A Day In The Life

whither goest thou?
friday, november 4th, 2011
quo vadis? It simply means, "Where are you going?" To tell the truth – and I always do – I don't know, yet. I'm "mulling", right now. Mulling is good.
Perhaps it's "time to reinvent myself"? "John Shelley v4", has kind of a *nice ring* to it. Yes, I'm working on a resume, but I'm way, way over-qualified to work in this York (PA) area. Oh well, I'll think of something.
The outlook for sale of the 20-acre (14-acres + 6-acres parcels) looks somewhat bleak just now, in this lousy, ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL)-induced DEPRESSION we're in. The White Crib has *directly-ordered* that "no bank business loans be made, at any rate whatsoever", so there's no chance of anyone buying my business unless they have the cash-on-hand. That effectively eliminates 99.93% of every Small Businessman/woman in America. ∅bummer (SAMBO-IL) and the commie-progressive-liberal-demokkkRATs are destroying America, as we knew it, turning it into a socialist hellhole.
There is, however, a nearby small church who's interested, but they don't have the kind of money it's worth, and I'd rather let it sit, decay and rot, than to take mere peanuts for it, and give the corrupt, criminal US Gov't 50% for "capital gains tax". F•ck the US Gov't! I'm not a bank, so I don't do "financing", either. They've already taxed-and-regulated-me-to-death; that's just one of the reasons why I had to close-down last Friday, dammit.
So, what's next? I have a good 2-3 weeks of backing-up files from numerous apps, dismantling 5 computers & monitors, 7 printers, 3 routers and so much hardware and miles of cables, that I'm overwhelmed. I have to find a place to store all that hardware – probably Mom & Dad's basement, since mine's full – and then try to get ready for an auction to rid myself of all the building contents (tools, fertilizers, chemicals, pottery etc), metal benches, GHs, construction equipment, trucks, power and hand tools. I need *help* and I have no one, except me, myself & I to do it all; just "the three of us". As I said, I'm overwhelmed by all involved in a corporate physical shutdown of this magnitude. But somehow, I'll get through it; it's going to take me, working alone, a long time to do it. Priorities, first, though. That's the list I'm working-on right now.
I'm thinking of bringing-in a small-to-medium-sized dumpster from Can-Do Disposal in nearby Red Lion (PA), and throwing everything paper/wood/glass etc-related into it, after the auction, depending upon what my Corporate CPA & Attorney say I need to retain for tax purposes. It'd sure The task ahead of you is never as great as The Power behind you. save me a LOT of work and time over the Winter months, especially if I sell the place before or after the proposed auction of the buildings' contents.
A lot will depend upon Friday's 10am meeting with the neighboring Church, who's interested in my Complex. Our Corporate "IT Guru & CounterPoint® Rep", Mark will be coming up from Baltimore to help me shut-down the Radiant® CounterPoint® POS Front Counter Computers' System and Office Server, on November 15th. And perhaps an auction is also in my near future. It's all too soon to tell right now, but it'll all unfold as it's supposed to. God is with me on this one.
A Day In The Life

I was up at 4am, before the 4:15 alarm, watered and fed Murphy, made a Frittata for breakfast and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee, and mentally-prepared myself to head to work early, for one final day. I missed the Complex, even before it was gone, as I did with Pickle, back on August 17, 2005, before he was gone. Truth be told, I miss him more than the business.
I must have been up 3-4x during the night, sitting on the side of the bed, having a smoke, thinking about closing-down on Friday, so I didn't get much quality sleep. I scanned the weather and news sites – holy crap; they're calling for some SNOW and much colder on Saturday! – and for once I was glad I wasn't going into work on the weekend. It was 36°F outside and the condo was chilly at 72°F, so I turned-up the heat to 78°F while I made breakfast and coffee. Murphy was mosy grateful for the heat-bump; he'd been sleeping under the covers with me all night. The heat felt good to me, too. Winter would be coming early, as I'd predicted weeks ago. I left at 5:45am, stopped for more coffee and smokes, opened-up at 6:15, picked-off 5 telephone calls from the Office's answering machine, and reviewed the day's "Winterizing List" for Alan and Arthur. No loading plants today; only "Winterizing" the 20-acre Complex, emptying-out GHs 2-3, consolidating nursery stock in the (former) Retail Display Area.
On Thursday after work, I had packed my gear and weapons for the weekend trip to "The Cabin": my old faded and worn, US Army Duffel Bag from The 'Nam full of three complete changes of clothes, Satchel Bag full of all kinds of "special survival necessities", 16" English Wellington Boots (snakebite-proof boots, plus deer/wood tick protection), Hoppe's Premium Field Gun Cleaning Kits, If I didn't invent "The Virtual Cabin" to escape to, I'd have gone ballistic over a year ago, with all the many extra burdens that this lousy economy and political traitors in DC have placed upon me and my business, in just the past 2-3 years. Although "virtual" when I'm there, it's "real" to me and I "come back" refreshed and ready for another week in the "real world". 16" Bowie Knife, 12" LLBean Maine Insulated Hunting Boots (more deer/wood tick protection) plus just good comfy sense in that rocky terrain, Tactical Range Vest (too hot in this hot weather, but I take it anyway), my Deputy Sheriff Badge & ID, which I always carry with me daily even in York, my AR-10 .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO), with Leupold Gold Dot CQ/T Scope, extra Hi-Power .308cal ammo (7.62 x 51mm NATO) ammo, my Remy 11-87 Semi-Automatic 12ga Shotgun with an EoTech Red Dot Scope, and plenty of hi-power 3" sabot & .00 Buckshot ammo, my Beowulf .50cal with an EoTech Red Dot Scope, and 10 extra 11-round mags of Hi-Power ammo (causing massive damage to whatever it hits inside of 200yds), and plenty of extra (300gr .50cal rounds), my Full-Auto, Class III Bushmaster AR-15 .223cal (5.56 x.45mm NATO),
I also started working on a couple new Website Page Conversions from gdnctr v3 & v4, to the "Journal", and it going to be a long a laborious process to convert HTML to CSS-xHTML formats, and to upload all links to the actual articles, so it'll take a while. The "Advertisements" and "Media Reviews" pages have URLs missing, so it'll take me a while to find them. I'll put them up "sometime soon", maybe over the long Winter month evenings. It's therapy for me, but frustrating at the same time. Quiet Winter days and evenings, without the daily pressures of retail work, for a while, will also help therapeutically. "Adversity makes one's character stronger", I'm told. We'll see.
Then I saw it posted everywhere: ***WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING***! Alan, Arthur, Kim & I set about getting the Complex ready for the snowfall, predicted to be anywhere from 5-8", depending upon the "storm track". Shit. Crap! Well, the roads and hard surfaces are 50°F+, so it won't stick long to them, but it will to the grass and mulched areas, which are now much colder, and in the low-30s/upper-20s. I just didn't need this Winter-like crap, so early in the Fall.
Friday, my "Official Close-Down-Day", went as expected: hectic, exhiliarating, somber, sad and glad-it-was-finally-over. Scores of people showed-up to buy damned near everything which wasn't nailed-down, and every
www.gdnctr.com has now officially ceased to exist (although I own the Domain until August, 2013) but my final, "goodbye message" is there, "re-directed" from my active "Journal" Website. All files have been archived, zipped and stored on my home computer's HD, for poterity.
After sadly closing-down the Garden Center & Nursery Complex, "for good", on Friday, at 3:00pm, I didn't feel like going anywhere except home and to sleep through the personal pain, so I went home and loaded my pre-packed weapons and gear into the Jeep, for the trip to "The Cabin", amply-supplied Murphy with water & food, and left my condo's Interior in East York, for my "Virtual Cabin", in the quaint old village of Adam's Junction, PA. (Jump down to The “Virtual Cabin” – A Novella; if you please.)
After getting back from "The Cabin" on Sunday afternoon, Linda notified me to cancel her entire plant purchase of last week and installation for Monday, October 31st, so I gave the plant material to Alan's Conservation Society of York County, credited her CC, and had both Alan and Arthur knock-off early on Monday after plowing and shovelling-out the Complex, since all of our equipment and vehicle insurance had been continued by me, until Monday at 5pm, to get that job done. She and Scott are going through some really rough times, too.
I was exhausted from getting-up at 3am on Sunday, and wished I could have gone back to sleep for another 6-7 hours, but I just had too much on my mind. After watering & feeding Murphy, unpacking my weapons and gear, I headed over to Weis Market in East York, got my food shopping done, called Mom & Dad to talk for a while after getting back home, and laid down on the LR sofa twice for a 2-3hr nap, each time. I just couldn't think straight or stay awake any longer. The Sears dehumidifier and Boscov's tan cord
While I was away at "The Cabin" for the weekend, getting-pounded and buried by 35-40" of snow, York (PA) had its snowfall problems, too. At least 50% of it had melted by my arrival from Adam's Junction.
For dinner, I made Chicken Cordon Bleu w/ Dijon Gravy, Roasted Asparagus and Wild Buttered Rice, Oven-Roasted, Russet Potatoes (with skin-on) cut in 1" pieces, drizzled w/ EVOO & Kosher Sea Salt and had some new Weis' Cranberry Key Lime Sherbet (Limited Edition).
I listened to "The Mark Levin Show" Archives 10/28/11, for 2 hours, laid-out everything for breakfast, watered and fed Murphy one more time, and called it a day at 8:00pm. 4:15am wasn't far away, IIRC, and I needed the sleep.
It came way too early. 24°F outside, but a toasty, comfy 78°F in the condo, I watered and fed Murphy, made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Cream of Wheat w/ Butter & Sea Salt and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee. 49,000 people still without power since Sunday morning. Despite being closed, I knew this was going to be a busy week, prioritizing so many tasks as part of the close-down procedure. Steffi would help with the final CounterPoint inventory, as would Dad, but the rest of the place was up to me to do. I had "auction lists" for building contents to get put together for the upcoming auction in November; no small task in itself.
I would be in the entire week, stupidly thinking that I could get a "hundred things done" – computers/monitors/printers and tons of files moved to my condo basement for storage, boxed-up, one load at-a-time in the Jeep's cargo bay, and close-down the Complex for good. That wasn't going to happen in 5 or 10 days; it would be more like 2-3 weeks to go through all that I had to do to get the place closed-down. I'll be leaving the electricity, 717-246-1414 phone-line and Choice Security monitoring intact, to guard the Complex over the Winter months, since I'll be using it as an "interim office" for my personal business, at least for a while until the property is sold.
I had no idea it cost so much money and took so much labor to shut-down an operation of this magnitude. When I built it, as General Contractor in 1990-1991, it didn't "seem" this daunting, but then I was only 39 and "anything was possible". Now, at almost 62, I've slowed-down and things are more "realistically-detailed". But I needed to keep working on canceling/re-routing mail delivery, cancel Tuesday garbage collection (after doing the clean-out), turning-off cellphones, copying files, going through numerous, massive filing cabinets to box-up 21 years of now un-needed stuff (garbage collection), storing apps, files and data, for so many of the products we used there: Radiant CounterPoint v7.9 POS, GardenWare v5, MS-Office etc, hundreds of back-up files, and several Tbs of storage to house all the electronic files and data. This would take many, many days, if not weeks to do before all of the corporate hardware teardowns, filing cabinet storage documents etc. I'd be at it until late Winter/early Spring, 2012. Forget going anywhere or doing anything for myself; I will be alone when Dad & Steffi leave after next week, and I needed to keep the process moving, with fewer-than-normal interruptions. "The Cabin", included, except for brief, "spiritual respites".
I also have to look for a job to support myself; two jobs if need be, as over-qualified as I am for anything around here. Memo to self: continue to work on revising resumé (click "open" in MS-Word). And I'm also working on an online, just-for-fun, *Novella*, called "The Virtual Cabin", which appears every week in the "Journal", during the evenings at home now. It'll have it's own domain name – www.thevirtualcabin.com – after I get it reserved and paid-for, this week.
I left for work at 6:45am – no use in hurrying anymore for my early morning meetings with Alan – in the dark and cold, still 24°F out there right now, so I took my Air Force Parka, and wore my 12" LLBean Maine Insulated Hunting Boots, with several layers of Pendleton Woolen Shirts, which I could easily shed, if the day warmed-up. The side streets were still unplowed with 6-10" of frozen slush, while the main roads were clear.
When I arrived at the Complex, there was a LOT of minor damage in the 2-acre Display Gardens, which Alan & Arthur began cleaning-up the debris, in addition to installing additional 2" x 4" supports in GHs 1-4, for heavy, wet Winter snowloads. Steffi was in all-week to finish-up inventory. I recorded a new "goodbye message" on the Office answering machine. Several people showed-up to look at my 3 dumptrucks and 2 JD Skid-Loaders/Backhoes etc. They'll possibly be back with cash/deposit checks later this week. We even did some retail sales today. I said a final tearful goodbye to both Alan & Arthur, who've been with me for man, many
Last week, I said that peanut butter prices were going to skyrocket, and now they are doing just that, due to the south's drought and a poor peanut crop harvest this year. I'm glad I bought 25 large 1½-lb jars of JIF® Creamy (my favorite) on Sunday, before these new, outrageous prices hit the shelves. Okay, I admit it: I've used coupons for the past year, too.
By 8pm, Murphy had been watered and fed one last time, I'd laid-out everything for the morning's breakfast, and headed upstairs with him close behind. It'd been a long, stressful, sad day, and I was ready for "la-la land".
Up at 4am, Murphy needed watering and feeding; then he went to sleep on the couch, while I made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Quaker Oats® Apples with Cinnamon, fork-split English Muffins & Butter and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee for breakfast. I scanned the weather and news sites, just to see what was ahead. With no landscape work and only Steffi in today to work on inventory, there were no weather problems or schedules to worry about and revise, calls to make or anything critical to do. I just had to collect some final payments for jobs done last week, but that would wait until Thursday, until after those last 2 customers received their final invoices and I called them for CC payment. I took a leisurely breakfast and left the usual $60 for my cleaning lady and her husband, for their regular Tuesday visit.
There was also no hurry to get into work, as with my previous 21+ years, since Alan wouldn't be in until around 12noon to clean-out his office. I had plenty of clean-out work to do in mine and elsewhere, of accumulated "stuff", plus tons of files to begin boxing-up and "archiving". I don't know how long I need to save all that vendor/customer material, but I have a meeting with my CPA & orporate Atty next Monday, to find out what the corrupt/criminal IRS requires. I know it's 7 years for an individual, but I have no idea how long they require a Sub-S Corp to keep "records and files"; I'm sure it's 7, at least.
I opened-up at 7:15am, Steffi arrived at 8am, Dad arrived at 9am, and I ran a few errands. Alan came-in at 12:15pm to finish cleaning-out his Landscape Offices and we talked about our futures. He's "taking the Winter off" – with a nice, fat unemployment check each week – and I have to look for a job – I get no unemployment, by corrupt PA Law, even after paying into it for 21 years – so it was a short discussion. I review the few remaining A/Rs, and will call them tomorrow or Thursday for payment to "close-out the books". Steffi went through most all of the "hardgoods" in the Main Retail Bldg, wiped them down, cleaned-out the dead bugs, and began reconciling the computer's inventory, so we can get year-end printouts for our Corporate CPA and the auctioneers. Dad and I have a meeting with a pastor from a small, nearby Church who's interested in the 14-acres, buildings and all improvements, utilities etc, but who wants to split-off the 6-acres for me to keep and rent-out to farmers. If I get my price for the 14, the 6 is not a problem. We closed at 3pm and I headed home; tomorrow is another day. At least Murphy was glad to see me.
My new Domain – The Virtual Cabin – is now online, has only a Title Page up, and I am working on chapters from way back since January 15th, 2010, when it became a section in "John's Journal", as a *Novella*, of sorts. I'm settled on several "templates" and will be extracting, "fleshing-out" certain smaller chapters, numbering and titling chapters, along with a Table of Contents, during the coming weeks and Winter months. When it's up-to-date, ready to visit and read, I'll let you know. Meanwhile, I removed www.gdnctr.com from my email sig and added the new Domain, along with the "Journal". Quite a change, if I do say so myself, since January 1996, when www.gdnctr.com went live as the very first Garden Center & Nursery on the then, "World Wide Web"; remember that "ancient term" for the Net? It'll take some "getting used to" not having it around to work on, after 15+ years, and of being in the top 3-5 entries in all search engines under "garden center".
It sure doesn't look like I'll get back up to "The Cabin" this week again or over the weekend, as I have Steffi in until Friday, the director of the Prospect Hill Cemetery Ass'n (where Dad's enshrined in "The Court of Valor") in to tag donation trees, negotiations with a prospective buyer at 10am, my Friday 8pm Church Meeting to attend, Alan and his men/equipment in all-day Saturday from 8am to who-knows-when, digging B&B trees in the fields. Definitely next week and weekend. Maybe.
I just had a cellphone call from Brian, a local contractor who wants to buy my 1990 JD 675B SkidLoader/Backhoe/Forks/Buckets and 1988 Chevy Dumptruck; he'll be in around 12noon with a deposit check (needs to clear my bank before the final bill-of-sale and title transfer) for both. It'll be nice to get rid of some the construction machinery.
Hells bells, I really wanted to retire to Halifax, Nova Scotia, but http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/2800992/poststhis article makes me think twice about it. That's where the 7 TV Movies of "Jesse Stone", starring Tom Selleck, were filmed. Beautiful country, IMO, but shitty, gov't-run healthcare. No handguns, no CCW, no thanks. I'll have re-think that whole "Halifax retirement" thing.
Temps were dropping fast by 7:30pm – it was down to 41°F already – but a toasty, warm 78°F in my condo; Murphy loved it. I like it around 70-72°F for sleeping, but Murphy gets cold, burrows under the covers, and gives me fits all night if I change sleeping positions. I listened to "The Mark Levin Show" (6-9pm EST) on The Mark Levin Live Stream, from 6-8:30pm, while running a Malwarebytes Full-System Scan on all internal and external drives; nothing detected. That done, I called it a day around 8:45pm. I reset the alarm for 4:30am, just to "mess Murphy up" a little, from his usual 4am awakening. I'm going to advance it ½ hour each week or two, until I get it to 8am. I needed the sleep.
But that didn't happen. I woke-up at 2am, and couldn't get back to sleep, no matter how hard I tried. "Counting sheep" was useless; I'm not a mutton or lamb eater. I just had way too much on my cluttered mind, so I sat on the side of the bed with Murphy, had another smoke and decided to make Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Eggs Benedict, Country Sausage, Grits w/ Butter & Sea Salt for breakfast and several 3-cup carafes of French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from fresh, whole ground beans) with my Chemex® Drip System. I'd stay-up and work on "The Virtual Cabin – A Novella", transposing Chapters from my weekly "Journal" to the new site, for a few hours, until it was time to go into work. www.thevirtualcabin.com still wasn't working on my FTP, so I wasn't able to upload even the title page, yet. I emailed Doug about the problem at 6pm last evening, and he had it up-and-running on Wednesday morning by 11am.
I was already very, very tired from being awake since 2am, and having drank two 3-cup carafes of French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee, but I stopped for more coffee at Sheetz® anyway, and opened-up the Complex at 6:30am. I could hardly keep my eyes open by 8am, and dozed-off at my desk for a while. Steffi arrived at 8, and I was ready to make a 6-8-cup pot of brewed French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from fresh, whole ground beans), in the Office machine. Other than take another "quick nap", I didn't know what else to do to keep awake. So I just drank more and more coffee, but it wasn't helping at all. I fell asleep at my desk for another 20-25 minutes, but an incoming phone call about Cleveland Select Pears woke me up; the caller's two crappy Bradford Pears came down in the weekend's "Halloween Snow Storm". Ha; what a surprise! I've been telling people that for 21+ years, and have never carried those pieces-of-crap!
I had many things to do, several calls to make, final A/R invoices to collect, paperwork to work on and it all had to get done, no matter how bad/sad/tired/depressed I felt. What and how I feel isn't important, anymore; getting this business permanently closed-down and sold, is all that counts. My state-of-mind always comes later, it seems. Par-for-the-course, and I'm definitely NOT a golfer. But I'll drive your cart and pour you a cold one...
I finally called it quits at 2:30pm and sent Steffi home, as I closed-up. I really wanted to install the Dry-Stick for my Cannon T-65® "Traditional Series"® (last of its kind) Double-Door Gun Safe, but I was just too tired; maybe tomorrow after work, when I've had a good night's sleep. It's going to be tricky, since the huge Safe is only 2-3" away from the garage wall, and the small hole for the old electrical cord is going to be difficult to tape the new one to, to pull it through without ripping-off the electrical tape it's taped-to. The plus is an easy snap-on unit, but pulling that cord 90°, instead of straight-out of the tiny hole, is going to to be a bitch. Somehow, I'll get it done. The other option is to feed the new plugless cord through the hole against the wall, and snag it with a specially-set-up and hooked coathanger to pull it out to where I can attach the plug and plu it into the outlet. I should have done this before I put the safe in-place, since there's no way to move it now. Sucks to be me, right now. The 3 new 3 Silica Gel Dehumidifier Cannisters and new Sears Kenmore 35-Pint Dehumidifier w/Drain Hose will be arriving in a few days, so those'll go into place quickly. It's the damned cord on that Dry-Stick which I'm having problems with. I'll figure it out, somehow.
I watched the Tom Selleck DVD of "Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise", and next him in the multi-set DVD, Disc #3 ("Re-Do"; Episode 1 of 4 on the disc) of "Blue Bloods, Season 1" until almost 8:45pm. Since I don't watch Network TV anymore, I'm missing "Blue Bloods, Season 2", but I'll get the DVD when it comes out. Selleck is one of my favorite actors, especially in the "Jesse Stone" Series; he's fantastic. I called it a night and Murphy and I hit the sack, bound-and-determined to sleep past 2am, this time. I don't know how I stayed awake that long; honestly.
Murphy woke me just as the alarm went-off at 4:15am, my usual time, and I finally got a sound night's sleep. After watering and feeding him, I made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Quaker Oats® Peaches & Cream Oatmeal and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee, scanned the weather and news sites, and noticed that we had a good 4-5 days of nice weather ahead, in the 60s. I felt 90% better than yesterday. It was only 34°F, but I'd turned-up the condo heat to 78°F and after breakfast, almost felt human again. At least the crews who'll be in on Saturdy, loading the remaining nursery stock and digging the B&B field trees, will have a good day for it.
I grabbed a shower, fresh clothes, made sure Murphy's wet-dry food & water bowls were full and got ready for work. It was cold and dark, just the way I hate it outside, going to work, but at least the roads weren't crowded at all; in factr, they were sort of empty even at 6:15am. Is today a holiday or something? I opened-up at 6:45 and began disassembling my peripherals – Kodak Camera & USB Docking Station, My Book 2Tb External Drives etc – from the Office Computer, tyo take home. I'll leave the HP 1660 DeskJet Printer attached until I finally abandon the Building over the Winter, soince I'm still going to use my Office as a "base of operations", for another few months. I have phones, electricity, plenty of LPG and Choice Security System, so everything will be fine, unless I sell the place/ auction it-all-off, or whatever.
I just sold my old (9,515hrs) 1990 John Deere 675B Skid-Loader with Backhoe Attachment, pallet forks, 2 different buckets and also my old, reliable 1988 Chevy V8 Dumptruck for $6,500 to a local contractor from Stewartstown. He'll be in Saturday to pick-up the SkidLoader/Backhoe as soon as his company's checks clear my bank, and give me cash for the truck, so we can get the truck's title transfer done next week. I gave him a simple Bill of Sale for the SkidLoader; the truck needs formal PA-State re-titling in nearby Red Lion (PA), at Runkle's Title & Tag Service.
My new Sears Kenmore 35-Pint Dehumidifier w/Drain Hose arrived Thursday UPS at the Complex and I installed it in the garage, also installed – no small feat through a tiny hole in the back of the Safe against the garage wall! – the new Dry-Stick® for my Cannon T-65® "Traditional Series"® (last of its kind) Double-Door Gun Safe, installed my Office's 10-year old Kodak DX3900 Digital Zoom Camera (3.1 Mpx) in a USB v2.0 port and it automatically-installed the ready-to-use software (from somewhere; beats me where it came from as I didn't have the old CD/DVD), and I was feeling ptetty good getting all that done in under 30 minutes. I sat down to cool-off with a tall, cold glass of Ocean Spray® Diet Blueberry Juice, and just smiled. It was only 4:15pm, and I'd made 2 hardware store stops on the way home to get female plugs, electrical tape and some other items for the tasks I'd just finished in record time. Slowly, but surely, I'm "migrating" peripherals home from the Office, though I plan to use the Complex for a "base of operations" over the Winter months, weather permitting. If not, I'll have it all here at home.
Next, I had to attend to Murphy's water and food needs, work on finishing this week's "Journal" – no more extensive Corporate Websites pages to work on – and think about bringing home my HP 1660 DeskJet Color Printer and where to set that unit up in here. Ummm okay; already got that one figured-out. My "computer table area" in the Kitchen is getting a bit "crowded". It's beginning to look like the "bundle of snakes" behind my Office computer, server, sound system etc. Wish I had a larger Kitchen, or a 3rd Bedroom for a "computer room". I began reading the thick Kenmore Dehumidifier Owner's Manual – printed in 9 languages, of course – to figure-out its operation with the optional drain hose. I'll save that all for tomorrow after work, before my 8pm Church Meeting.
I listened to "The Mark Levin Show (lots of links)" (6-9pm EST) on The Mark Levin Live Stream, from 6-9pm, while running a Malwarebytes Full-System Scan on all internal and external drives; nothing untoward detected. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day, as is Saturday, so I hit-the-sack at 9:15pm, and Murphy was was already waiting.
The “Virtual Cabin” – A Novella

I was on I-83 north by 16:30hrs (4:30pm) and at the exit for the quaint old village of Adam's Junction in a few minutes, driving down the long road to The Cabin, and its 1,000ft, "Princeton©" American Elm-lined driveway. Once there, I parked the 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee "Laredo" in front of the large deck & picnic table, on the right side of porch. After disarming the building I went in to see Jenny, brush, rub her down, and feed & water her and turn-up the heat to 78°F. I called William, my caretaker, on my way
After unpacking my Fall-Winter clothes and gear into the Master Bedroom and stowing some extra provisions into the well-stocked Kitchen Pantry. I grabbed a shower, some fresh clothes, and plopped myself down in one of the LR's comfy chairs to rest from the past 10 weeks of 7-days-a-week, and especially the frenetic past 5 days of closing my business forever. I had some food and personal item shopping to do at Bev & Tony's General Store, and some freshly-baked crusty Italian bread and delicious "Hot Cross Sticky Buns" to get at Old Mrs Patagonia's Bakery, before they closed at 20:00hrs (8:00pm) today, for Saturday's 09:00hrs) 9:00am opening, depending upon the coming snow, so I closed all the windows, loaded both the AR-10 .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO), with the Leupold Gold Dot Mark 4 CQ/T Scope, and Beowulf .50cal with an EoTech Red Dot Scope into the Jeep's back compartment, armed the building, put Jenny in the passenger's seat with the seatbelt on, and left for town. I had my Fall-Winter clothes & gear along, since it was getting colder and snow was imminent. On the way there, I filled-up at Roy's (the new owners kept the name even though Roy was in prison and his son Randy, my original caretaker, had been killed on July 30th in a drug deal-gone-bad) Shell Gas & Service Station, where lots of truckers and scores of tourists now stopped-in right off I-83, in both directions for fuel, food and the new 45-room Motel, since completed and booked-up for the distant future. I had plenty of time, since it was only 17:45hrs (5:45pm), and a very cool-and-dropping temp of 38°F, according to my The Cabin's Weather Station, as compared to a rpidly-cooling-down 44°F, when I left York. Snow was coming quickly the next morning, and alerts of a major ***WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT FROM SATURDAY MORNING THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING*** were all over the AJ Police Scanner, for these mountainous environs. I might get stuck here a while. I called William to thnk him for his caretaking, made sure he got all of his monthly checks on-time and remind him to get me plowed-out if we got more than 10-12", up to which my Jeep could easily handle.
I checked The Cabin's back-up solar generator back-up generator power supplies; there was plenty stored in reserve for 4-5 days, in case the storm knocked-out power to this area. And I had 75-100 large pillar candles, also in the pantry reserve from last Winter's storms and Spring floods, which caused havoc on numerous occasions up here. The Firewood Stack on the Back Porch had 1½ cords of tarped, split firewood and 25-30 3ft yule logs neatly-stacked, courtesy of William, plus the Firewood Storage Shed in the Backyard had another 10-12 cords of stacked, split firewood, ready for these Winter month weekends of mine. I brought-in plenty of split wood and 5 logs, and re-tarped the stacks. Jenny and I were ready for whatever came; she had cases of wet and dry food stacked in the pantry, and I had stocked almost 2 years of provisions. The fresh items we'd get in a little while, on our trip to town.
I stopped-in at the AJ Police Station & Town Hall, parked in my #7 slot, next to all the shiny new Police
I told him about my personal and professional anguish at losing the GC&N Complex, but that it was financially-time to walk away from it, before I got into any kind of real debt which I couldn't handle and resolve-quickly. I had two serious potential buyers for the 20-acres with buildings/roads/parking lots/improvements/utilities/landscaping etc, and would meet with them and Dad next week to talk serious money and sales. He seemed pleased that I was finally going to get out from under 21 years of it all, and find something new to do. He offered me a permanent job at the AJPD as First Lieutenant, though I'd have to leave York and move to The Cabin. It wasn't as spacious or as modern as my Condo in East York, but I could easily "adapt" to that change in lifestyle. I'd still have to go to the PA State Police Academy for 6 months of very intensive training, but at almost 62, I didn't think that I wanted or needed that "effort"; 30-35 years ago, I could have flown through there, after 3 tours in The Nam with 3rd Special Forces 101st Airborne (Green Berets), but right now I was looking for a respite from 7 years with The Boys Scouts of America (JS v1), 17 years on NYC's Madison Avenue (JS v2) and 21 years of founding/owning/operating my own horticultural business (JS v3). I needed a rest and some time-off, to re-group myself mentally and physically for "JS v4". I told him that I'd be here until late Sunday afternoon, and if the Dep't needed me, just call my cellphone and I'd be there for them. Tonight, I was going to "deep sleep" and get as much of the angst out of me as I could. We shook hands and Jenny and I left to drive around Adam's Junction, to look at all the beautiful homes, which I hadn't seen since August 26th, on my last visit.
There were so many to drive-by and see: the old Carriage House & Library, the residential section of my former 10-square block patrol area, and another residential section of my former patrol area, the homes on South Poplar Street, the Acton Home,
I made all my grocery/personal stops, kept Jenny on her leash for each store visit and purchase, and loaded the Jeep's cargo bay with lots of goodies. By now, I was beginning to nod-off, so I stopped at Nell's Kitchen Restaurant & Drive-In, for some strong, black coffee. It was now 16:00hrs (4:00pm), getting dark and that "spin around town took almost 2 hours. The "killer coffee" helped get me back to The Cabin, park under the left-side carport, get Jenny inside, unload the Jeep, arm the building, check the front/rear spotlight arrays, put everything into the 'fridge or pantry, grab a shower, some fresh clothes and get ready for bed. I laid-out everything for breakfast in the Kitchen & Pantry, set the Dining Room Table, got some books from my two bookcases – 1930s Oak Stacking Bookshelves with 8 drawers and the Glass Front, Antique Oak Barrister's Bookcase with 4 large shelves – for weekend evening reading and relaxing. I had them both almost filled with hundreds of Conservative books and other ones many Friends had given or recommended to me.
I took 3 Rx 1mg Lunesta®, so I'd sleep sound and late on Saturday, getting the R&R, which I desperately-needed after today's traumatic closing-down. After shutting-down The Cabin's temp to 76°F, I went to sleep, with jenny joining me at the foot of the bed. My Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45cal ACP amd 4 extra mags were on the nightstand, right next to the bed, as usual. All the other weapons were safely-stowed in the Master BR's closets. Lights out at 20:00hrs (8:00pm).
I woke-up at 23:45hrs (11:45pm) and 02:30hrs (2:30am), sat on the side of the bed and had a smoke, turned-on the Police Scanner and my Cabin's Weather Station, to check the storm's progress. Looking out the front bay window, I could see a freezing-mix already coming down. Temps outside were already 29°F and falling fast. I'd definitely need my Winter gear this weekend. I went back to sleep until 08:30hrs (8:30am), and it was already snowing heavily. Wet, heavy snow on trees with leaves: a recipe for much widespread damage and unending power outages. On October 29th? Yes, I called it: "an early Winter", several months ago. And once again, I was right.
After turning-up the heat to 78°F, I watered and fed Jenny, made a large carafe of French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from fresh-ground, whole beans) with my Chemex® Drip "Mother Nature's In Charge; We're Just Along For The Ride." – John D.M. Shelley II, pre-1996 System, started a fire, sat in the Living Room and just watched it come down. It looked wet and heavy and was coating everything, including the 1,000ft stone driveway, very quickly. This might be a "big one". I made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Sunnyside-up Eggs, Home Fries & Yellow Saffon Gravy, Grits w/ Butter & Sea Salt and heated-up some "Hot Cross Sticky Buns" slathered with Butter.
The power flickered off-and-on 15-20x, for various lengths of time; I finally lost count. So I disconnected from the grid, and started-up my Cabin's back-up solar generator to provide continuous and reliable power, instead of lighting any of those pillar candles. Jenny was curled-up in the Living Room, on her bearskin rug, in front of the roaring fireplace, which is where I wound-up, too. I *almost wished" that I'd had a bottle of 50-year old Brandy or 30-year old Scotch to drink, instead of just a glass of Ocean Spray® Diet Blueberry-Pomegranate Juice, to quell my anger at the wet, heavy snow-caused, power problems. But I'm glad that I didn't. It was 16:15hrs (4:15pm) and it was snowing heavily. We'd already gotten 6-8" and the Police Scanner and my Weather Station called for another 12-18", minimum, depending upon how the storm tracked. No calls on my cellphone from Capt Clay, so the AJPD and the AJ Public Works Dep't Road Crews were dealing with it; I wasn't needed. I'd just ride this one out with plenty of battery power in reserve for 4-5 days and nights, if I conserved some power.
I heard William's snowplow truck come through the 1,000ft driveway to clear it and the circle turnaround, and then out he went, to his other customers' properties. I decided to stay inside and not venture out in the Jeep at all, today. The roads were becoming iced-over with frozen slush and would be dangerous for anything except emergency travel. I just curled-up on the couch, by the fire, and napped. It would be over, soon enough, according to my Cabin's Weather Station, and I'd go out tomorrow and cruise through snow-covered Adam's Junction, close-down The Cabin around 15:00hrs (3pm), and then go back to York early in the afternoon. I just hoped the roads would be passable, without too many fallen tree blockages.
I was hungry from not having any lunch, so I made a Late Night BLT with Fried Egg and Cheese Sandwich and washed-it-down with Ocean Spray® Diet Blueberry-Pomegranate Juice, watered & fed Jenny one last time for the night, and decided to get to sleep early, as usual. I secured and armed the building, checked the spotlight arrays, closed the fireplace flu halfway, turned-down the furnace to 72°F, threw an extra soft wool blanket on the bed, took my Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45cal ACP and Remy 870 12ga Pump Synthetic Express Super Magnum with devastating, 4" narrow-pattern Federal 12ga .00 Buck "FliteControl®" Shells into the Master Bedroom, and Jenny joined me for the night. I'd be up early to water and feed her, but would go back to sleep for an extra few hours, before going into town, since it was Sunday and almost everyone would be at their Church by 8:30m. I wanted to take a drive through snow-covered Adam's Junction, in October; something I'd not done before.
I was up at 03:30hrs (3:30am) – after napping for hours, staying inside all-day during "The Halloween Nor'Easter Storm" and going to bed so early, I just couldn't sleep any longer – so I turned-up the Cabin's furnace to 78°F, watered and fed Jenny, made a large carafe of French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee, Sunnyside-up Eggs w/ Squash, Oven-Roasted Russet Potatoes (with skin-on) cut in 1" pieces, drizzled w/ EVOO and Kosher Sea Salt and Grits w/ Butter & Sea Salt. The Cabin was toasty-warm in a matter of minutes, and I built a fire for extra measure for Jenny to curl-up in front on her bearskin rug.
My Cabin's Weather Station showed the October record-setting Nor'Easter Storm had moved-up into New England, leaving totals around here of 3.5" to 14", and even more like 18-20" here in the mountains. The forecast was for a sunny and 40-45°F day, which would turn everything to slush, and probably re-freeze again on Sunday night, making entry into the "former GC&N Complex" difficult. It was a mere 19°F out there now, and bitter cold. With at least 3 deaths blamed on the storm and many millions without power, I felt fortunate to be where I was with a back-up solar generator and roaring fire. After eating a large breakfast, I laid down on the couch for a nap until daybreak.
By 07:15hrs (7:15am), just as it was getting light, I heard William's snowplow truck and saw his 6 spotlights coming down my 1,000ft driveway, turned-on the front spotlight array so he could see the entire area better, got dressed – in several layers of Pendleton Woolen Shirts, jeans, my Air Force Parka, 12" LLBean Maine Insulated Hunting Boots and HD Gloves – grabbed a snowshovel from "Mother Nature's In Charge; We're Just Along For The Ride." – John D.M. Shelley II, pre-1996 the back porch to begin cleaning-off the side door's steps and front porch, side deck and front steps. We waved; I invited him in for coffee, but he said he had too much to do right now and thanked me anyway. I could see 5-6 empty Nell's coffee cups and muffin/egg/bacon sandwich wrappers on his dash, so he was well-juiced with caffeine and breakfast sandwiches. He'd probably had very little, if any, rest all night, doing both private home driveway plowing and public-contract Adam's Junction plowing, to open the main and side roads. He said the Dep't of Public Works' plows had been out all night, too. In a day or so, this would all be gone, but other Winter storms wouldn't be far behind.
After getting back inside and thawing-out in front of the fire, I slumped back in one of my comfy chairs, and rested-up. Suddenly, I could go back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. Jenny didn't even wake-up; she just snored. I worked on my "shopping list" for Weis Market, for when I returned to York, which would be sooner than I hoped, as I had shoveling and clean-up to do at my Condo, too, and at Mom & Dad's home. I also needed to get to Sears to get a small dehumidifier for the garage to protect the gunsafe, and then to Boscov's to look for a Tan Cord Sportscoat. They still didn't have their "Winter Line" in by October 15th! Guess the chinese hadn't made or shipped them yet.
I did the breakfast dishes and pots/pans, put them in the double-sink rack to dry, a load of laundry, grabbed a shower and fresh clothes, made-up the Master Bedroom with fresh linens, cleaned the bathroom and shower, brought-in another 3 loads of split firewood and logs, started the Jeep and let it warm-up for 10-15 minutes, then shut-it-down and locked it. It was good to get back inside; the bitter winds were howling at 35-45mph+.
I threw some more split firewood and a small log into the fire, and settled back in a comfy chair to do some reading – "Liberty & Tryanny: A Conservative Manifesto" by Mark Levin, – until it got light, downtown Adam's Junction awoke and a few stores began opening. I also had his "Men In Black" by Mark Levin, to finish reading at another time. I wanted to stay-off the roads since the Public Works Dep't Snowplow Crews were out clearing streets, and I'd just get in their way. Jenny just slept after my restless night and early morning awakening. I nodded-off too, until 7:45am.
I dressed in Winter Gear again, took my Beowulf® .50cal with an EoTech Red Dot Scope, and 10 extra 11-round mags of 335gr .50cal rounds (causing massive damage to whatever it hits inside of 200yds) in its Eagle Carrying Bag, turned the heat down to 72°F, armed the building and set-off for AJ's Main Street covered in snow, and stores were beginning to open. I stopped at Bev & Tony's General Store to chat for a while, pick-up a carton of Marlboros®, and some personal items, as well as cold-cuts, pasta & chicken salad, Rye bread etc for the coming week at the Office, and talked about my late fianceé, Gabrielle. Tony was at Church and would be back within an hour, so Bev and I sobbed together about her death on Christmas Eve, 2010. I was going to lay a single red rose, from all three of us, on her grave, before I left today for York. There'd never be another Gabrielle in my life, ever. I said goodbye, gave her a hug and continued on my way.
I stopped by the AJPD again and went sinside to talk to Capt Clay, who was doing paperwork; mountains of it. He despised the volume, but it was necessary to run the
I stopped at Midlands' Garden Center and bought a rose, drive to the cemetary, knelt at Gabrielle's Grave, said a prayers for her, and laid the rose at her headstone. With tears running down my cheeks, I continued my drive over to Nell's Kitchen Restaurant & Drive-In, to get some more "killer coffee". As I was sitting at the Kitchen' Front Lunch Counter, two fat, redneck Holtzapple scum appeared and one tried to push me off my stool. That didn't sit well with me at all, and I showed him my Deputy Badge, which he spit-at and missed. I drop-kicked him square in the balls, dropping him like a 500-lb sack-of-shit-on-a-20-mile-hike. I quickly drew my Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45cal ACP, clicked-off the safety and pressed it right against the other asshole's forehead, causing him to wet himself, bigtime. I called the incident into the AJPD on my cellphone, as did several of Nell's employees. Two new AJPD Cruisers with Deputies Alex and Tim, were on-site within minutes, cuffed them both, filled-out the necessary paperwork, took my and the restaurant employees' statements, and hauled the punks away to jail. I got my coffee, paid and left.
Enough excitement for a Sunday morning; I had some other places to go before going back to The Cabin. I stopped by William's home to drop-off a check for his The task ahead of you is never as great as The Power behind you. snowplowing and a two-month advance on the next month's caretaking of The Cabin and Jenny. With all the work I have to do to dismantle the former GC&N Complex, I don't know when I'll get back up here again. Plus, I have to set-up an "office" at home to get personal things done, which I'd normally do at the former-Office, during the early morning/late-afternoon hours. The tasks ahead were daunting, to say the least. Next, I was off to the ACE Hardware Store to see of they had small dehumidifiers, or whether I'd have to get one back in York. They didn't, so I'd have to either order one online or go pick it up at the nearby Sears. Too bad.
It was already 10:30hrs (10:30am) and the several Churches were letting-out worshippers, and the streets were getting busy, once again. So was the AJ's Main Street. I had one last stop to make at the AJPD before I left, but Capt Clay was at Church with his family, so I just left a private written note for him. Back to
I watered and amply-fed Jenny with several extra bowls of both wet and dry dogfood, packed the Jeep, shut-down the back-up generator and put The Cabin back on-the-grid, and checked the spotlight array. I notified William to "take over" on Monday morning, by leaving a message on his cellphone – must be asleep from plowing for 1½ days straight – brushed and talked to Jenny (the mixed-breed, half-frozen puppy I'd found along the road, rescued, and bought from her uncaring owners for $150, last Winter), armed the building and hit the road back to I-83 south. I'd gassed-up the Jeep yesterday and had plenty to get home. I'd be back as soon as I could manage it. (Please Jump Back Up To "A Day In The Life".)
General Election 2012 Bullshit
80% of Americans now "see country on the wrong track". Somehow, 16% of likely American voters still believe the country is doing swell. Wrong track? The Kenyan-Village-Idiot ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL) has intentionally fucked-up America. ∅bummer (BIGOT-IL) is a racist, subhuman pig-fucking muslim infiltrator bent on destroying the US from within, with sharia-pigshit law, a hate-America, hate-Whitey, subversive Leninist, dirtbag, lowlife half-breed, affirmative-action, race-baiting fraud, a Chicago ghetto punk, union-thug puppet, commie-liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT, pathological liar, an inept hack, an incompetent amateur, a self-effacing poseur, and worst-of-all possibilities for America, POTUS.
Both Herman Cain (RACIST-GA) and Allen West (RACIST-FL) are SUBHUMAN RACIST MOTHERF•CKER FILTH! They're both members of the über-RACIST Congressional Black Caucus/Mucous pieces-of-lowlife-nigger-shit-filth! I wouldn't support or vote for either, until ***they fully-renounce that racist bunch of nigger racistss*** and quit! I don't give a shit that the Racist-CBC calls them "Oreos®"; that means nothing to me! Cain and West are RACIST NIGGER SCUMBAGS, and just as bad as the bigoted, hate-Whitey ∅bummer (RACIST-IL)! And all are worst than the evil, murderous KKK, IMO!
Herman Cain's (RACIST-GA) harebrained, moronic, dumbass idea of a "9-9-9 tax" plan is purely idiotic; it paves the way for a *19-19-19*, *29-29-29*, *39-39-39* or worse tax in coming years. Cain's 9-9-9 plan is dogshit and will SCREW YOU and ME! Keep your $9.99 for your shitty Godfather pizzas, RINO-sambo dumb-f•cker! Crawl back in your racist-CBC hole with West, and stay there!
F•ck Cain the lowlife, RINO, racist scumbag!
F•ck Cain the dirtbag, RINO, racist scumbag!
F•ck Cain the subhuman, RINO, racist scumbag!
F•ck Cain the piece-of-shit, RINO, racist scumbag!
F•ck Cain's "9-9-9 Tax Plan" the piece-of-shit, RINO, racist scumbag! Pensioners get completely f•cked; read it and do the math. So do all retirees.
Ron Paul's (KOOK-TX) a true looney-tunes nutcase, but sometimes he has some very good ideas. I say record them, implement them, and put Paul into an asylum, on Librium, where he belongs. He's nuts.
US Sen Jim "Fuck The US Military!" Imhofe (RINO-OK) is a total and complete asshole. Stay the •ck out of Uganda! Nuke Africa and all those murderous, subhuman muslim/islamic and lowlife tribal nigger filth/trash/garbage/shit, but save the indigenous, rare animals, and latrer re-populate tht continent with Civilized Western European People.
The GOP Establishment-endorsed Assholes – Cain, Romney, Perry, Gingrich, Paul – were at it again on a Tuesday night "debate", while the only two worth a shit – Bachmann and Santorum – went nowhere, once again. With Palin out of the race, I'm staying home and sitting on my hands. A true farce, as usual; no I didn't watch it. F•ck it all.
F•ck Cain's flipflopping: first, he'd release all terrorist at GITMO if the pig-fucking, murderous, subhuman muslim/islamic, boy-buggering faggots of al Queerda demanded it. Now he says he lied and wouldn't do it. Which is it, sambo asshole? Cain is dogshit!
And while I'm at it: F•ck Romney, Huntsman, Perry and Paul too! They're all dogshit, mainstream GOPer, RINO liars. Only Bachmann and Santorum make any sense.
Herman Cain (PHONY-GA) is NO CONSERVATIVE! He's a racist piee-of-shit, like ∅bummer(NIGGER-IL), and his "9-9-9 Tax Plan" is total bullshit and will just cause more misery and poverty! A *7% Flat Tax* is the answer.
Speaking of *shit*, Rick Perry's now a steaming pile of dogshit.
No Herman, you're the American Nightmare Sambo!
∅bummer&Co Are The Destroyers of America & Jobs
That is the gross understatement of the year, possibly the decade, if there ever was one. ∅bummer (BIGOT-IL) is a racist, subhuman pig-fucking muslim infiltrator bent on destroying the US from within, with sharia-pigshit law, a hate-America, hate-Whitey, subversive Leninist, dirtbag, lowlife half-breed, affirmative-action, race-baiting fraud,
That sambo and his shit-for-brains, totally-incompetent, white-trash asshole VP, Joey "Hair Plugs" Biden (ASSHOLE-DE) wield and co-control such great power in the corrupt US Government – along with Rep Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi (BOTOX-CA) We are all victims. We are all pawns in their games. We are all subject the whims of fate. We are powerless to help ourselves. Even the weather conspires against us and wishes to do us harm. Only allegiance to an all-powerful government can protect us. In other words: Vote demokkkRAT, or suffer from a Katrina-type disaster. Fear sells, baby. and Sen "Dingy Harry" Reid (CROOK-NV) – is totally unthinkable to our failing Constitutional Republic, once the envy of every nation on the face of this planet. Now, we're becoming a "Turd-World Nation", very quickly, under their combined, corrupt, criminal "leadership".
Shit-for-brains ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) "Green Industry" Scam is failing faster than any computer can count. This is the 10th or 11th company which has folded-up since ∅bummer's (NIGGA-IL) scam went into effect, funneling our hard-earned tax dollars into losing ventures, to prop-up union-thugs and other, assorted lowlife scum and filth. Just like ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) Evergreen Solar and Conergy Solar and Stirling Energy Systems and dozens of other frauds he set-up for kickbacks to his campaign donors, did. The whole "solar industry" is a SCAM, a LIE and a FRAUD, like the subhuman ∅bummer (FILTH-IL) is!
A new dirtbag ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) 1% tax on all bank transactions – HR 4646 – coming right after the November 2012 General Elections? Watch for it, "under the radar". Oh, never mind; the bill is now DOA.
FOX News: "Labor Secretary Hilda Solis (TRAITOR-CA) has overseen a number of signed agreements between US agencies and foreign officials pledging to give migrant (criminal, illegal alien) workers the full protections
"Slow jobs recovery forecast ahead"? How about *more than 400,000 jobs per month lost for every month, for the foreseeable future, White House assholes? And ZERO JOBS added in August, treasonous, commie scumbags! Unemployment – by "manipulated" US Gov't stats – still at 9.2%+ and climbing; the corrupt US Government doesn't count *everyone*. REAL unemployment is at 21% and climbing!
Ashlawn Energy Co, Willoughby, Ohio, is another US Taxpayer-funded "green jobs company" which will fail within 1-2 years; mark my words! It's just more islamic ∅bummer (LIAR-IL) dogshit on the pile! They're all garbage, shit and trash, on OUR DOLLARS!
Scumbag ∅bummer's (INEPT-IL) partial list of 25 Impeachable Crimes Against America. And the other list of the other 25 Impeachable Offenses & Crimes by the criminal, corrupt, commie, Chicago nigga-boy thug. IMPEACH HIM!
Get out of the way of business, ∅bummer (SCUMBAG-IL) douchebag asshole punk! You're no American or Black Man;
Asshole ∅bummer (PIGSHIT-IL) is the likely star of a new, murderous, muslim, islamic Palestinian media campaign.
∅bummer's (COMMIE-IL) has an insidious plan to destroy America's Small Businesses, increase unemployment to astronomical numbers and make everyone dependent upon "The Government Cheese".
Lowlife ∅bummer (muslim-IL) says 9-11 is not about subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic terrorism or al Queerda, but it's to be "a day of public service". BULLSHIT, islamic piece-of-pigshit asshole! It's 10 years later, and America and the world have forgotten what happened on that terrible Tuesday in September. I WILL NEVER FORGET, DAMMIT!
Boeing, or any other US Company, has the right to open a non-union production facility in any right-to-work state they choose, for their own company's benefit, ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL). And NOT where you and your corrupt, union-thug-goon-controlled NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) and criminal union – International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – dictates, dammit! F•ck the union and f•ck you, sambo! Washington State, is a lousy, shitty, corrupt, union-thug-run hellhole, to do any kind of business, due to the corrupt union garbage/filth/trash/shit. The corrupt, criminal liberal-demokkkRAT pieces-of-shit and NLRB need to be stood against a wall, IMO!
∅bummer's (SCUMBAG-IL) a traitor to America, for shipping jobs out of America to Turd-World Hellholes like Costa Rica, and should be impeached and imprisoned-for-life, if not stood against a wall. "And that's how this country built a strong and growing economy and a strong expanding middle class. That's our history. That's what we got to get back to," said the LYING, SON-OF-A-BITCH-COMMIE-RACIST-PIGFUCKER ∅bummer (ASSHOLE-IL)!
A $400 BILLION "Jobs Plan" from ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL)? There is NO "PLAN" ON ANY PAPER,
Other side, dumbasses!
In connection with ATF's criminal and corrupt "Fast and Furious", Holder and ∅bummer-Soetoro are guilty of perjury and manslaughter. IMPEACH, SENTENCE FOR TREASON, JAIL & EXECUTE THEM BOTH and their corrupt cronies! IMO, anything named "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms" ought to be a convenience store instead of an arm of the federal government!
Speaking of criminal and corrupt subhuman filth, Georgie-Boy Sore-Ass (Soros) comes to mind right away. He's involved very, very tightly with ∅bummer-Soetoro (CRIMINAL-IL) in the "Green Industry Scam", involving LightSquared Co, another fraudulent company taking BILLIONS of US Taxpayers' dollars, and purposely going bankrupt, while pocketing it all. Sore-Ass needs summary-execution, IMO!
More criminals from Solyndra Co, another "Green Energy Scam" company, need summary-killing, too. They're looting America!
These subhuman filth are "America's Ruling Class", who face *The Peril of Revolution*. They just don't realize it, but one day soon, they will. And it will be very bloody and ugly.
I don't give a flying rat's ass what color ∅bummer-Soetoro (CRIMINAL-IL) is, he's out in Nov 2012. Gone!
Corrupt asshole, ∅bummer-Soetoro (LIAR-IL) doesn't give a flying-f•ck about the racist, bigoted, ineffectual, impotent, lowlife, dirtbag assholes of the CBC-M (Congressional Black Caucus-Mucous); he and his commie-puppet-handlers want everyone in poverty and on "the government cheese" and, if you're black, you're already 16.7%+ of the way there, with black kids already 50%+ of the way there. Whitey's far less than 9.1% there, black folks. Wake-up black folks. Think about it. "I expect all of you to
Corrupt ∅bummer-Soetoro (COMMIE-IL)'s criminal EPA will be shutting-down 20% of the Nation's coal-fired electricity plants in 2012, thereby "causing the price of electricity to necessarily skyrocket". Need more be said? ∅bummer-Soetoro (DIRTBAG-IL)'s a criminal and is purposely-bankrupting Americans.
Hundreds, if not thousands of Sub-Chapter S and LLC Corporations – once creating 70% of America's jobs and employing tens-of-millions of Americans – are going under from the oppressive, unending, rising taxes – payroll, workmen's comp, unemployment insurance, vehicle insurance, liability insurance, utilities etc – rules and regulations from ∅bummer's (COMMIE) "fascist central planning government". And thousands more will disappear as an average of 450,000+ people per month continue to lose their jobs. Families suffer, mortgages go "under water", utilities are going unpaid, vacations are canceled, vehicles are sold, medical insurance rises to unaffordable rates, school and property taxes rise to unheard-of levels, utilities – electric, natural gas, water, sewer – increase by 10-15% per month, and ad infinitum ad nauseum. The American Family is under "economic attack", as well.
The US Gov't nationalized 17% of the US Economy (healthcare) and another 8% (energy), while losing 399,140 jobs in the 1st quarter of 2011, over 430,911 jobs in the 2nd Quarter, an average of 421,250 jobs lost/week in July and 432,000 jobs lost/week, in August. ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) signed the failed $787 billion "1st stimulus bill" his first month in office. No wonder the ∅bummer Administration doesn't talk about the created or saved stimulus jobs anymore. There weren't any. It just gets worse and worse by each passing week. According to a new study, the ∅bummer-Pelosi-Reid Stimulus bill created 450,000 government jobs (mostly temporary census-takers) and destroyed 1,000,000 private sector jobs. Plus, it only cost us $1.2 TRILLION of our hard-earned tax dollars. Nice going, ∅bummer-Pelosi-Reid. My calculator sparked and melted when I tried to figure out the dollar-cost-per-job; it couldn't handle that many zeros. It's actually $200,000+ per job; thanks ABCNews. That's a "real bargain"; Tesla Motors' jobs cost $465,000 per job.
Now, the "Son-Of-Stimulus-Bitch-2" bill features f•cks us with a fake "prop bridge", which doesn't need any repairs for many years, to sell his
This ∅bummer Administration is like a slow-motion, horror movie, on an endless loop: it just keeps playing its tired-old-bullshit, over and over and over and over, again. Reality at a snail's pace is terribly painful to watch and endure, from all, now-thoroughly-poisoned business perspectives.
These subhuman filth are "America's Ruling Class", who face *The Peril of Deadly Revolution*. They just don't realize it, but one day soon, they will. And it will be very bloody and ugly.
Activist, demented, perverted, subhuman liberal-demokkkRAT-filth judges are now legislating who can/cannot own a cow and consume its milk, and are about to legislate what kind of food and water we Americans are "entitled to". It's not a "fundamental right", but rather "a right granted us by the state", is what this alcoholic, lowlife, child-molesting, wife-beating, dog-kicking, dirtbag, ∅bummer (∅bummer (FRAUD-IL)-asshole-licking punk Fiedler "judge", is saying.
Shit-for-brains ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) "...Blames Blacks, Bush, Banks, Budget, You" for his stupidity, ineptness, racism, incompetency, idiocy in f•cking-up this once-great Nation. Typical commie asshole!
∅bummer (HACK-IL) is losing his commie mind. He stupidly plays idiotic political games with the disastrous wildfires in Texas.
He can't even find, correct and control his pathetic administration's gross errors: a "retirement fund for federal workers" improperly paid out an average of $120 million annually over the last five years, a new inspector
∅bummer & Edwards = Faggots
Despite last Friday's relative calm on Wall Street, it was a brutal week for stocks, with investors losing faith in ∅bummer's (INEPT-IL) economies and political leaders – especially ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL) – around the world. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the week down 738 points, or 6.4%, its worst weekly performance since October 2008. Nice job again, ∅bummer's (DOLT-IL).
What happened to "the 400,000 jobs that would be created 'almost immediately' once ∅bummer-Care was signed into law"? Nothing happened. There never were any 400,000 jobs which would be created; it was just another Pelosi LIE!
New applications for unemployment benefits sank by 37,000 last week to 391,000 to mark the lowest level since April, but a government official suggested the surprising drop may have stemmed from a variety of "technical" issues... only to be "revised upward next week" to real numbers. ∅bummer's (INCOMPETENT-IL) a liar and so is his entire commie-based administration.
YES, take ∅bummer-Care to the SCOTUS and let them decide, 5-4, against it based upon The Commerce Clause!
Nice trick: firing and re-assigning 81 illegal immigration US Attorneys in the corrupt, criminal, lying, half-breed nigga bastard Holder's (THUG-NY) DOJ, to their old jobs, and allowing millions more illegal, subhuman filth to invade America, ∅bummer (CRIMINAL). Nice job, commie asshole!
The lying Chicago-nigga-punk-thug, ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL), said "the $447 BILLION Jobs Act is paid for" in his teleprompter speech a few weeks ago; HE'S A F•CKING LIAR! The crooked "Dingy White Trash" Harry Reid (CRIMINAL-NV) bastard in the Senate has to tax millionaires 5% to pay for it! Liars, all!
Not only is the criminal, corrupt US Government now taxing millionaires 5% to pay for their illegal, anti-US Constitutional, commie-Marxist "income redistribution program", they also want tax increases on the "wealthy" – those of us earning (or used to earn) more than $250,000 per year, and for adoption of the "Buffett Rule" Lie – regardless of whether the lying, corrupt, criminal US Senate demokkkRATs' proposed "Millionaire Tax" becomes law. Tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend!
What ∅bummer (INEPT-IL) fails to realize is that many people who report incomes of over $250,000 are owners of small businesses who report business earnings on their personal income tax. This is a whole lot different than someone with a $250,000 salary. Upping taxes on these so called "rich" will penalize small businesses who are the largest source (70%) of employment in the country. With the inevitable inflation that will result from ∅bummer's (FILTH-IL) economic policies a lot of two income households may well hit this $250,000 mark as well. Why ∅bummer (THUG-IL) has declared a
The Kenyan-Village-Idiot ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), is dancing all-around "it", but can't bring himself to say it, so I will: what ∅bummer (RACIST-IL) really wants is an "Employed White Guy Tax", plain and simple! ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is subhuman filth/shit/garbage/trash.p>
The local paper ran an article about my US Gov't-taxed-to-death closing; depressing. In case they "pull it", and put it in their "pay-for-vew" archives, here's a copy.
Here's a detailed primer of "Operation Fast & Furious", for those who don't know about it, detailing ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) and Holder's (CRIMINAL-NY) complete and total involvement in it.
Here's ∅bummer's (ASSHOLE-IL) record after the 141st miserable, horrible, terrible week in office; judge for yourself.
Starbucks, Borders, Circuit City and now Friendly Ice Cream Corp, the troubled family restaurant chain that was a casualty of a commie-Marxist, wealth-redistribution economic DEPRESSION, said it closed 63 of its nearly 500 locations as it looks to reorganize under *Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection*. Nice job, ∅bummer (IDIOT-IL). Whoops; there goes Loew's, too!
The Kenyan-Village-Idiot ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), is dancing all-around "it", but can't bring himself to say it, so I will: what ∅bummer (RACIST-IL) really wants is an "Employed White Guy Tax", plain and simple! ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is subhuman filth/shit/garbage/trash.p>
"Crony Capitalism" such as – faggot, salami-hider,
∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) is a liar; everything coming out of that sambo thug's mouth is a F•CKING LIE! Typical Marxist, commie, liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT subhuman filth!
Former Colorado Governor and shit-for-brains douchebag, liberal-demokkkRAT, Bill "Fuck America!" Ritter (MORON-CO) boasted that Colorado is at the "epicenter of America’s New Energy Economy" and that it would be a "lasting legacy" to our children and all future generations. Ritter is an assholer, pure and simple. "Green Energy" is a lie, a scam and *CRONY CAPITALISM*! Total bullshit and mountains of debt for our children and grandchildren for these failed, lib-dem-trash/RINO-criminal scams and lies!
∅bummer's (COMMIE-IL) liberal-demokkkRATic dirtbag apologist, Eric Dash, from "The New York Slimes" stupidly says that the "recession ended two years ago", and ignorantly writes, "In a grim sign of the enduring nature of the economic slump, household income declined more in the two years after the recession ended than it did during the recession itself, new research has found." Dash is a liar and is so full of government-induced bullshit, that he's completely laughable and unable to be taken seriously, at all, except for the corrupt, criminal ∅bummer's (FAGGOT-IL) . WE'RE IN A DEPRESSION, YOU ASSHOLES! Real unemployment is at 21%+ and 46.2million+ Americans are living in poverty, you NYSlimes idiot!
Corrupt, criminal GE Corp is "crony/socialist capitalism dogshit", at its absolute worst! I'll never buy another of their products, dammit! Jeffy "Fuck America!" Immelt is an alcoholic, drug-addicted, child-molesting faggot, butt-humping-buddy of the ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) nigga-faggot. They make hundreds-of-billions in profits in Chinese-made/ US-imported products, and don't pay a penny in corporate income taxes! Unlike us Small Businesses, who pay far too many taxes to make-up for GE's criminal and corrupt conduct in the marketplace.
Lowlife, subhuman, piece-of-pig-fucking muslim/islamic filth/garbage/trash, US Rep Keith "Kill American Infidels!" Ellison (muslim-MN), is another ignorant, ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) administration nigga-faggot douchebag, who doesn't understand anything about how Small Businesses in America actually works.
Wow, nice going ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL)! Only 404,000 jobs lost last week, as of October 8th. And job openings continue to decline, sambo. Really good job, sambo boy!
Want to hear a really stupid, illiterate, lowlife dirtbag NIGGER, Jesse Jackson Jr, call for Martial Law to Circumvent the US Congress to Combat Unemployment? This Jackson scum, like his commie shit-for-brains old man, is an ignorant, moronic, subhuman NIGGER! He's NO Black Man, let alone an American Black Man!!
After idiotically-destroying NASA, the dumbass, INEPT, ignorant nigger commie, ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is now buying space on Virgin Atlantic, a two-bit, shitty Brit company with a piss-poor safety record and substandard equipment, only designed to barely make it to suborbital space, where we don't need to go. $10 says the Branson-homo is blowing ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) Leave it to a tar-baby, jungle-bunny commie nigga-thug, to do something so asinine and overtly-stupid to further destroy America.
The crooks and criminals at GM's Tesla Motors also benefitted from $465 MILLION in below-rate loans from ∅bummer's (INCOMPETENT-IL) criminal DOE. IMO, shoot them all!
Here's Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) 7 lies in under 2 minutes. Thanks to him, we now have a "permanent, unemployed underclass" in America. He's America's "divider-in-chief".
The corrupt, treasonous, lowlife piece-of-shit, scumbag, half-breed AG Eric Holder (LIAR-NY) needs to go PRISON! Or be executed for "Crimes Against America"!
The headline is an out-and-out-lie: it's a DEPRESSION, NOT A RECESSION, intentionally-caused by ∅bummer (CRIMINAL-IL)!
"Not since at least 1960 has the US standard of living fallen so fast for so long. The average American has $1,315 less in annual disposable income now than at the onset of the Great Recession DEPRESSION. (There; fixed it.)" That's just one of the reasons why we're going-out-of-business.
Lowlife, liberal-progressive demokkkRATs love rape; they voted for it and for more DEPRESSION in America!
With the approval of the corrupt, criminal ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL) administration, an electric "GREEN INDUSTRYT SCAM" car company, the start-up called Fisker, that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying "it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work". TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT LIES FROM THE ALCOHOLIC, PEDOPHILE, CRIMINAL, Henrik Fisker FAGGOT!
Almost 26 million Americans are either unemployed, marginally-attached to the labor force, or involuntarily working part-time – a number experts say is unprecedented. Nice going, ∅bummer (LIAR-IL) nigger boy!
After 144 weeks in "office" here's what the lowlife, dirtbag, piece-of-shit ∅bummer (NIGGER-IL) has done to f•ck-up America and the world. Nice, huh?
Delusional, mentally-ill, commie nigger filth, ∅bummer (LIAR-IL): "In an exclusive interview with ABC's Jake Tapper, Obama essentially said that, if he could redo the first few years of his presidency, he wouldn't have made a single decision differently". Stupid f•cking sambo asshole.
Things Which Make Your Head Explode

?"Mittens" Romney (RINO-MI) is a slimy, lying, liberal demokkkRAT-loving, asshole buittwiper. Here's the truth about him.
Here's reason #2 why all unions, of all kinds, should be banned: they're punks, thugs, goons, parasites, lowlifes, dirtbags, scum, filth, trash, shit and subhuman garbage, *destroying everything* they touch and are involved with. F•ck all unions! If a union organizer had ever have come on to my business' property, I'd have shot him/her dead!
Do you "fear the food" or "The Food Police"? "Food Day" was earlier this week, an event sponsored by The Center For Science In The Public Interest (CSPI). To celebrate the CSPI released their "Terrible Ten" food list. It seems fitting that this list was released just before Halloween, as it makes "monsters" out of food. “Vending machines dispensing soft drinks and candy are the ubiquitous, mute, metallic monsters that promote unhealthy diets 24/7”, according to the list. Nanny State, isn't it? All of our are choices removed, if implemented, aren't they? NYC and California lead the way, so far.
Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is a true American Hero, IMO! get that criminal, stinking, illegal wetback filth out of America, Joe! Don't deport or jail the criminal illegals: SHOOT AND KILL THEM!
If true, this Militia Plot against the US Gov't is just plain wrong, and those involved should be prosecuted. Best way to change this corrupt, criminal government is at the "ballot box", not the "bullet box", next November 6th; and especially NOT through the use of bio-toxin force, IMO. Millions of innocents could be killed.
Some People Just Need Killing
It's not my intention to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter to me, at all — and rid American Society's innocents (especially our precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly) of them, once-and-for-all. And yes, I'd "Whosoever shall shed man’s blood, his blood shall be shed: for man was made to the image of God." – Genesis 9:6 rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers/robbers/child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey; call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Just & RIGHT!
Society's innocents — our precious, defenseless children and the frail, defenseless elderly — must be protected from predators, murderers, rapists, robbers and other subhuman filth, at all times and at any cost, IMO.
Yes, I agree with the premise of this article, that "the death penalty is a Noahic Covenant with God, in a post-flood world", and America should apply it everyday to those deserving death for their crimes against society and its innocents.The 6th Commandment says: "Thou Shalt Not Murder". It does NOT say, "Thou Shalt Not Kill". I personally don't consider execution, murder, in any way, shape or form. It's Justice-For-Crimes-On-This-Earth, IMO.
Don't like what I'm saying or thinking, then push The Drama Button.
KILL ALL subhuman, murderous mUSLIM/iSLAMIC filth! They're all pig-fucking, lowlife, garbage/shit/trash, IMO! I wipe a dead pig's ass with mo-ham-head!
Boy Scout child molester and abuser, Rick Turley, needs SUMMARY KILLING! Shoot him in the head; here's my $1 for the .45cal. And KILL all those BSA people who helped cover it up, too!
Put the lowlife, dirtbag criminal filth US Rep Up-Chuck "Fuck America!"Rangel (NIGGER-NY) in prison-for-life, where he belongs. He's subhuman garbage/shit/trash/scum. He gives all black people a real bad name, IMO! Better yet: EXECUTE HIM for his many convictions of "Crimes Against America"! Stand him against a wall and shoot him, IMO.
Sure, I'd teach subhuman, murderous muslim filth/trash/pigshit and arab garbage how to use a firearm: put the gun against your stinking, empty islamic heads, and pull the f•cking trigger, pigf•cking assholes!
Every subhuman, piece-of-hate-America-dirtbag-piece-of-lowlife-shit "supporter of this list" of pitiful, lowlife dirtbag OWS scum, should be duly-charged, tried for treason and summaily-executed, IMO.
No, subhuman murderer Joshua Komisarjevsky's life has absolutely "no value", and he needs KILLING for murdering a woman and her two daughters! KILL HIM! F•ck you, Mark Middlebrooks, you ignorant, lowlife, liberal-progressive-dirtbag asshole.