"Should've Known Better" (opens in separate window)

the left's upside-down world

friday, october 23rd, 2020

This morning, I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, our collective lives are never going to be the same.

I have been confused by the hostility of former friends. I look at people I have known all my life, so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the "Twilight Zone".

[FULL TITLE: "Living in The Left's Upside Down World"]

You can't justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind.

We see other countries going socialist, communist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan for us.

Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.

People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

Universities that advocate equality, blatantly discriminate against Whites and Asian-Americans, in favor of African-Americans Black Americans.

The equality that they demand does not apply to the faculty or staff who are in the main radical leftist cabal.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.

Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.

People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.

If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.

It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquiries about it.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.

$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.

If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.

And, pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes you a "racist".

Nothing makes sense anymore. No values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus, but it is racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it originated in China.

We are clearly living in an upside down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but killing innocent babies is right.

Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is taking on water and sinking fast.

The choice is yours to make. What will it be? Time is short, make your choice wisely.

© 10.07.2020 Bruce Hendry, "Frontpage Mag".

A Day In The Life.

Up at 8:45a on Friday, it was only 42° outside – had a couple smokes in the garage while the coffee brewed, fired-up the furnace, did my DR (Type 1 Diabetic Routine - Blood Sugar Level Test and Sliding-Scale Insulin Shot), applied the CBD Hemp Ointment to my neck and shoulder, had simple oatmeal for breakfast, and checked the weather and news. I got the weekly thread posted for the 9-12a "Chris Plante Show" on FR; likewise the 12-3p "Rush Show". My back/hips were hurting, so I re-applied the CBD Ointment, fired-up the heating pad, and laid on the couch for much of the day.

God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin born, sinless Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was buried and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.

After dinner, I was back on my feet again, drove over to the nearby Rite Aid to p/u several Rxs, and came home, put the Jeep in te garage so it wouldn't get buried with Pin Oak leaves from the 80ft monster next door, and watched the usual Fox News' "Martha", "Tucker", "Hannity" and "Laura" Shows until 11p, and called it a day at 11p.

Up at 9:30a on Saturday, it was a cold and frosty 30°, so I fired-up the furnace to 77°, since it wouldn't get above 59° for the day. I had a growing mountain of paperwork and filing to do, and a new Rx disbetes medication was giving me "stay-at-home problems", so I canceled the walk in the park with Sherry, and just laid down on the couch. By 10, it was mostly over, and I quit for the day. I forgot to do the nightly DR. My bad.

Sleeping-in until 9a on Sunday, I wasn't feeling much better, and with no F-1 GP Race on, I did the morning DR, Applied the CBD, had breakfast, the usual morning shower, and got to some of the mounting paperwork. I walked over to my mailbox, which I hadn't emptied in 5-6 days, and got an armload; more paperwork and utility bills to pay online. The day went fast, and to relieve the back/hip pain, I took an Rx Valium 10mg, and slept a few hours on the couch. By 7p, I'd done the evening DR, had dinner and got back to opening and sorting mail. By 10p, I'd had enough, and will finish it up over the next 2 day. Lights out.

Up early at 6:30a on Monday, I felt pretty good, with minimal back/hip pain. I did the morning DR, applied the CBD, made coffee and a light breakfast, and caught the morning news on Fox News TV. I had an errand to get done at the bank, but got caught in traffic, and was late in posting the "Chris Plante Show" weekly thread and graphics, but did finally get it done. With my Rx "stay-at-home problems" almost gone, I went out for a quick errand, and stayed home for the day. I fell asleep just after posting the "Rush Show" graphics at 12noon, I fell asleep for 4hrs. By 6:30p, I'd done the evening DR and dinner, watched the usual 4 Fox News shows, and hit the sack around 11:30p.

Awake at 4a on Tuesday, I went back to sleep until 8, and got up to a balmy 59° morning. After the morning DR, coffee and oatmeal, I posted the "CP Show" daily thread and graphics on FR, and since all the men's barbershops in York have closed and are out-of-business, needed to find a place to get a haircut. I found "Down Under Salon" in East York, got a cutter named Josh, and got a good cut, which should last a few months. Home by 12:15p, I did the midday DR, had lunch and listened to an hour of Rush, and wen back out to get some errands done.

God Bless The USA(New Version).

Back home by 12:30p, I did the midday DR, worked on cleaning-up the front and back gardens, grabbed a 2hr snooze, and had dinner. I watched the usual the usual Fox News' "Martha", "Tucker", "Hannity" and "Laura" Shows until 11p, and called it a day.

Awake and up at 8a on Wednesday, I liberally applied the DBC Ointment, hurried to get the computer fired-up, coffee started, breakfast laid-out, the morning DR done and have a couple of smokes in the garage. After checking the new, weather and posting the "CP Show" daily thread, I donned my Spira Men's Classic Leather Walking Shoe and did a couple laps around the condo complex, since the temp was already at 67°. No back/hip pain. Good deal.

I s[ent much of the day on the LR couch, with a heating pad, snoozing. I drove over to Wellspan's Stony Brook Lab, in East York, to get blood drawn and give a u4rine sample, since my Endocrinologist wants to know how my liver and kidneys are doing with the new medication, Metformin. After the usual Fox News evening shows, I bagged it at 11:30p.

Up at 8:30a on Thursday, to 51° and very heavy fog, I did the usual DR/coffee/breakfast rituals, posted the "CP Show" daily thread, and left for Wellspan's Apple Hill Imaging Center, to get some heart scans done, for my Cardiologist. I also had some errands to do south in Red Lion and Dallastown, and it was bright, clear and sunny down there. Back home by 12:30p, I did the midday DR, had a 1/2 sandwich for lunch, and took a couple hour nap on the couch, while listening to the "CP Show" Podcast. I also had some light cndo chores to do, after getting up at 4p.

No, I never freeze my noodles.

The cocksucker punk group "Shut Down DC Strategic" are planning riots and disruption are planning on destroying America if Lunch Bucket Slow-Joe doesn't win, on Nov 4th. I hope they try in my zipcode, as I'll shoot and kill everyone I see.

Yes, I watched the Presidential Debate; Trump eviscerated mentally-ill, Lunch Bucket Joe. By 11p, I was asleep.

Let’s See If I Got This Right...

If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

Somehow it’s Un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.

Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegal Mexicans voting in our elections are good.

It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense if the President inquires about it.

Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.

People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves. This after 250,000 white union soldiers died to free the slaves and the subsequent freed slaves had already been given 40 acres and a mule to stimulate their life of freedom.

Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing conservative people in restaurants is virtuous.

People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.

Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.

$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for 'free' health care is not.

If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.

People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, and it seems like a great plan to us.

Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.

Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.

And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"?!

Prisoners who have been convicted of a crime serious enough to have been sent to prison should be released into the community to avoid Coronavirus, but citizens who want to go to work or patronize a business in the community should be jailed.

Think that about covers it?

[H/T, ppc.]

Ooooops; just a few more...

When one door opens, and another closes, you are probably in prison.

To me, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it.

Age 60 might be the new 40, but 9:00 pm is the new midnight.

It's the start of a brand new day, and I'm off like a herd of turtles.

The older I get, the earlier it gets late.

When I say, "The other day," I could be referring to any time between yesterday and 15 years ago.

I remember being able to get up without making sound effects.

I had my patience tested. I'm negative.

Remember, if you lose a sock in the dryer, it comes back as a Tupperware lid that doesn't fit any of your containers.

If you're sitting in public and a stranger takes the seat next to you, just stare straight ahead and say, "Did you bring the money?

When you ask me what I am doing today, and I say "nothing," it does not mean I am free. It means I am doing nothing.

I finally got eight hours of sleep. It took me three days, but whatever.

I run like the winded.

I hate when a couple argues in public, and I missed the beginning and don't know whose side I'm on.

When someone asks what I did over the weekend, I squint and ask, "Why, what did you hear?

When you do squats, are your knees supposed to sound like a goat chewing on an aluminum can stuffed with celery?

I don't mean to interrupt people. I just randomly remember things and get really excited.

When I ask for directions, please don't use words like "east".

Don't bother walking a mile in my shoes. That would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head. That'll freak you right out.

Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes you forever. We call those people The Police.

My luck is like a bald guy who just won a comb.

Fuck all of the above.

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