america: a great idea while it lasted
friday, november 9th, 2012
it is the worst of times and the worst of times.
The overwhelming message of Tuesday's November 6th General Election, was: F•ck You, America! We want our "Free Stuff"!
No mistaking that; it was loud and clear. The people who want "Free Stuff" from the government ("takers") now outnumber the people who work for a living ("makers"), and who will have to pay for it for a very, very long time. The re-distribution of wealth, has begun in earnest.
It became quite apparent, by mid-Tuesday evening, that we had lost this once-proud and prosperous country, for good. It wasn't just the presidential election loss. We also lost governors, senators and representatives, at the local, state and federal levels. After everything ∅bummer&Co have done to destroy America so far, people were still stupid enough to vote for him and his socialist/racist/fascist/muslim junkies. With the price of gas up 4x since the day he took office, with the price of food up 2-3x, along with the price of just about everything else up 2-4x, and a general drop in the quality-of-life, he was re-elected by a margin of only 3 million Popular Votes over Romney, and with 10 million less than he got against John McCain, in 2008.
America is thoroughly-addicted to "Free Stuff".
So now, what? I actually prayed for this to go the right way. I'm sure others did, too. I simply can't understand how this could have happened, not that God owes us an explanation or anything of the sort. But it has happened, and now we're left with a complete wreck and total loss of our precious, once-Constitutional Republic. We will never recover from it, after 4 more years of this unrestrained, rampant Marxist-socialism.
We're in a Post-Constitutional Period, for who-knows-how-long.
I'd like to thank my own Pennsylvania and neighboring Ohio demokkkRATs and GOPers (who didn't vote), and say that I truly look forward to watching our and your states' economies crumble into the dumper, now that ∅bummer's "War On Coal" is ramping-up, unfettered. I also want to thank nearby Virginia, and I will take considerable interest in seeing what happens to your economy, now
"Free Stuff Addicts"
I also want to sincerely thank Colorado. Lets see how your vaunted ski-resort industry does in the next four years – I don't imagine business will be very good. Dumbasses. And Iowa; I hope whatever you produce continues to find a market, but I doubt it. Your economy is now destined to be horse shit. Nice job, idiots.
The liberals got what they wanted; all of it. They got the White House, they increased their stranglehold on the US Senate, and they basically kicked the TEA Party out of the US House of Representatives. They'll now get to choose the next 2-3 US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justices. They got everything. The whole enchilada. Whole ball of wax. Whatever. And America got screwed in the Faustian Bargain (Google it).
Today, we've all had to wake-up and smell the gathering shit-storm. Today, its "mourning in America".
Pray for this country, or what's left of it.
Sure, I know that up until last night, we all were building "air castles", with hopeful predictions of Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida, Virginia, Michigan, Colorado, Minnesota and even Oregon coming to their collective senses, making a "course correction", and swinging our way of Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness. Capitalism. Will we ever be able to roll back the damage which ∅bummer will wreak upon us all, now that he has, in his own treasonous words, more "flexibility?"
Our Constitutional Republic was a grand idea; a wonderful and fragile experiment in Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness. We are now too far down socialism's "Free Stuff" slope to stop the descent into madness and collapse. It's not the fall that will kill us; it's the sudden stop at the bottom.
Simply put: America is over.
The National Debt Clock is at $16,200,000,000.00+ (TRILLION), and counting down to our Nation's economic and financial meltdown. Are you ready for the coming Armageddon? SHTF is coming.
A Day In The Life
With sunrise now at 6:41am (and sunset at 4:45pm), I was up on Friday at 7:15am, cranked-up the heat in the Condo – 38°F and damp outside – made Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, three Soft-Boiled Eggs w/ Toast in a bowl, and fresh, French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from whole, freshly-ground Dunkin' Donuts beans) with my trusty Chemex® Drip System. I scanned the weather and news sites, updating myself on what's going on and what's ahead. At 8am, my cellphone rang and it was the City of York Parks & Rec Dept Foreman notifying me that they were entering the GC&N Complex to get their mowing project done, and that the Met-Ed crews had restored power. Hot damn! I quickly got ready and left for Southern York County, by 8:30.
I arrived on-site by 9:15, talked with the York City crew, went into my once-beautiful Business, re-set the electrical circuits, and found
On the way home, I stopped at Giant Supermarket in Red Lion, to get a few items, and got 2 large Reuben Panini Sandwiches, and drove to Dad's for lunch with him. Afterward, I stopped at Essis & Sons to pick-up Dad's repaired and cleaned Oriental Rug, and headed home. After unloading, I listened to Rush, while working on a couple of spray painting projects in the garage, listened to the morning's missed 3hr Chris Plante Show Podcast, and from 6-9pm, the Mark Levin Show. Yikes; look at these before/after pics (mouse-over) of Hurricane Sandy's handiwork. By 9:45pm, I'd had enough and shut-down. I would need to get up early and go back down to the GC&N Complex to re-test the phone system, and get some food shopping done afterward, since I am attending Sunday's All Saints' Sunday 9:00 AM EST Fellowship & Coffee and 9:30 AM EST Holy Eucharist & Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (for Mom), at Rev Tom Shelley's historic and beautiful Zion (Shaffer's) United Lutheran Church, which is infinitely more important than my usual Sunday 7am shopping trek.
I was up at 6:30am on Saturday, a very cloudy and cool low-40s day, turned-up the heat, had Fresh-Squeezed OJ w/ lots of pulp, a bowl of Raisin Bran with Blueberries and coffee. I printed-out Tom's revised
I stopped by Dad's to drop-off his Oriental Rug, as he was leaving for an appointment in Southern York County, and headed home. I made a Proscuitto & Poached Egg Sandwich on a muffin, and a bag of Pop Chips, for lunch. I also remembered that it was "that time of year" to reset all clocks back 1 hour, as DST ends. Temps were dropping into the lower 40s/upper 30s, so I spent some time in the basement, rotating food stocks around on and off of the shelves, into the Kitchen Pantry, for upcoming use. I updated next week's schedule, worked on the Condo Budget, and listened to several missed Mark Levin Show Rewinds from the past 2 weeks. I stayed-up until 11pm (actually 10pm), but since I needed to get up early for church, decided to pack it in for the night.
4:45am was a little too early on Sunday, but I was already awake and had things on my mind; so be it. At 38°F outside, it was nippy inside the Condo. With the heat turned-up to 77°F, I had some Del Monte® Red Grapefruit Sections, Cheerios w/ Red Raspberries, and several large mugs of French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee. After scanning the weather and new sites, I noticed that temps were going to be
I drove to Zion (Shaffer's) United Lutheran Church, in Seven Valleys, for the 9am coffee, and 9:30 Holy Eucharist & Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, which was a beautiful and moving service for me; Mom would have loved it. Tom and his wonderful wife, Jan, are consummate Christians, gracious hosts and Family/Friends. The service was over by 11:15, and I drove north to Dad's to get his newly-cleaned/repaired Oriental Rug hauled upstairs to his BR & Study. Then, after a short visit, back to my place for some Crunchy Tacos w/Guacamole & Salsa, for lunch. I decided to change the BR's linens, do laundry, and some other Condo chores. For the past 3 days, I've been getting bombarded with calls from political organizations polling about the upcoming election; so has Dad. Snow, sleet and freezing temps were forecast for Wednesday/Thursday, as was a Nor'Easter coming up the coast. There were a couple of missed Mark Levin Shows to finish-off, and by 9:30pm, all ongoing chores were done, and I closed-down for the day.
Up on Monday at 6:15, with DST over, it's now getting light at 6am – and dark at 4:45pm – and the Condo was very chilly with outside temps at 36°F. I had another good night's sleep, grabbed my Turkish Bathrobe, quickly turned the heat up to 77°F, and made coffee. I scanned the weather and news sites, and checked email, as usual. After some Sunny-side-Up Eggs, Sausage, Fried Potatoes & Toast for
By 4:30pm, as dusk was approaching, temps dropped quickly to 43°F, and by 6:30, it was already down to 37°F. While writing checks for a pile of new bills, I listened to the usual Mark Levin Show from 6-9pm, especially since it was his pre-election show; tomorrow night's show should be a doozy, whatever the outcome. We all could be on "suicide watch", if the lib-dem fraud robs America of us getting rid of the ∅bummer&CoRegimeFromHell. God help America, tomorrow. By 9:30pm, I'd had enough, turned it all off, and went to bed. I planned to get in to vote by 9am. I'm going to dream about Southern Women (I've known and still know some gals like these).
My Circadian Rhythms/ "Body Clock" is easily getting used to the time change, after just 2 days. I was up at 6:15am on Tuesday, and with an outside temp of 25°F, it was downright cold (62°F) in the Condo. I need to remember to re-set the thermostat to 68°F, rather than turn-off the furnace, as I've been used to doing. I grabbed my bathrobe, cranked-up the heat, scanned the weather and news sites while making coffee. I made Breakfast, put out a note for the expected FedEx driver, for my pending Urbani Truffles delivery of exquisite Dried Porcini Mushrooms (2-lbs), and left at 9:15am for the post office and then
The North Sherman St Fire Station (Commonwealth Fire Co. No.1 Station 89-3) Voting Station parking lot was packed, as usual on Election Day, whether it's the 4-yr General Election or 2-yr Mid-Terms. I found a spot, parked and went inside as Voter #470, so far. The waiting line was 5-10 mins, I saw numerous people I knew from both my former Business or the Condo Complex. After going thru proper and legal ID and signature checks, I voted *Straight Republican Ticket*, got my "I Voted!" sticker and left at 10:30am. Then stopping at PNC Bank's ATM, I drove to Weis Market to get a few things, and then home by 11:45. The roads were amazingly empty of traffic; even the numerous and annoying construction "choke-points" were gone for the day. As I was heating-up some of my unfrozen 3-Alarm Chili and fresh Cornbread for lunch, FedEx arrived with my (coveted Porcini Mushrooms) delivery.
On the trip, I noticed that gas prices at-the-pump have dropped another 6-10¢ since last Friday: Unleaded Regular (87 oct) is down to $3.55/gal, Unleaded Premium (89oct) is now at $3.65/gal, Premium (93 oct) is at $3.85/gal, with Diesel Fuel/Kerosene also dropping to $3.95/gal, at most stations in the York area.
Wow, more pictures of Hurricane Sandy's aftermath of destruction.
Needless to say, I listened to election returns all afternoon and evening, knowing that I'd surely get frustrated thinking about all the Republican/GOP voters who'd declared that since Romney/Ryan weren't "their choice", that they'd be not voting to spite them. Them? How about America? Idiots and morons. Not voting is a certain vote for ∅bummer&TheRegimeFromHell. I swear that if America loses by that POS ∅bummer getting re-elected, there are 8-9 people that I'll personally never speak to again. Never. By 8:30, the temp outside had dropped to 31°F, and re-set the Condo Honeywell® Digital Furnace/AC Thermostat to 72°F, instead of
Dammit, the ∅bummer&TheRegimeFromHell wins re-election. 11:25pm. Dammit. America was a great idea, while it lasted. It's all over, now. I'm beyond depressed. I'm going to bed, and wake-up in a full-blown, socialist hell, just like Europe and other third world shitholes. Good night, Irene.
Up at 6:15am on Wednesday, I turned-up the heat, made coffee, and with a deep breath, turned-on the computer to confirm what I knew at 12:30am before I went to bed: America is over. I had some OJ, Cheerios w/ Red Raspberries, and more coffee. The weather and new sites were glum. Snow flurries were already coming down by 7:30, but wouldn't stick, since the ground is too warm. I just sat there in total disbelief, sipping coffee, and smoking more Marlboros. I felt so deflated at what happened, but resigned to the fact of the situation. Quo Vadis? I needed to get moving, my mind off of it for a while, and do something.
I drove to Essis & Sons to get a non-slip underpad for Dad's Oriental Rug, and went to his house to install it. We watched Fox News still covering the last 1% of Florida votes, as if that freaking matters a rat's ass. The fat lady had already sung. I came home around 11:45am, made a Roast Beef Sandwich & Fries, listened to Rush, the morning's missed 3hr Chris Plante Show Podcast, and from 6-9pm, the Mark Levin Show. It was a post-mortem election day batch of shows. By 9:15, it was snowing lightly, but still not sticking. I keep my Jeep inside the garage, anyway, since it's nice to get into a semi-warm vehicle on freezing mornings, and not to clean-off snow/ice. By 10:30pm, I'd had enough Fox News CATV and went up to bed. By now, the snow was getting heavier, but still not sticking. Not so, to the east and north of us; they were getting hit with it.
I slept-in until 7:15 on Thursday morning, turned-up the heat, made French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee and scanned the weather and news sites. I had a DHL and FedEx delivery to wait around for, so I had to stay at home all-day. I raked more front lawn/garden friggin' leaves, went for a short walk around the Condo Complex, and did some other neglected chores around the house. After the deliveries were finally made, I grabbed a quick 20-winks on the LR couch and from 6-9pm, listened to the Mark Levin Show. I have to be at the GC&N Complex tomorrow, from 1-5pm, waiting for a Verizon TelCo crew to arrive, so that pretty much blows the afternoon. I'll get over to see Dad in the morning, before I go. By 9:30pm, I was nodding-off, and I packed-it-in for the day. Tomorrow starts another week, here in the "Journal", and with the City of York and Twp of Hellam both coming in all next week, to dig trees and shrubs, some errands to run, and a semi-annual Dr's app't, it'll be a semi-full week.
Your TSHTF Survival
Are you truly ready for when, not if, TSHTF (The Shit Hits The Fan). And a lot of my "Journal" Readers have emailed and called me to discuss what preparations they should take for that "coming awful event". Believe me, "it" IS coming. Based upon what's happening around the world and here in the US, I have a terrible, terrible *gut feeling* that TSWHTF (The Shit Will Hit The Fan), sometime in late-2012 or in early-2013. Don't ask why; I just do.
First, Israel is preparing for war, after being attacked for years on many fronts, and not fighting back as she should have. This war will truly have "Biblical implications" around the world. The Middle East is rapidly-collapsing under the subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic riots (muslim Brotherhood) and rule ("arab Spring"), with world crude oil prices projected to hit $200+/bbl, or even higher into the $300-$400 range,
Just Google "survival" and see what comes-up. Damned-near everything you ever wanted to know how to prepare for this for-sure-coming "hellish holocaust", some of it in easy-to-download *.PDF format. Tens-of-thousands of websites are devoted to the topic of "survival". Do the same with "You Tube", and watch the thousands of videos. This is *NOT The Phony Y2K Crappola*; this is for real. I said numerous times that Y2K was a waste of time and money to prepare for, and that came true. I'm reading that "survival stores" are reporting a huge upswing in sales and preparations, and for good reason.
I'm also one of the very, very few who "predicted a 9-11 type event", 2 years and 8 months before it happened. Read down that "Journal" entry to the "Scary Stuff" section, and it was done by the subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic shit/filth/trash, NOT the US Gov't as some morons and idiots (Alex Jones & Co), have and still It's interesting you mention when an old paradigm dies and a new one takes its place. There are people who are still connected to the old one and can't conceive of life without that old paradigm. I think you saw that in the Great Depression. A lot of people never recovered from it because once that hit it was the end of their lives. claim. Need I say more about those certifiable and murderous, subhuman muslim/islamist wackos who are determined to kill all of us Proud Infidels?
Am I an "conspiracy alarmist" or one of those "crazed survivalists", sequestered in a Montana, Idaho, Utah or Wyoming compound or bunker? Not hardly; I'm simply in mid-State Pennsylvania, an Eagle Scout, Class of November 23rd, 1963 – youngest ever Eagle Scout in American History, at 12 years old – Order Of The Arrow/ Vigil Honor, and our BSA Motto was then, and still is now, "Be Prepared". Need I say any more?
Forget all of the "buy gold and silver" bullshit commercials; buy "brass and lead" for your guns. They're a far, far superior investment, IMO. Ammo is truly a "fungible" item; gold & silver aren't at all. They may be "intrinsic", but they're utterly-useless in a collapsing/collapsed society or world. Do the requisite research, as I've done. 'Nuff said on that subject.
BTW, how are you stocked-up for incandescent light bulbs? Within 4 weeks, manufacturing and using 100w incandescent will become "a crime", thanks to stupid-assed, liberal moron chimp, shit-for-brains, George W Bush & Co, in 2007. You'll be forced, under penalty-of-law, to use the very expensive,
This government's ***CRIMINALLY NUTS***, in trying to regulate our use of anything and everything! It's fascism, socialism, Leninism and communism, dammit, and it won't stand! Where is that in The US Constitution? The US Government isn't empowered to force us to do or buy anything, and has overstepped its legal authority in The ENUMERATED Commerce Clause. The Commerce Clause is quite specifically an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The Contemporary Commerce Clause debate, When "decided by the SCOTUS in the Summer of 2012", will cause CWIII, if upheld. Stockpile NOW, because TSHTF before/during/after the November General Election!
Gold is NOT the way to go; lead and brass (aka ammo) ARE. Mark my words!
TSHTF this or next year, and members of the corrupt, criminal US Congress are helping racist, commie, lowlife scumbag Barry "Fuck America!" Obama (SAMBO-IL), by either collaborating with him or cowering before him, on his You are going to see, in metro areas, the absolute worst in humanity, as the people that are most dependent upon a collectivist system, whether they're these Occupy Well Street people, or people who are loaded up with debt, they are totally unprepared for an economic reality where their paradigm does not function. As a result they're going to go through the absolute most disgusting inhumanity that I think any American has ever seen as they go through this anger phase – and it's going to result in riots, and starvation and bloodshed. It has to happen. You don't have people's life savings disappear and people become desperate, and not have that happen. coming "Race War" plan.
We are *at war with Iran*; no doubt about it. Get used to it. And shit-for-brains, racist, commie, lowlife scumbag Barry "F•ck America!" Obama (TRAITOR-IL) has politely "asked" for our formerly Top Secret RQ-170 Sentinel Drone "to be returned". What a dumbf•ck Obama is! He should be charged, tried and imprisoned for *treason*, IMO.
I've been saying, for the past 2-3 years, that no one should buy any gold or silver; it's worthless crap if TSHTF (The Shit Hits The Fan). Instead, buy guns and ammo; they're a far, far better investment, IMO. Any questions?
Uh-oh, it's beginning to happen in Europe. Better get ready for it to come over here, soon, as The Fed f•cks America, once again. Time to abolish The Fed and its corrupt, criminal influence on America's economy!
Here's a very useful List of Barter Items, for when TSHTF. Get and stockpile those and more, if you know what's good for you and your family! Think I'm kidding? Better read this and think VERY carefully about it.
With the FBI already considering many US Citizens as "sovereign citizen extremists", are you ready for "Rex 84" & The FEMA Camps? A new bill has been introduced in the US House of Representatives called the National Emergency Centers Act or HR 645. This bill if passed into law will direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish
"Economic chaos" ahead? You betcha. Are you and your family ready for it? It IS coming, at out current rate of out-of-control government spending.
Before TSHTF, here are 20 Lessons From The Streets of Cairo. Worth reading, if you plan to survive.
And before TSHTF, here are Innumerable Lessons From The Collapse of Bosnia, in 1992. Also worth reading, if you plan to survive.
Do you live near a "terrorism hot-spot"? Check the map. Here's DHS' recently-issued "White Paper (*.PDF)" on it, from 1970-2008, published by the University of Maryland.
Do you know what an "EMP Attack" is? Now you do. *When* it happens, not *if*, we're all f•cked, unless we're prepared to live in the early-1800s. That's why I write this stuff.
Are you ready for Obama's (TRAITOR-IL) "October Surprise"?
What about access to land and fresh water? Right here's an article to address those concerns.
Are you worried and prepared for the coming paradigm shift? How's your preparation work coming along?
The end of the dollar is coming; are you prepared for it? Here's a guide to a few canned foods.
Looks like a "race war" is coming, thanks to the hate-filled nigga race-pimps Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakan and New Black Pampers®, and time is growing shorter and shorter before TSHTF.
Don't let the possibility of DHS watching your every move deter you in preparing for TSHTF; do it regardless. Your and your Family's safety & survival always comes first. Beware of what your neighbors will do if you're prepared and they're not.
State and local resistance to the detention provisions contained in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) continues to grow, rapidly-emerging as a nationwide movement against the illegal and unconstitutional Federal Jack-Booted-Thugs' powers.
America is already being turned into a giant prison camp, and 90% of Americans either go along with it or don't see it happening. I do.
When prepping, always plan your survival purchases first on paper; buy them afterward.
Here's another good preparedness/precious metals website, 321 Gold. No, I don't believe in gold & silver, for what's coming. I believe in *lead & brass*/*food & water* for that situation; the other stuff comes much, much later.
Here's a new "warning" about a solar-based EMP event. If it happens, TSHTF.
If Iran attacks America's infrastructure, we've got major problems. Are you prepped and ready for it, when it happens?
Are you on a tight budget, in a apartment of small house? Try these link resources.
What happens to a non-Prepper? Read it at your own edification.
Good, solid Prepping information and related links? Right here.
Canned, excellent quality meats for long-term storage and use? Right here.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone about your "prepping" activities. Keep it quiet, and read this.
Here are the 5 Warning Signs that America is in decline.
What if you're a "Beginning Prepper"?
Ever wonder what "the new normal" might look like? Read it, in chapters. Prepped yet?
What are the 5 symptoms of SHTF happening?
The US is headed for a "fiscal cliff"? Gosh, all of the articles posted at the link in this section, have been saying that for many months. And the "geniuses" in DC are just figuring that out? Well, slap me silly!
Did you know that when the trucks stop, it's over?
Here's Part 1: Preparing For Disaster. And here's Part 2: Preparing For Disaster. Have you ever thought about what happens to Security During A Breakdown?
Here's "The A-to-Z List" of what you'll need to survive. It's daunting, but you may already have much of it, in-house and not realize it.
There's a new Preparedness Manual, available in *.pdf form, right here. Get it, please.
In case you missed it, here's the "Granddaddy" of Preparedness Manuals.
And here's yet another (condensed) Preparedness List, to compare against the previous two lists, just so you don't miss anything important.
Here are "120 powerful pieces of advice for preppers", to read and take-to-heart.
After Hurricane Sandy, is there any doubt in your mind that you ought to be "prepping" for disasters, before everything is stripped from the stores' shelves? Does this look familiar to you?
If you were in an area heavily-affected by Sandy, you might have seen some looters running rampant. IMO, they should be shot on sight, not arrested. KILL ALL OF THE LOOTERS!
Things Which Make Your Head Explode
Hurricane Sandy caused havoc, destruction and death all over the NYC-NJ area, but the NYC assholes keep voting lib-dem Food Nazis and Gun Control Nazis like Bloom-Turd back in, again and again and again and again and again. And the canceled NYC Marathon-Crap's generators and water justsit unused and useless in a staging area, when the NYC residents need them desperately. I have NO SYMPATHY FOR THEM! NONE! You now pay for what you got, assholes! Tons of water, food and score of generators sit in a lot, while citizens suffer and die! Nice job, liberal-demokkkRAT assholes!
Gee whiz, if you've got an electric car during Hurricane Sandy in NYC-NJ, it sucks to be you. How's that "green energy" crap working out for you, libs?