Diversity is part of Nature and is a virtue, not a sin. Your Garden shouldn't look like everyone else's: overgrown yews spider-mite-infested azaleas, ugly arborvitae, iris, tons of annuals, scraggly rhododendron, yellowing pines, spindly oaks, week-branched Bradford Pears and so on. Unfortunately, most Nurseries and so-called Landscape Contractors make all their work so similar that it's sickeningly uniform from home to home, and does nothing to make York County a better place to look at. They call it their "trademark;" we view it as very boring, plebian and dull; "cookie-cutter landscaping." On the other end of the spectrum, the many "pick-up truck landscaper buffoons" damage and destroy most of what they touch, effectively killing-off the natural and design-constructed beauty everywhere. It's time for a change for the better. And it's now time to call us for Fall Landscape Design & Installation Scheduling. We offer unique, fresh approaches to old problems. Each residence has it's own set of problems and opportunities, and needs special expertise. That's just one of our strengths. Using the right-sized plant material for the location, and not packing in huge, overgrown plants, is another. We plan for 7-10 years growth, minimal maintenance and maximum beauty. And for busy people, that's what it's all about. In fact, we'll discount your materials 5% right off the top by booking your landscape job now for September through December. By calling now, having a free site visit by the Company's President and/or one of our Landscape Team Designers, you'll be assured of a coherent plan that makes order out of chaos, as well as a convenient installation date. We are filling Fall time slots rapidly right now, so call us Toll-Free for an appointment that fits your schedule.
In addition to the finest and most sensible Landscape Design and Installation, we feature over 900 varieties of perennials, 200 varieties of annuals and herbs, over 100 varieties of ornamental grasses and bamboos, and more than 1600 cultivars of nursery stock, ranging from the common to the very rare, unusual and hard-to-find. Our Collector's Rare Plant Nursery has been supplying gardening enthusiasts for over seven years, and is a must for connoisseurs and serious collectors. Our Nursery Division can supply any request from the common to very rare and unusual material. And if you need a tree or shrub moved, we feature a special team capable of easily moving anything from 1-inch to 10-inch diameter trees. Call us for a free consultation and estimate. Our Warranty: is unmatched by anyone, anywhere, and is one (1) year from date of purchase if you install the plant material; it is five (5) years if we install the material. Call, write or email us for a complete copy of The Warranty. It's also online right here. Drop by our Website on The InterNet for a tour of the Garden Center & Nursery. It's located at www.gdnctr.com for those digerati among you out there who are connected on-line. |