years. Go figure.
The rain continued, without any major t-storms, for most of the evening and night, though some minor thunder/lightening woke me and Murphy, a couple of times. I made the mistake of leaving the AC
Up at 5:30am on Sunday, I fed and watered Murphy, made a Frittata turned down "Mother Nature's In Charge; We're Just Along For The Ride." – John D.M. Shelley II, pre-1996 to 70°F – just to dry-out the Condo from the past 1-2 days' of humidity, and was (((freezing))) all night – despite the triple covers. I finally got up at 4am and turned it up to 75°F and went back to sleep for another 1½hrs. The heat felt good.
breakfast and coffee, checked my food shopping list and got ready to leave for Weis Market, in East York, around 6:45am. I armed the Condo and while the Jeep was warming-up in the raw, cold 41°F rain, I got the mail from the CHCA Assn Mailbox and, viola! the Single Plan Conversion Member ID Card had arrived from Geisinger Health Co! Finally, a Single-Payer Comprehensive Conversion Plan, matching my Group Plan coverage, at only 2x the price per month; $435 w/ $500 deductible/yr. That's significantly better than the $1,500-$1,850 (3 option cost spread) which I was originally looking at with them, for a New Single-Payer Enrollment Plan. Wow. And FU 0bummerCare!No, I don't have any problem with living alone. I feel sorry for those who don't know the difference between "being alone and being lonely"; more here. Besides, I have Murphy, my Parents, Sister and lots of Friends. Those who know me, understand me. And I understand them. That's what counts, in this all-too-short Life we have.
After feeding/watering Murphy 5x for the day, working on the upcoming April Condo Budget – rising costs on many line items – I listened to the "Dave Ramsey Show" replay on local WSBA 910am from 6-8pm, and some of the "Rusty Humphries Show" replay until around 10pm, and called it quits. Murphy was already waiting upstairs for me.
I was up at 5:30am on Monday to feed/water Murphy, make breakfast and coffee, change the bed, do a couple loads of laundry – I found the missing white pillowcase! – install the 2 new high-sided cat litter boxes and fresh litter I'd gotten (I keep several extra 25-lb bags of Fresh Step® Cat Litter on-hand; useful for all kinds of spills), grab a shower, get the 2 50gal garbage bags ready to go out to the
Monday was a very sunny, unusually cool & windy weather day – only in the low-50s and frost warnings (23°F predicted) for tonight – so I broke-out one of my 12 comfy Pendleton® Woolen Shirts, for the day. While listening to the "Rush Limbaugh Show" from 1-3pm EST, I kept on my "Condo chores" list and got everything done, since I had the 6pm safe/weapons/ammo appraisal coming-up.
Not to get too macabre, but have you ever wondered what really happens in a city's nuclear blast, and how one survives it? Read this article; prepare for its eventuality, someday, whether you live in/near a city or not.
I'd gone through all 11 weapons' files, sorting the individual files' receipts, respective ammo, scopes, holsters, long-gun carry bags, shooting range bags, bandoliers and numerous accessories, so that Tom, the FFL and Appraiser, could more easily do his job. I was listening to the "Mark Levin Show" – 6-9pm EST with more streaming links here – when Tom and his lovely wife, arrived. We spent 3½ hours reviewing and itemizing everything and arrived at a bottom-line number for my Condo Insurance Policy's Rider. Wow, what a number it is! I missed my evening radio show, but this was a much more important project, and I can always listen to the "Rewind" of it, tomorrow. I closed the Condo down at 9:45pm and headed upstairs.
After a night full or weird dreams, getting-up to sit on the side of the bed and have a smoke to think about them before going back to sleep, I finally got up for good at 5am on Tuesday, tired from it all. I had an 8am service appointment for the Jeep at S&D Automotive – my Cousin's Daughter's/Husband's Mercedes-Benz/BMW Automotive Shop I too, have seen things, few people would believe – a young mother cat suckling her newborn kittens, violent tornadoes & hurricanes up-close and personal, whole hummingbird families in their tiny nests, Spring grass blades poking through a fresh "onion snow", active volcanoes on Hawaii, a Space Shuttle launch which exploded on take-off – all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain, when I die. – in York, to get the rear shocks and L/S inner fender-well liner replaced, so I had to get Murphy fed and watered, breakfast and coffee made, and keep moving; no going back to sleep this morning. I also had an unexplainable "earworm" – a song in my head which just won't go away – which I'd heard on a local radio station, last Sunday. Damn; 28°F as I left the Condo. Winter's back, for just a day. Hopefully, last night's sub-freezing temps killed-off some insects and disease, so we don't get such a bad infestation this Summer. Time will tell.
The Jeep service at S&D Automotive only took 45mins and cost less than originally estimated, so I made it home by 9:15, and got to work on another pile of paperwork needing attention. Before long, it was after 11:45, Murphy finally woke-up and reminded me that he needed another feeding/watering. That done, I made myself a Plain Old-Fashioned Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup with some Ocean Spray® Diet Cranberry-Pomegranate Juice, and got back to finishing the now-smaller, pile of paperwork. With temps only in the upper-40s as a high for the day, I decided to go for a brisk walk and fresh air, and finish-off the paperwork in the evening while listening to Mark Levin's dissection of the 0bummerCare Hearing at the SCOTUS (3/27/12 Rewind). The future of America hangs in the balance. I shut the place down at 9:15pm and called it quits for the day. I planned to sleep-in Wednesday morning, after taking care of Murphy.
And I did sleep until 7am, on Wednesday. Even Murphy was quiet until I got up to feed/water him. Amazing. I made Breakfast & coffee, ordered a 9-lb Honey Baked, spiral-cut, bone-in ham for Easter Sunday 4/8 Dinner with Mom & Dad, fed the birds, mailed some bills, saw that everything
That done, I had to get some errands done, feed/water Murphy for the 4th time and make a light Mediterranean Pasta Salad, for dinner. I wanted to hear the 6-9pm EST "Mark Levin Show" dissection 3/28/12 Replay of the SCOTUS' 3rd day of The 0bummerCare Horror Show Bill. He ripped the Gov't Solicitor General Idiot a new one! Tired, I called it a day at 9:30. I decided to sleep-in again on Thursday morning. Unless Murphy, objected, of course.
I was up on Thursday at 5am to feed/water Murphy, but then went back to sleep until 7:30; much better sleep than the previous nights, though I did have some newer, "strange dreams" which put me in a small northern turn-of-the-century town, as sheriff. Go figure. I laid-out my BOB (Bug Out Bag) in the back of the Jeep, and rotated-out some thing, replacing them with newer items. Likewise, I went through my very-large-and-growing basement food/water/tp/etc stockpiles and rotated-out older items to use-up, and replaced them with the newest purchases, just to keep things fresh. I also inspected all containers to make sure none were dented or leaking. That done, I drove to the local post office to drop some bills into the mail, and saw that gas had risen another 4¢ in just 5 days. At-the-pumps prices are now, as of Thursday 3/29/12: Unleaded Regular (87 oct) is up to $3.99/gal, Unleaded Premium (89oct) is up to $4.09/gal, Premium (93 oct) is up to $4.19/gal, and Diesel Fuel/Kerosene has risen to $4.49/gal. When Unleaded Regular reaches $5-6/gal, America's economy is going to collapse much faster even than it is right now, because Diesel Fuel will already be $8+/gal, and truckers will stop delivering anything. The corrupt unions will shut them down to create chaos and massive social disorder. The railroads just aren't equipped to take over those specialized jobs, and neither is the airline industry; no one is, not even the US Military. Even at current prices, it's best to stockpile food/water/tp/weapons/ammo etc, than wait until TSHTF, it's too late and the supermarkets and various "necessity stores" are empty and bare. The food and water supplies can be "rotated-out" with fresher units and nothing goes to waste, but at least *you're prepared* for "when", not "if", it comes.
Watch out for the latest "scareware scam" from those shitheads at Adobe Flash Player. Don't allow it to screw you and your computer up! Mine was clean; I never allow auto-installed any Adobe crap. Also, check your Control Panel/Programs and Features, for something called "Adobe AIR". If you find it: uninstall it! It's dogshit and just clutters-up/hogs memory in your Operating System. FUAdobe!
After buying a new Remy® 11-87 Versa®-Max Tactical Semi-Automatic 12ga Shotgun late morning and "breaking it in" at the "old" GC&N's range – in a comparative "balmy" 54°F – I listened to Rush from 12-3pm, made Beef Stew Over Noodles for lunch, skipped Hannity and re-listened to Mark Levin "Rewinds" from 3-6pm, made a Garden Bean Salad for a light dinner, and caught his site's live stream broadcast, from 6-9pm. Time for some sleep; each Friday always starts another new week, here on "The Journal".
Your TSHTF Survival
For over 2 years, I've been "stockpiling things" – some of which I won't go into detail about here – for when TSHTF (The Shit Hits The Fan). And a lot of my "Journal" Readers have emailed and called me to discuss what preparations I've taken for that "coming awful event". Believe me, "it" IS coming. Based upon what's happening around the world and here in the US, I have a terrible, terrible *gut feeling* that TSWHTF (The Shit Will Hit The Fan), sometime in mid-2012 or in early-2013. Don't ask why; I just do.
First, Israel is preparing for war, after being attacked for years on many fronts, and not fighting back as she should have. This war will truly have "Biblical implications" around the world. The Middle East is rapidly-collapsing under the subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic riots (muslim Brotherhood) and rule ("arab Spring"), with world crude oil prices projected to hit $200+/bbl, or even higher into the $300-$400 range, Europe is on the verge of insolvency and collapse, no thanks in great part to Germany, teetering-and-tottering Asia and South America will quickly-follow, then comes the downfall of Canada, and The USA won't be far behind, in late 2012 and into 2013. Watch this video; be sure you're sitting-down, and don't have any food or liquid in your mouth upon which to choke.
Just Google "survival" and see what comes-up. Damned-near everything you ever wanted to know how to prepare for this for-sure-coming "hellish holocaust", some of it in easy-to-download *.PDF format. Tens-of-thousands of websites are devoted to the topic of "survival". Do the same with "You Tube", and watch the thousands of videos. This is *NOT The Phony Y2K Crappola*; this is for real. I said numerous times that Y2K was a waste of time and money to prepare for, and that came true. I'm reading that "survival stores" are reporting a huge upswing in sales and preparations, and for good reason.
I'm also one of the very, very few who "predicted a 9-11 type event", 2 years and 8 months before it happened. Read down that
food stockpile
Am I an "conspiracy alarmist" or one of those "crazed survivalists", sequestered in Montana, Utah or Wyoming? Not hardly; I'm simply in mid-State Pennsylvania, an Eagle Scout, Class of November 23rd, 1963 – youngest ever Eagle Scout in American History, at 12 years old – Order Of The Arrow/ Vigil Honor, and our BSA Motto was then, and still is now, "Be Prepared". Need I say any more?
Forget the "buy gold and silver" bullshit commercials; buy "brass and lead" for your guns. They're a far, far superior investment, IMO. Ammo is truly a "fungible" item; gold & silver aren't at all. They may be "intrinsic", but they're utterly-useless in a collapsing/collapsed society or world. Do the research, as I've done. 'Nuff said on that subject.
BTW, how are you stocked-up for incandescent light bulbs? Within 4 weeks, manufacturing and using 100w incandescent will become "a crime", thanks to stupid-assed, liberal moron chimp, shit-for-brains, George W Bush & Co, in 2007. You'll be forced, under penalty-of-law, to use the very expensive, dangerous and short-lived CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs). Better stock-up NOW on 60w, 75w and 100w incandescents When you can find them, before they become unavailable and illegal!
This government's ***CRIMINALLY NUTS***, in trying to regulate our use of anything and everything! It's fascism, socialism, Leninism and communism, dammit, and it won't stand! The US Government has overstepped its legal authority in The ENUMERATED Commerce Clause. The Commerce Clause is an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The Contemporary Commerce Clause debate, When "decided by the SCOTUS in the Summer of 2012", will cause CW II, if upheld. Stockpile NOW, because TSHTF just before the November General Election!
Gold is NOT the way to go; lead and brass (aka ammo) ARE. Mark my words!
TSHTF this or next year, and members of the corrupt, criminal US Congress are helping racist, commie, lowlife scumbag Barry "Fuck America!" ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL), by either collaborating with him or cowering before him, on his coming "Race War" plan.
We are *at war with Iran*; no doubt about it. Get used to it. And shit-for-brains, racist, commie, lowlife scumbag Barry "Fuck
ammo stockpile
I've been saying, for the past 2-3 years, that no one should buy any gold or silver; it's worthless crap if TSHTF (The Shit Hits The Fan). Instead, buy guns and ammo; they're a far, far better investment, IMO. Any questions?
Uh-oh, it's beginning to happen in Europe. Better get ready for it to come over here, soon, as The Fed fucks America, once again. Time to abolish The Fed and its corrupt, criminal influence on America's economy!
Here's a very useful List of Barter Items, for when TSHTF. Get and stockpile those and more, if you know what's good for you and your family! Think I'm kidding? Better read this and think VERY carefully about it.
With the FBI already considering many US Citizens as "sovereign citizen extremists", are you ready for "Rex 84" & The FEMA Camps? A new bill has been introduced in the US House of Representatives called the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645. This bill if passed into law will direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers otherwise known as FEMA Camp Facilities on military installations. Some more detail on "Rex 84", right here, written by, very disappointingly, USMC Lt Col Oliver North.
"Economic chaos" ahead? You betcha. Are you and your family ready for it? It IS coming, at out current rate of out-of-control government spending.
Before TSHTF, here are 20 Lessons From The Streets of Cairo. Worth reading, if you plan to survive.
And before TSHTF, here are Innumerable Lessons From The Collapse of Bosnia, in 1992. Also worth reading, if you plan to survive.
Do you live near a "terrorism hot-spot"? Check the map. Here's DHS' recently-issued "White Paper (*.PDF)" on it, from 1970-2008, published by the University of Maryland.
Do you know what an "EMP Attack" is? Now you do. *When* it happens, not *if*, we're all f•cked, unless we're prepared to live in the early-1800s. That's why I write this stuff.
Are you ready for ∅bummer's (TRAITOR-IL) "October Surprise"?
What about access to land and fresh water? Right here's an article to address those concerns.
General Election 2012 Bullshit
Only 80% of Americans now "see the country on the wrong track". Somehow, 16% of likely American voters still believe the country is doing swell. Hard to believe that there are that many assholes/idiots/morons out there. Wrong track? The lying, Kenyan-Village-Idiot Barry ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL) has intentionally fucked-up America. Barry ∅bummer (BIGOT-IL) is a racist, subhuman pig-fucking muslim infiltrator bent on destroying the US from within, with sharia-pigshit law, a hate-America, hate-Whitey, subversive Leninist, dirtbag, lowlife half-breed, affirmative-action, race-baiting fraud, a Chicago ghetto punk, union-thug puppet, commie-liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT, pathological liar, an inept hack, an incompetent amateur, a self-effacing poseur, and worst-of-all possibilities for America, a lying, racist, POTUS.
Despite his "membership" in the ultra-racist CBC, I'm starting to like US Rep (Lt Col) Allen West (CONSERVATIVE-FL) more and more. If he'd quit he racist CBC, I'd become a HUGE SUPPORTER OF HIM! Quit the racist CBC, Allen!
The US has become a place where talentless entertainers, treasonous politicians and criminal professional athletes, are sadly-mistaken for people of importance.Piss and shit on Romney, the liberal RINO asshole!
Personally, I'd consider it an *honor* to be on lying, president Barry ∅bummer's (IMPOSTER-IL) illegal, criminal, un-Constitutional "enemies list". Name me to it, sambo-boy! PLEASE DO IT, YOU HALF-BREED, CRIMINAL ASSHOLE!
The lib-lib-dem-f•cking, RINO-slut-whorebag, skank-assed, slimeball bitch, Ann Coulter, has sold-out her ugly, pathetic soul to liberalism; she's filth, shit, garbage, trash and dogshit, IMO.
Voter fraud in America? Shocked! I'm just shocked that NBC2 in Ft Meyers, FL, had the temerity and guts to uncover and write about the
The lowlife dirtbag liberal-Romney ("∅bummer-Lite") won Florida and now the liberal-shithead-Romney-RINO bastard, wins Nevada. We're truly f•cked, if he is the GOP Nominee. Can you say "Bob Dole" or "John McCain"? LOSERS!
No, the economy isn't improving; it's getting worse, by the day. It's a fucking DEPRESSION, not a "double-dip recession". What utter bullshit that phrase is! Where are the jobs, commie-scum? You're NO Black American Man! And the real unemployment rate (U6) for January is 15%, NOT the false 8.3% rate (U3), as the lying, commie, idiot, pigshit-for-brains, muslim/islamic asshole, sambo racist, Barry Soetero ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) corrupt regime would have you believe. California is already what America will become – a nightmare! – if that ∅bummer-nigga-bastard gets another 4 years to destroy us all! WAKE THE F•CK-UP, AMERICA!
Witnessing the corrupt Republicans and the criminal Democrats bicker over the US Debt, is like watching two drunks argue over a bar bill tab, on the Titanic. rate (U3), as the lying, commie, faggot, pigshit-for-brains, muslim/islamic asshole, sambo racist, Barry Soetero ∅bummer's (IMPOSTER-IL) corrupt regime would have you believe. California is already what America will become – a nightmare! – if that ∅bummer-sambo-bastard gets another 4 years to destroy us all! WAKE THE F•CK-UP, AMERICA!It's all rigged, anyway, isn't it? BTW, RuPaul's a senile, crackpot, idiot.
The criminal, lying traitor, commie, faggot, pigshit-for-brains, muslim/islamic asshole, sambo racist, so-called "president" (NOT MINE!), Barry Hussein Soetero-∅bummer Jr (SAMBO-IL) releases these bullshit economic lies, saying "everything's rosy", when America is collapsing in upon itself from all of his debt spending!
161 weeks in office, and here's what sambo-boy's f•cked-up, so far. Nice, huh?
I want ∅bummer-sambo-boy to live a long life. I want him to grow old knowing what a total and complete failure he was. I want his two ugly little girls to grow up knowing their f•cked-up, racist, hate-America, half-breed, commie daddy had (somehow got) the most important job on earth and that he was a total and complete failure. I want his subhuman grandkids to read in their history books at what a total and complete failure he was. Yeah, I want him to live forever in misery, dejection and shame. I don't want him assassinated, as "Calypso Louie" Farra-Con-Man wants to happen.
No, sambo-boy Barry ∅bummer (IDIOT-IL), the answer to rising gas prices ISN'T your shitty GM-Chrysler/Fiat bail-out car garbage efficiency, stupid commie, sambo asshole! It's widespread oil/gas drilling here in the US and telling the Mid-East muslim filth to F•CK-OFF!
Barry Hussein Soetero-∅bummer Jr's ((IMPOSTER-IL) doesn't exist!
Romney's a lying, liberal lowlife scumbag RINO. Here's just 14 things he's flip-flopped on. There are many, many more to come out if he gets nominated. But I'll support him to get that commie-Kenyan-scumbag out of The White Crib!
Dumbf•cking, shit-for-brains, commie asshole Chu gook/slope/dink! Go back to whatever Turd World hellhole your stinking commie ancestors/you came from, yellow-dog motherf•cker! You're NO AMERICAN! You're a lowlife, SCUM/FILTH/TRASH/SHIT liar, Chu-gook!
Santorum just lost my support and vote, by saying, "...we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk of what may be the Etch-A-Sketch candidate for the future". Dumbass thing to say, Santorum. Personally, I'd rather vote for "an orange juice can" than have 4 more years of hell from the regime of ∅bummer&Co;. We can "deal with the can", later, after we get the commie lowlife ∅bummer out of The White Crib! Bye, Rick.
165 weeks in office, and here's what sambo-boy's f•cked-up, so far. Nice, huh?
Barry ∅bummer&Co Are The Destroyers of America & Jobs
That is the gross understatement of the year, possibly the decade, if there ever was one. Barry ∅bummer (BIGOT-IL) is a racist, subhuman pig-fucking muslim infiltrator bent on destroying the US from within, with sharia-pigshit law, a hate-America, hate-Whitey, subversive Leninist, dirtbag, lowlife half-breed, affirmative-action, race-baiting fraud, a Chicago ghetto punk, union-thug puppet, commie-liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT, pathological liar, an inept hack, an incompetent amateur, a self-effacing poseur, and worst-of-all possibilities for America, POTUS.
First of all, Obama IS A mUSLIM piece-of-pigshit! Got it?
That sambo and his shit-for-brains, totally-incompetent, white-trash asshole VP, Joey "Hair Plugs" Biden (ASSHOLE-DE) wield and co-control such great power in the corrupt US Government – along with Rep Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi (BOTOX-CA) We are all victims. We are all pawns in their games. We are all subject the whims of fate. We are powerless to help ourselves. Even the weather conspires against us and wishes to do us harm. Only allegiance to an all-powerful government can protect us. In other words: Vote demokkkRAT, or suffer from a Katrina-type disaster. Fear sells, baby. and Sen "Dingy Harry" Reid (CROOK-NV) – is totally unthinkable to our failing Constitutional Republic, once the envy of every nation on the face of this planet. Now, we're becoming a "Turd-World Nation", very quickly, under their combined, corrupt, criminal "leadership".
Shit-for-brains Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) "Green Industry" Scam is failing faster than any computer can count. This is the 10th or 11th company which has folded-up since Barry ∅bummer's (NIGGA-IL) scam went into effect, funneling our hard-earned tax dollars into losing ventures, to prop-up union-thugs and other, assorted lowlife scum and filth. Just like muslim/islamic Barry ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) Evergreen Solar and Conergy Solar and Stirling Energy Systems and dozens of other frauds he set-up for kickbacks to his campaign donors, did. The whole "solar industry" is a SCAM, a LIE and a FRAUD, like the subhuman Barry ∅bummer (FILTH-IL) is!
A new dirtbag Barry ∅bummer (IMPOSTER-IL) 1% tax on all bank transactions – HR 4646 – coming right after the November 2012 General Elections? Watch for it, "under the radar". Oh, never mind; the bill is now DOA.
FOX News: "Labor Secretary Hilda Solis (TRAITOR-CA) has overseen a number of signed agreements between US agencies and foreign officials pledging to give migrant (criminal, illegal alien) workers the full protections
"Slow jobs recovery forecast ahead"? How about *more than 400,000 jobs per month lost for every month, for the foreseeable future, White House assholes? And ZERO JOBS added in August, treasonous, commie scumbags! Unemployment – by "manipulated" US Gov't stats – still at 9.2%+ and climbing; the corrupt US Government doesn't count *everyone*. REAL unemployment is at 21% and climbing!
Ashlawn Energy Co, Willoughby, Ohio, is another US Taxpayer-funded "green jobs company" which will fail within 1-2 years; mark my words! It's just more muslim/islamic Barry ∅bummer (LIAR-IL) dogshit on the pile! They're all garbage, shit and trash, on OUR DOLLARS!
Scumbag Barry ∅bummer's (INEPT-IL) partial list of 25 Impeachable Crimes Against America. And the other list of the other 25 Impeachable Offenses & Crimes by the criminal, corrupt, commie, Chicago sambo-boy thug. IMPEACH HIM!
Get out of the way of business, Barry ∅bummer (IMPOSTER-IL) douchebag, asshole punk! You're no American or Black Man;
Asshole Barry ∅bummer (PIGSHIT-IL) is the likely star of a new, murderous, muslim, islamic Palestinian media campaign.
Barry ∅bummer's (COMMIE-IL) has an insidious plan to destroy America's Small Businesses, increase unemployment to astronomical numbers and make everyone dependent upon "The Government Cheese".
Lowlife, Barry ∅bummer (muslim/islamic-IL) says 9-11 is not about subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic terrorism or al Queerda, but it's to be "a day of public service". BULLSHIT, muslim/islamic piece-of-pigshit asshole! It's 10 years later, and America and the world have forgotten what happened on that terrible Tuesday in September. I WILL NEVER FORGET, DAMMIT!
Boeing, or any other US Company, has the right to open a non-union production facility in any right-to-work state they choose, for their own company's benefit, Barry ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL). And NOT where you and your corrupt, union-thug-goon-controlled NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) and criminal union – International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – dictates, dammit! When the union and fuck you, sambo! Washington State, is a lousy, shitty, corrupt, union-thug-run hellhole, to do any kind of business, due to the corrupt union garbage/filth/trash/shit. The corrupt, criminal liberal-demokkkRAT pieces-of-shit and NLRB need to be stood against a wall, IMO!
∅bummer's (SCUMBAG-IL) a traitor to America, for shipping jobs out of America to Turd-World Hellholes like Costa Rica, and should be impeached and imprisoned-for-life, if not stood against a wall. "And that's how this country built a strong and growing economy and a strong expanding middle class. That's our history. That's what we got to get back to," said the LYING, SON-OF-A-BITCH-COMMIE-RACIST-PIGFUCKER Barry ∅bummer (ASSHOLE-IL)!
A $400 BILLION "Jobs Plan" from Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL)? There is NO "PLAN" ON ANY PAPER,
Other side, dumbasses!
In connection with ATF's criminal and corrupt "Fast and Furious", Holder and Barry ∅bummer-Soetoro are guilty of perjury and manslaughter. IMPEACH, SENTENCE FOR TREASON, JAIL & EXECUTE THEM BOTH and their corrupt cronies! IMO, anything named "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms" ought to be a convenience store instead of an arm of the federal government!
Speaking of criminal and corrupt subhuman filth, Georgie-Boy Sore-Ass (Soros) comes to mind right away. He's involved very, very tightly with muslim/islamic Barry ∅bummer-Soetoro (CRIMINAL-IL) in the "Green Industry Scam", involving LightSquared Co, another fraudulent company taking BILLIONS of US Taxpayers' dollars, and purposely going bankrupt, while pocketing it all. Sore-Ass needs summary-execution, IMO!
More criminals from Solyndra Co, another "Green Energy Scam" company, need summary-killing, too. They're looting America!
These subhuman filth are "America's Ruling Class", who face *The Peril of Revolution*. They just don't realize it, but one day soon, they will. And it will be very bloody and ugly.
I don't give a flying rat's ass what color Barry ∅bummer-Soetoro (CRIMINAL-IL) is, he's out in Nov 2012. Gone!
Corrupt asshole, muslim/islamic Barry ∅bummer-Soetoro (LIAR-IL) doesn't give a flying-fuck about the racist, bigoted, ineffectual, impotent, lowlife, dirtbag assholes of the CBC-M (Congressional Black Caucus-Mucous); he and his commie-puppet-handlers want everyone in poverty and on "the government cheese" and, if you're black, you're already 16.7%+ of the way there, with black kids already 50%+ of the way there. Whitey's far less than 9.1% there, black folks. Wake-up black folks. Think about it. "I expect all of you to
Corrupt, muslim/islamic Barry ∅bummer-Soetoro (COMMIE-IL)'s criminal EPA will be shutting-down 20% of the Nation's coal-fired electricity plants in 2012, thereby "causing the price of electricity to necessarily skyrocket". Need more be said? Barry ∅bummer-Soetoro (DIRTBAG-IL)'s a criminal and is purposely-bankrupting Americans, by shutting-down coal-fired power plant and raising our electric bills. Can't you see it coming, based upon what he's now doing, America?
Hundreds, if not thousands of Sub-Chapter S and LLC Corporations – once creating 70% of America's jobs and employing tens-of-millions of Americans – are going under from the oppressive, unending, rising taxes – payroll, workmen's comp, unemployment insurance, vehicle insurance, liability insurance, utilities etc – rules and regulations from Barry ∅bummer's (COMMIE) "fascist central planning government". And thousands more will disappear as an average of 450,000+ people per month continue to lose their jobs. Families suffer, mortgages go "under water", utilities are going unpaid, vacations are canceled, vehicles are sold, medical insurance rises to unaffordable rates, school and property taxes rise to unheard-of levels, utilities – electric, natural gas, water, sewer – increase by 10-15% per month, and ad infinitum ad nauseum. The American Family is under "economic attack", as well.
The US Gov't nationalized 17% of the US Economy (healthcare) and another 8% (energy), while losing 399,140 jobs in the 1st quarter of 2011, over 430,911 jobs in the 2nd Quarter, an average of 421,250 jobs lost/week in July and 432,000 jobs lost/week, in August. Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) signed the failed $787 billion "1st stimulus bill" his first month in office. No wonder the ∅bummer Administration doesn't talk about the created or saved stimulus jobs anymore. There weren't any. It just gets worse and worse by each passing week. According to a new study, the Barry ∅bummer-Pelosi-Reid Stimulus bill created 450,000 government jobs (mostly temporary census-takers) and destroyed 1,000,000 private sector jobs. Plus, it only cost us $1.2 TRILLION of our hard-earned tax dollars. Nice going, Barry ∅bummer-Pelosi-Reid. My calculator sparked and melted When I tried to figure out the dollar-cost-per-job; it couldn't handle that many zeros. It's actually $200,000+ per job; thanks to ABCNews. That's a "real bargain"; Tesla Motors' jobs cost $465,000 per job.
Now, the "Son-Of-Stimulus-Bitch-2" bill features fucks us with a fake "prop bridge", which doesn't need any repairs for many years, to sell his
This Barry ∅bummer Administration is like a slow-motion, horror movie, on an endless loop: it just keeps playing its tired-old-bullshit, over and over and over and over, again. Reality at a snail's pace is terribly painful to watch and endure, from all, now-thoroughly-poisoned business perspectives.
These subhuman filth are "America's Ruling Class", who face *The Peril of Deadly Revolution*. They just don't realize it, but one day soon, they will. And it will be very bloody and ugly.
Activist, demented, perverted, subhuman liberal-demokkkRAT-filth judges are now legislating who can/cannot own a cow and consume its milk, and are about to legislate what kind of food and water we Americans are "entitled to". It's not a "fundamental right", but rather "a right granted us by the state", is what this cokehead, lowlife, child-molesting, faggot, wife-beating, dog-kicking, dirtbag, Barry ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL)-asshole-licking punk Fiedler "judge", is saying.
Shit-for-brains Barry ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) "...Blames Blacks, Bush, Banks, Budget, You" for his stupidity, ineptness, racism, incompetency, idiocy in fucking-up this once-great Nation. Typical commie asshole!
Barry ∅bummer (HACK-IL) is losing his commie mind. He stupidly plays idiotic political games with the disastrous wildfires in Texas.
He can't even find, correct and control his pathetic administration's gross errors: a "retirement fund for federal workers" improperly paid out an average of $120 million annually over the last five years, a new inspector
∅bummer & Edwards = Faggots
Despite last Friday's relative calm on Wall Street, it was a brutal week for stocks, with investors losing faith in ∅bummer's (INEPT-IL) economies and political leaders – especially Barry ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL) – around the world. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the week down 738 points, or 6.4%, its worst weekly performance since October 2008. Nice job again, ∅bummer's (DOLT-IL).
What happened to "the 400,000 jobs that would be created 'almost immediately' once Barry ∅bummer-Care was signed into law"? Nothing happened. There never were any 400,000 jobs which would be created; it was just another Pelosi LIE!
New applications for unemployment benefits sank by 37,000 last week to 391,000 to mark the lowest level since April, but a government official suggested the surprising drop may have stemmed from a variety of "technical" issues... only to be "revised upward next week" to real numbers. Barry ∅bummer's (INCOMPETENT-IL) a liar and so is his entire commie-based administration.
YES, take ∅bummer-Care to the SCOTUS and let them decide, 5-4, against it based upon the The Commerce Clause!
Nice trick: firing and re-assigning 81 illegal immigration US Attorneys in the corrupt, criminal, lying, half-breed nigga bastard Holder's (THUG-NY) DOJ, to their old jobs, and allowing millions more illegal, subhuman filth to invade America, Barry ∅bummer (CRIMINAL). Nice job, commie asshole!
The lying Chicago-SAMBO-punk-thug, Barry ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL), said "the $447 BILLION Jobs Act is paid for" in his teleprompter speech a few weeks ago; HE'S A FUCKING LIAR! The crooked "Dingy White Trash" Harry Reid (CRIMINAL-NV) bastard in the Senate has to tax millionaires 5% to pay for it! Liars, all!
Not only is the criminal, corrupt US Government now taxing millionaires 5% to pay for their illegal, anti-US Constitutional, commie-Marxist "income redistribution program", they also want tax increases on the "wealthy" – those of us earning (or used to earn) more than $250,000 per year, and for adoption of the "Buffet Rule" Lie – regardless of whether the lying, corrupt, criminal US Senate demokkkRATs' proposed "Millionaire Tax" becomes law. Tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend!
What ∅bummer (INEPT-IL) fails to realize is that many people who report incomes of over $250,000 are owners of small businesses who report business earnings on their personal income tax. This is a whole lot different than someone with a $250,000 salary. Upping taxes on these so called "rich" will penalize small businesses who are the largest source (70%) of employment in the country. With the inevitable inflation that will result from Barry ∅bummer's (FILTH-IL) economic policies a lot of two income households may well hit this $250,000 mark as well. Why Barry ∅bummer (THUG-IL) has declared a
The Kenyan-Village-Idiot Barry ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), is dancing all-around "it", but can't bring himself to say it, so I will: what Barry ∅bummer (RACIST-IL) really wants is an "Employed White Guy Tax", plain and simple! Barry ∅bummer (IMPOSTER-IL) is subhuman filth/shit/garbage/trash.
The local paper ran an article about my US Gov't-taxed-to-death closing; depressing. In case they "pull it", and put it in their "pay-for-view" archives, here's a copy.
Here's a detailed primer of "Operation Fast & Furious", for those who don't know about it, detailing Barry ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) and Holder's (CRIMINAL-NY) complete and total involvement in it.
Here's Barry ∅bummer's (ASSHOLE-IL) record after the 141st miserable, horrible, terrible week in office; judge for yourself.
Starbucks, Borders, Circuit City and now Friendly Ice Cream Corp, the troubled family restaurant chain that was a casualty of a commie-Marxist, wealth-redistribution economic DEPRESSION, said it closed 63 of its nearly 500 locations as it looks to reorganize under *Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection*. Nice job, Barry ∅bummer (IDIOT-IL). Whoops; there goes Lowe's, too!
The Kenyan-Village-Idiot Barry ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), is dancing all-around "it", but can't bring himself to say it, so I will: what ∅bummer (RACIST-IL) really wants is an "Employed White Guy Tax", plain and simple! ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is subhuman filth/shit/garbage/trash.
"Crony Capitalism" such as – faggot, salami-hider,
Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) is a liar; everything coming out of that sambo thug's mouth is a FUCKING LIE! Typical Marxist, commie, liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT subhuman filth!
Former Colorado Governor and shit-for-brains douchebag, liberal-demokkkRAT, Bill "Fuck America!" Ritter (MORON-CO) boasted that Colorado is at the "epicenter of America's New Energy Economy" and that it would be a "lasting legacy" to our children and all future generations. Ritter is an asshole, pure and simple. "Green Energy" is a lie, a scam and *CRONY CAPITALISM*! Total bullshit and mountains of debt for our children and grandchildren for these failed, lib-dem-trash/RINO-criminal scams and lies!
Barry ∅bummer's (COMMIE-IL) liberal-demokkkRATic dirtbag apologist, Eric Dash, from "The New York Slimes", stupidly says that the "recession ended two years ago", and ignorantly writes, "In a grim sign of the enduring nature of the economic slump, household income declined more in the two years after the recession ended than it did during the recession itself, new research has found." Dash is a liar and is so full of government-induced bullshit, that he's completely laughable and unable to be taken seriously, at all, except for the corrupt, criminal Barry ∅bummer's (FAGGOT-IL) . WE'RE IN A DEPRESSION, YOU ASSHOLES! Real unemployment is at 21-23% and 46.2 million+ Americans are living in poverty, you NYSlimes idiot!
Corrupt, criminal GE Corp is "crony/socialist capitalism dogshit", at its absolute worst! I'll never buy another of their products, dammit! Jeffy "Fuck America!" Immelt is an alcoholic, drug-addicted, child-molesting faggot, butt-humping-buddy of the Barry ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL). They make hundreds-of-billions in profits in Chinese-made-junk/ US-imported-crap products, and don't pay a penny in corporate income taxes! Unlike us Small Businesses, who pay far too many taxes to make-up for GE's criminal and corrupt conduct in the marketplace.
Lowlife, subhuman, piece-of-pig-fucking muslim/islamic filth/garbage/trash, US Rep Keith "Kill American Infidels!" Ellison (muslim-MN), is another ignorant, ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) administration nigga-faggot douchebag, who doesn't understand anything about how Small Businesses in America actually work.
Wow, nice going ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL)! Only 404,000 jobs lost last week, as of October 8th. And job openings continue to decline, sambo. Really good job, sambo boy!
Want to hear a really stupid, illiterate, lowlife dirtbag SAMBO, Jesse Jackson Jr, call for Martial Law to Circumvent the US Congress to Combat Unemployment? This Jackson-scum, like his commie shit-for-brains old man, is an ignorant, moronic, subhuman SAMBO! He's NO Black Man, let alone an American Black Man!
After idiotically-destroying NASA, the dumbass, INEPT, ignorant SAMBO commie, ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is now buying space on Virgin Atlantic, a two-bit, shitty Brit company with a piss-poor safety record and substandard equipment, only designed to barely make it to suborbital space, where we don't need to go. $10 says the Branson-homo is blowing ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) Leave it to a tar-baby, jungle-bunny, commie nigga-thug, to do something so asinine and overtly-stupid to further destroy America. Now, he's "pulled the plug" on Discovery; NASA is gone. Stupid SAMBO, Barry ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL)!
The crooks and criminals at GM's Tesla Motors also benefited from $465 MILLION in below-rate loans from ∅bummer's (STUPID-IL) criminal DOE.
Here's Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) 7 lies in under 2 minutes. Thanks to him, we now have a "permanent, unemployed underclass" in America. He's America's "Divider-In-Chief".
The corrupt, treasonous, lowlife piece-of-shit, scumbag, half-breed AG Eric Holder (TRAITOR-NY) needs to go PRISON! Or be executed for "Treason – Crimes Against America"!
The headline is an out-and-out-lie: it's a DEPRESSION, NOT A RECESSION, intentionally-caused by ∅bummer (CRIMINAL-IL)!
"Not since at least 1960 has the US standard of living fallen so fast for so long. The average American has $1,315 less in annual disposable income now than at the onset of the Great Recession DEPRESSION. (There; fixed it.)" That's just one of the reasons why we're going-out-of-business.
Lowlife, liberal-progressive demokkkRATs love rape; they voted for it and for more DEPRESSION in America!
With the approval of the corrupt, criminal ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL) administration, an electric "GREEN INDUSTRY SCAM" car company, the start-up called Fisker, that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying "it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work".
Almost 26 million Americans are either unemployed, marginally-attached to the labor force, or involuntarily working part-time – a number experts say is unprecedented. Nice going, ∅bummer (LIAR-IL) SAMBO boy!
After 144 weeks in "office" here's what the lowlife, dirtbag, piece-of-shit, Barry ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL) has done to When-up America and the world. Nice, huh?
"Lying is OK" for the US Justice Legal Department, under the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act)? No wonder Americans don't trust the US Government, anymore! Only under the two lowlife dirtbags, ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL) and Holder (SAMBO-NY), would that "be okay" to do. Both are traitors and should be stood against a wall, for "Crimes Against America", IMO.
The commie, racist, hate-America, marxist-Leninist, piece-of-lowlife-sambo-shit, Barry ∅bummer (LOWLIFE-IL) fucks America bigtime, as he promised he would. Watch for it, as it's coming to YOUR HOME, soon!
Shit-for-brains sambo Barry ∅bummer (IDIOT-IL) can't even tell the difference between Hawaii and Asia, just as he thinks there are 57 states instead of 50, in America. What an ignorant, dumbfuck sambo, tar-baby asshole!
After 148 weeks in "office" here's what the lowlife, dirtbag, piece-of-shit, Barry ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL) has done to fuck-up America and the world. Nice job, sambo.
Here comes 4,200 more pages of rules and regulations which will kill small, medium and large businesses and put millions more people out-of-work, courtesy of the Barry ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL) administration. The demokkkRATs are FUCKING America, every day, every chance they get! Doesn't anyone get it, yet? That SAMBO has got to
How's shit-for-brains Barry ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL) "Hope & Change" bullshit working out for you, Black "Middle Class" Folks? Real good, I see.
First, the racist, shit-for-brains Barry ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL) scumbag asshole kills NASA forever; now he guts the US Military. All that destruction of America to "re-distribute wealth" to lowlife, undeserving, subhuman scumbags who don't want to work for a living.
Hey, racist, shit-for-brains Barry ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL) scumbag asshole: your ugly, Wookie, ironed-hair, fat-pig, sweathog wife's a lardass bitch, whose fat ass has its own zipcode, sambo! But, I forgot; you like the boys, don't you, faggot-filth, half-breed cokehead?
This is the primary reason why I went out of business after 21+ years – due to the 2007-2009 Great Recession Depression – Washington, DC's corrupt and criminal US Congress, and racist, commie, incompetent, shit-for-brains, Barry ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL). The "bubble" began bursting under GW Bush, and Barry ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL) deliberately made it 100x worse, with his inept, incompetent and intentionally-destructive handling of the US Economy.
Lowlife dirtbag, alcoholic, criminal, child-molesting, corrupt asshole, GE Chairman Jeffrey "Fuck America!" Immelt (GE-SCUMBAG) has agreed to pay $70.4-MILLION to settle a criminal probe and civil claims brought against the corporation for having allegedly conspired to rig bids on US municipal bond deals, overcharging state and local governments on their investments. I say charge, try, convict and execute the corrupt and criminal Immelt, and all GE
Finally, a way to describe Barry ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) and his voters. Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead, are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Another of shit-for-brains, asshole SAMBO Barry ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL) bullshit-scam "Green Energy" companies, ENER1, goes bankrupt after a $118 million stimulus grant from the Energy Department in 2009, the day after he mentioned them in the SOTU. Coincidence? Don't think so. It's a SCAM! That's now 4-5 "Green Energy" companies going under, with well-over $2 BILLION is US Taxpayer Loans, down-the-toilet.
And TWO MORE "Green Energy" scam companies – Evergreen Energy and Amonix, Inc – have filed for bankruptcy and gone-under, just this week alone, shit-for-brains, asshole SAMBO Barry ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL)! YOU'RE A FUCKING, COMMIE LIAR, ∅bummer scumbag! "Green energy" is a LIE!
Pigshit-for-brains, muslim/islamic asshole, sambo racist, Barry Soetero ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL) "cradle-to-grave, nanny-state" now wants to tax all sugar, as they already done with alcohol, tobacco, gasoline and tens-of-thousands of other legal products; this time to make Americans quit using it. The faggot-homos at University of California, San Francisco, are behind another bogus-bullshit-lying "study". Personally, I avoid white, processed sugar at-all-costs, and instead, use all-natural Truvia® Sweetner; I have for the past 3 years. In fact, I never ate many "sugary foods" in my previous 62 years, but that's a individual's choice, NOT the US Government's, dammit! Get the fuck out of our lives, corrupt, criminal US Government!
Ready for your electric costs to "skyrocket"? It's coming real soon!
Throw the SAMBO BOY out! He's had his "3 years" and he's destroyed America!
Pigshit-for-brains, muslim/islamic asshole, sambo racist, Barry Soetero ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) is fucking Small Businesses all over America, like he did to mine!
161 weeks in office, and here's what sambo-boy's fucked-up, so far. Nice, huh?
Yeah, the sambo-boy president's done a lot of "firsts"; all to the damage and detriment of America.
The sambo-boy's "the food stamp president", all right. He's a worthless lowlife, piece-of-shit, just like this subhuman
Barry Hussein Soetero-∅bummer Jr's (SAMBO-IL) doesn't exist!
Here's ∅bummer's companies' energy record: BANKRUPT and CORRUPT, all of them: Federal Subsidies to Solar Up 626%, Subsidies to Wind Up 946% between FY 2007 and 2010, Report: Stimulus-backed solar company lays off 70 percent of workforce (Abound Solar), More Green Energy Layoffs: CO Solar Firm Cuts Workforce in Half, Energy Conversion Devices files Chapter 11, More Solyndra glass being scrapped for a loss, The $1 billion Genesis Solar Energy Project near Blythe in the desert east of Los Angeles was on track to start producing power for some 187,500 homes starting in 2014, Sanyo to close solar factory in California (subsidies have run out), solar-Panel Company Lays Off 40 Employees, Solon files for bankruptcy in Germany, BP shutting solar unit as industry struggles, solar Company Scraps Factory, Leaves Michigan in Dark (GlobalWatt), scumbag, drug-addict, Robert Kennedy Jr's Corrupt "Green" Company Scored $1.4 Billion Taxpayer Bailout (BrightSource), another corrupt Solar Company Files Bankruptcy Beacon Power follows criminal Solyndra in bankruptcy, solar Firm That Received $1.2 Billion Federal Loan Plagued by Financial Problems (SunPower Corp.), solar firms reportedly trying to sell in-house equipment, SpectraWatt, Inc., Evergreen Solar, Mountain Plaza, Inc., Olsen’s Mill, Solar Millennium, Nevada's SolarReserve Project, Evergreen Solar plants in Mass. and Mich. to be auctioned, Crescent Dunes - Energy Department approves $737 million solar loan guarantee, Solar company that got federal loan shuts down (Solyndra), Intel's solar spinoff files for bankruptcy (SpectraWatt), Solar Energy Panels Not So Hot (Solon Corp), Evergreen Solar files for bankruptcy, plans asset sale, First Solar nabs $4.5 billion in DOE loan guarantees, First Solar Inc laid-off half its employees on Friday at its Antelope Valley Solar Ranch One project, California solar project wins $2.1B in federal loans (Solar Trust of America) - waiting for this one to fail, Solar Millennium AG, the majority owner of the equity of Solar Trust of America, announced the initiation of insolvency proceedings in Germany, and on and on and on and on and on it goes, and so does US Taxpayers' hard-earned monies, down the fucking toilet! Barry Hussein Soetero-∅bummer Jr's
165 weeks in office, and here's what sambo-boy's f•cked-up, so far. Nice, huh?
Things Which Make Your Head Explode
Here's reason #1 why I'd never go to that violent nasty shithole, Philadelphia, unarmed. Back in the 50s and early-60s, it was a beautiful and friendly city. It's a sewer now, having been run and destroyed by lowlife, subhuman, corrupt, criminal, liberal-demokkkRAT scum, and just loaded with murderous, subhuman gang-banger filth. Some advice: take my Remy 870 Tactical Pump 12ga.
Here's reason #3 why I don't fly anymore. The TSA are thieves and will steal anything and everything from your luggage! Surprised? Don't be; they're lowlife lib-dem union thugs/punks & scum. Par for the course. Moral: ship your valuables or carry them; don't put anything valuable into your luggage!
Here's one guy, doing his "Batman" schtick, who needs a big thanks. Thanks for helping those sick kids, Lenny. Read the article.
Hey, dead scumbag thug lowlife punk – "@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" – Tray-von Martin: this Concealed-Carry NRA Hoodie's for you, stoopid moron criminal asshole!
Some People Just Need Killing
It's not my intention to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter to me, at all —
"Whosoever shall shed man's blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God."
– Genesis 9:6
and rid American Society's innocents — especially our precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly — of the subhuman criminals who prey upon them, once-and-for-ever. And yes, I'd rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers/robbers/child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey; call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Just & RIGHT!
Society's innocents — our precious, defenseless children and the frail, defenseless elderly — must be protected from predators, murderers, rapists, robbers and other subhuman filth, at all times and at any cost, IMO.
The 6th Commandment actually says: "Thou Shalt Not Murder". It does NOT say, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." I personally don't consider any summary-execution — except by subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic pigshit — as murder, in any way, shape or form. It's "Due-Justice-For-Crimes-On-This-Earth", IMO.
100 years from now, I want the filthy, stinking muslim/islamics' childrens' childrens' childrens' children to cower and cringe in fear whenever they hear the sounds of jet engines overhead because their legends tell of fire from the sky. I want them to hide in wet, dark caves and hellish-holes in the earth, shivering with terror whenever they hear the roar of diesel engines because the tales of their ancestors talk about metal monsters crawling over the earth, spitting death and destruction. I want their mothers to be able to admonish them with "If you don't behave, the Pale Destroyers will come for you", and that will be enough to reduce them to quivering obesience. I want the annihilation to be so complete that their mythology will tell them of the day of judgment when the stern gods from across the sea – Yes, I agree with the premise of this article, that "the death penalty is a Noahic Covenant with God, in a post-flood world", and America should apply it every-damned-day, to those deserving death for their crimes against society and its innocents. the powerful Americans – destroyed their forefathers' wickedness. 200 years from now, I want their children's children's children's children to cower and cringe in fear whenever they hear the sounds of jet engines overhead because their legends tell of fire from the sky. I want them to hide in dark caves and holes in the earth, shivering with terror whenever they hear the roar of diesel engines because the tales of their ancestors talk about metal monsters crawling over the earth, spitting-out death and destruction. I want their mothers to be able to admonish them with "If you don't behave, the Pale Destroyers will come for you", and that will be enough to reduce them to quivering obesience. I want the annihilation to be so complete that their mythology will tell them of the Day Of Judgment when the stern gods from across the sea – the powerful Americans – destroyed their forefathers' subhuman islamic/muslim filth and wickedness.
Subhuman piece-of-shit, child murderer, Jesse Joe Hernandez, is set to die for the 2001 beating death of a 10-month-old boy he was baby-sitting at a home in Dallas, TX. DIE and rot in Hell, subhuman filth! I volunteer to kill him, at no charge to Texas Taxpayers.
This subhuman, piece-of-lowlife-garbage, PIG-FUCKING mUSLIM/iSLAMIC scumbag, Michael "fuck mohamhed!" Parrish, 26, a murderer of a 21-year old woman and her 19-month old son, need to DIE and rot in liquid pigshit, for the rest of his unnatural life! KILL HIM! I volunteer to kill him too, at no charge to Pennsylvania Taxpayers.
Three death row inmates in Japan were executed by hanging on Thursday, the country's first executions in more than a year and a half. Better late than never, Japan.