That's All, Folks!
the end of
friday, october 28th, 2011
thank you America, for the opportunity which you graciously-afforded me to have with my Business – and to all my many, many thousands of Friends/Customers in York, Lancaster, Baltimore & Harford Counties – for the privilege of knowing and serving you, over the past 21+ years.
As an American Small Businessman, I am particularly-humbled at all the trust and faith which you bestowed upon me over those many, long years of giving you good, sound advice, with honest, hard work to improve your properties' equity, and helping make your landscape and gardening dreams come true.
This Heavenly-Blessed Constitutional Republic of ours, which our Founding Fathers established, and so many Brave and Selfless US Military
Also, I give my sincere, personal thanks to all of my current and former Friends/Employees – just over 600 people who've served in so many capacities here, through those 22+ years – and especially to all the wonderful Friends/Reps/Associates in the Horticultural Industry, who've helped me along with their sage advice, outstanding plant material and generous business terms, so that I could start and expand my Business, prosper and serve my Friends/Customers and Friends/Employees. I'll never forget you for being there when I needed you.
Though now ceases to exist, except in my "Personal/Corporate Archives", along with versions 1,2 & 3 in ZIP format, John's Journal will continue on its normal weekly edition schedule.
What will I do "next"? Who knows, right now. It's been oft said that, "One door closes and another one opens". We shall see. I'll definitely take "some time off" – I haven't had a "vacation" since 2004, so I'll take a short respite from it all to "decompress" – and *mull* about what to do "next", for John Shelley v4. Yes, I'm working on a Resumé; I do have to find a job and support myself. And I'm also working on an online, just-for-fun, *Novella*, called "The Virtual Cabin", which appears every week in the "Journal", during the evenings at home now.
Rest assured, you can always reach me.
Thanks so much for your Friendship & Patronage, over our past 22+ years together. I'll miss you all very much. May God Bless You & God Save Our America.
Today's the very end of my long 21+ year stretch of successful business & personal legacy, and with a couple of long-time Friends/Employees, who are helping me "Winterize the Complex", everyone is laid-off for good. At least they can and are collecting UC (unemployment compensation), and getting new positions in the industry.
Most people don't have trouble seeing what's and right and wrong; doing it is sometimes complicated, but knowing what's right is usually isn't so hard.I'll sure miss writing the "Around The Garden Center" section, as I have, since "John's Journal" began in January 1996 – the very first "blog" on the World Wide Web (1995 lingo) – but have already come-up with a "new section title" to replace it, just below this intro. Each weekly entry will essentially be the same, with a lot more time spent at "The Cabin" and of course, "job hunting". I'll also be working on a separate "Novella", by extracting sections from the first entry of "The Cabin", on January 15th, to current and future section entries, as "fleshed-out chapters".
Around The Garden Center
I listened to "The Mark Levin Show" (6-9pm EST) on Thursday evening, with his good guest host, Mark Simone, for 2 of the 3 hours. My back was hurting from carrying all those new supplies to my basement "survival stash", so I used a cold-pak and ate a handful of aspirin, took a Rx 12.5mg Ambien® CR™, and went to sleep at 8pm. Murphy was still asleep on the LR Couch, but he soon came-up to join me in bed. One door closes and another one opens. I needed some serious rest. Next week would be a very bad period for me, perhaps even worse than putting Pickle down in 2005.
Only 46°F at 4:15am when the alarm went-off, I turned-up the condo heat, watered & fed Murphy, made Fresh-Squeezed OJ and Quaker Oats® Maple & Brown Sugar Oatmeal for breakfast and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee, and scanned the weather and news sites. The next 4-5 days promised to be sunny and dry, but colder, as Winter isn't that far off, despite what the unreliable calendar says. After all these years, I "feel it in my bones". I'm just glad that I won't have to come all the way down to the Complex to plow and shovel it out, every time it snows. With back-to-back 50"+ blizzards last Winter, Arthur and I were busy, wet and cold doing that from mid-December until early-March. Sucked to be us, back then. You inspire people to do the right thing. That price is what we sometimes pay, for the life we choose. No more of that crap to "look forward to", is there?
I left for work at 6:15am, stopped at Sheetz® for coffee and Marlboros®, opened-up at 6:45 and started back in on my "Auction Item List", which I'd been inventorying for 3+ days now, and another list of projects for Alan & Arthur to do, for our remaining 5-6 days. Privately-contracted tree diggers are now on-site, getting smaller trees out with a 36" tree spade. They'll be back Monday to get the larger 3-4-5" caliper units out, with a 48" tree spade, which can be "downsized" to either a 46", 44" or to a 42" size.
Friday was a very busy retail and np-org day, with non-stop activity from 10am – 3pm. I closed-down, made a couple of errand-stops on the way, unloaded 3 more heavy cases of water and 7 shopping bags of non-perishable food, from the Jeep, for basement storage, watered & fed Murphy, decided to skip my 8pm Church Business Meeting because of lower back pain, used a cold-pak on the area, ate some 6-7 aspirin and began work on converting certain pages from the soon-to-be-gone Corporate Website, to my "Journal" Site, trying to remember both HTML and CSS-xHTML, since the pages were a "hodgepodge" of both HTMLs (Hyper-Text Mark-Up Languages). I did this while listening to "The Michael Savage Show" (6-9pm EST), on local WSBA-910AM. More links on this thread. I lasted until 8:30, and Murphy was already upstairs, ahead of me this time.
Up at 4:15am with the alarm, my lower-back pain was back from carrying supplies to the basement yesterday afternoon and evening. That's enough for a while until I rest, it heals itself, and the pain abates. I ate another handful of aspirin, watered and fed Murphy, made breakfast and coffee, but since it was (my last) Saturday and I didn't have to open-up the Complex until 7:30, I took my time, deliberately moving-slow and not trying to aggravate the pain any further. It was only 43°F outside, so I These days, in giving everything I own at my 21+ year-old business away, even to the np-orgs, I feel like a half-alive, badly-wounded and downed-bull, lying in a pasture, being picked apart piece-by-piece, to-death, by vultures and buzzards. I wish it were over already; that I was finally dead, and didn't feel all this pain at what was happening. turned-up the condo heat to 78°F. After scanning the weather and news sites, I put-in a load of laundry to dry, and left for work around 6:45. It was just barely getting light. I also turned-up the heat in my Office and Main Retail Bldg to 80°F, to take the chill-off. Saturday and Sunday would be busy days, with many people from np-orgs coming to get "their stuff". I've cut it off at 3pm on Friday, yesterday. The rest goes to a few Churches and organizations who've already supplied the correct paperwork; no more newcomers to the seemingly-unending milieu of np-orgs.
It was a busy Saturday, with many retail purchases of hardgoods at 35-50% Off, just so I can get rid of them, at a small profit. I closed-down at 2:45pm and went home to water & feed Murphy, check my Sunday morning shopping list, work on transition webpages from to, and there's a boatload more to do before all those older Corporate pages disappear, forever. I'll be saving everything on the Condo HP Pavilion HPE h8se series (Win-7 Pro) unit, for work in the evenings. My days are just too full of interruptions to concentrate on all the requisite details for a complicated website such as I have. I grabbed a shower, some fresh clothes, did 2 loads of laundry, took 4 aspirin for my back pain and called it a day around 8pm, knowing that I'd have a busy day on Sunday.
I was up at 3:45am on Sunday, watered and fed Murphy, had tremendous back pain, took 6 more aspirin and went back to bed with a heating pad, until 7:30. The few extra hours of sleep were heaven-sent. I needed to finalize my food shopping list for Weis Market in East York, so as the water was boiling for French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from fresh, whole beans) with my Chemex® Drip System, and Quaker Oats® Peaches & Cream Oatmeal, I made Raspberry Pancakes and Fresh-Squeezed OJ and a Frittata. I had a long list of things I needed from Weis, for the next 2 weeks, plus an even longer list of "survival foodstuffs" for the basement stockpile. That done, I unpacked and store it all at 9:45, and left for the Complex at 10:15am, for what would be my final Sunday there. We're closed this coming weekend, for good, on Friday, October 28th.
Even at 10am, the roads were fairly-busy, including the many Church-goers, so I stopped for more coffee and smokes, opened-up at 10:30am and began the final week's paperwork of jobs and "tasks list" for the remaining personnel, finished copying all my Office HP Pavilion HPE h8se series (Win-7 Pro) unit's files to my Office's external 2Tb Western Digital® Back-Up HD for back-up/safekeeping. I next have to back-up the Retail Server unit in my Office, of all Radiant® CounterPoint® (POS) Files and Data. That'll take some time this week, as I have to move a monitor from #2 front counter computer into the Office to see what I'm doing on that machine; I already have a mouse and keyboard on it, but no monitor. Then, I have to begin the arduous task of untangling myriad wires/cables and removing numerous computers, monitors and printers etc, and carting them If you live long enough, you have regrets, and the ones that "nag" at you the most, are the ones where you knew you had a choice. The very same ones where you knew you could have stopped yourself; the very same ones where you looked into a mirror, and everything good inside yourself said, "Don't do this". It all hit me like a ton of bricks, as I'm closing-it-all-down, after 21+ years. home for storage and safekeeping. Next, comes all my personal files, papers and "other misc accumulations of 21+ years", which will be prodigious, to say the very least. I still have the first two weeks in November to get all this done, a load at-a-time, until the snow/ice begins; somehow, I think we're going to get another "early Winter". I hope I'm wrong this year, for a change.
Sunday was a slow retail day, and several np-orgs also stopped-by to pick-up "their stuff", which had the proper letter of request/thank-you, IRS paperwork and pre-printed, 5-part "pick list" for plant material/hardgoods. I'm now done with all the np-orgs and their requests. No more spending my/my employees' non-reimbursable time and labor on them. I have at least 60-70 np-orgs in my file, so far; that's quite enough "generosity".
With the back-ups/storage on my Office machine are now completed, on Sunday; I just have to get the retail systems done. I exclusively use with "customized" Corporate Logo pictures on each sheet's stamp, but since the incompetent USPS has lost *another $8 BILLION this year*, they're again raising the cost of a First Class Stamp 1¢ to 45¢, effective January 22, 2012. Mail delivery should be privatized to UPS or FedEx, and all USPS Gov't union scumbag/thugs fired, IMO. I'm sure glad I didn't print any more stamps with the 44¢ rate, or I'd have to get those idiotic 1¢ stamps to add-on to my pre-printed sheets. The USPS is one of the most ineffective, incompetent, criminal labor-union-laden branches of the corrupt US Gov't, known to exist (along with DOJ, EPA, DER, NEA, DOE, NPR etc etc etc). Asshole ignoramuses, all of them, especially the mentally-retarded, alcoholic, lowlife dirtbag, lib-dem-turd-polishing douchebag Postmaster General, Patrick Donahoe. He should be stood against a wall and get "Gadhafi-ed", IMO, for the corruption and incompetence in that agency.
At about 11:55am, I heard numerous fire truck/ambulance/tow truck/police sirens coming from Rt 24, in front of my Complex – not an uncommon sound in the area for the occasional fire or small traffic accident – and one of my employees ran into my Office and told me that there was a "bad crash in front of the driveway". (That's why it was a "slow retail day", as all roads leading to my business There was a fatal car crash, on Sunday, in which 1 woman was killed (with ABC News video clip of me) and Rt 24 closed for most of the day. were totally blocked-off and detoured.) Actually, the preliminary, rumored-fatal crash (with ABC News video clip) was nearly 1,000ft south of me, and it is now confirmed by "YDR", at 7pm on Sunday, that 1 woman was killed (with ABC News video clip of me) and there were numerous serious injuries to others in the 2 vehicles involved, so the news reporters – ABC News (WHTM-27), Fox News (WPMT-43), "York Daily Record" – were all over the place when I went down to see what was actually happening, but all of us were kept well-back from the scene until deceased's next-of-kin was notified by PA State Police, who'd taken-charge of the accident scene. The Coroner's Office was called-to-the-scene. I sent Dad, Becky & Steffi home at 2pm. Then, I was interviewed by ABC and "The York Daily Record" about the few accident details I knew – they were desperate after waiting around and getting no story, for almost 2 hours – and the "long history of bad and fatal accidents on that stretch of road, since 1990", when I was under construction in 1990. Fox News did a 10-minute interview with me about my business closing-down, after 21+ years, plus I took them on a "45-minute tour" of the remaining facility. I finally got home around 5:30pm, watered and Fox News 43 did have their (Sunday 10pm News TV-aired) filmed story up on my Friday, October 28th closing – wait for it to load (23Mb) and click "open" – and also on a separate video page, here. fed Murphy, took 4 more aspirin for my returning back pain, and had some Watermelon Sherbet and Ocean Spray® Diet Blueberry-Pomegranate Juice, for a quick snack.
Tired-out physically from the lower back pain, and with aspirin and cold-paks not helping all that much, I decided to pack-it-in, take a Rx 12.5mg Ambien® CR™ and call-it-a-day at 8:45. 4:15am would come way too early. Murphy was already "nagging at me" that it was past our bedtime, so I followed him upstairs. He's a "talker", if you know what I mean.
I beat the alarm by 20 minutes, thanks to Murphy's "urging" – he was thirsty and (drinks only from the sink faucets) and hungry – so I took care of him, made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Grits w/ Butter & Sea Salt and Eggs Benedict for breakfast and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee, and re-checked the local (with ABC News video clip of me) and Fox News sites' for further news on Sunday's fatal Rt 24 crash. Fox News 43 did have their (Sunday night TV-aired) filmed story up on my Friday, October 28th closing – wait for it to load (23Mb) and click "open" – and also here on a separate video page. It got busy very quickly here, with calls from more np-orgs coming-in by 7am, after seeing the TV story, but I had to turn all of them down. We're done and cleaned-out, now, except for the large B&B trees, which they'll have to dig at their own expense, not mine.
Here's the re-created (by me) Fox News WPMT 43 Website article, with the film clip near the end.
Alan, Arthur, Kim & Becky were in on Monday; Dad and Steffi had the day off. Kim had to leave at 10am, after her husband fell and hurt himself. She was gone for the rest of the day with Delbert and his "medical problem". No days-off for me since August. But that's okay; soon I'll have "all the time in the world", to do what I want: "mull". There were an almost equal number of retail and np-org customers in either buying or picking-up material, both plants and hardgoods. I gave a lot of people "deals" I'd rather regret the things I've done, than the things I haven't done. – one Bronx Irishman named Frank K. – who cried when I gave him "special prices on certain things" for a memorial garden to his late Mother. That's what I live for – no, not the crying – rather, about making people happy, for whatever reason they feel the "need". Everything else in life is incidental and immaterial, IMO. Frank was in on Tuesday morning to pick-up his "treasure".
After loading more plants in Customers' trucks and cars than I should have, and re-aggravating my lower back's pain, I closed-down at 3:15pm and went home to change Murphy's 2 litter boxes, get the trash ready for 5am Thursday curbside pick-up, and found Murphy "spraying" (he was neutered long ago) my paper bags full of "survival supplies" in the basement. I chased him and slipped and fell on the concrete floor. I'm now thinking of putting-him-down at 17, since he may be having kidney failure or something worse. Anyway, I can't take this spraying problem anymore, so I have to keep all closets, cupboards etc securely-closed, so he doesn't wet them, too. The paper bags will dry-out – contents are not affected and paper bags can be readily-replaced and it doesn't smell like urine – but when he backs-up to something, "wiggles his tail" and lets-fly with a stream, I got *awfully PO'd*. He has 2 super-clean litter boxes, cleaned and refilled 2x/ week. If I do decide to put him down, I'll sure miss him, as he's so affectionate, but I can't take much more of this in a condo. I don't know whether to have a vet give him "the final needle", as I had to do with Pickle, or take him up to my back fields, end it quickly, and just headshoot him with my .45cal, and bury him. I'll have to think on it, for a while.
I was in agony for the rest of the evening. Even taking aspirin didn't help at all with the pain, so I decided to use the cold-pak – that was a "most uncomfortable feeling" – and stay immobile for the rest of the evening instead of doing what numerous "condo chores" needed to be done, for my usual Monday routine. Not ever having a "butt muscle pull" before, I was clueless as to what to do except use aspirin and a cold-pak. My cleaning people would be in on Tuesday, so I made a list for them to do for me, in addition to their regular duties. I just hurt too much to much of anything.
So, I sat on the cold-pak and watched Tom Selleck in "Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost" for 2 hours on DVD, for the 3rd time, and enjoyed the hell out of it, and called it a night around 8:30pm.
I could have slept most of Tuesday morning, through the sharply-aching "gluteal muscle" pain, but was up at 4am, watered and fed Murphy, made OJ, breakfast and coffee, and carefully, gingerly limped-off to work. I had 3 ceiling floodlight bulbs to change, garbage to take to the Rt 24 curbside for pick-up, a meeting with Alan to go over the rest of the week's LSCP jobs and close-down projects, possible installation work into next week and a quick meeting with Steffi on the last of the np-org paperwork problems. The "York Daily Record" photographer was to show-up at 12:30pm for pictures for a Wednesday article, after I was interviewed by Ashley, one of their reporters, by phone on Monday, about my closing on Friday the 28th. Steffi and I had a lot to "catch-up-on" after her off-day Monday and Kim's unexpected absence, so we got right to it. I'm sure going to miss Steffi; she's my "right-hand" and truly one-of-a-kind, IMO.
Tuesday was a busy retail day, with our good Friend/Customer, Linda's numerous purchases (and several plant material gifts I gave to her) – now I have to get her installation scheduled for either Friday or Monday-Tuesday – and we finally got closed-down and out of there by 3:30pm. I took Becky home to Mom & Dad's; she's staying there tomorrow and leaving at 5am on Thursday to go back to SF. Thanks for your help, Becky, as usual!
After watering & feeding Murphy, I decided to work on some new Website Pages, before I convert from to Domains, so I don't lose many of the important pages – advertising, media reviews, Pickle, the various GC&N Closing pages and 8-9 others – which need to be preserved on the remaining domain, after ceases to exist, on November 1st. My website host, Doug at Modern Tymes LLC, will take care of the deletion and conversion of the sites, plus me email conversion. I've been with him for many years and he's very good, reliable and responsive. He brought me from pathetic 32.2k dial-up to an über-fast wireless connection, years ago.
Only three more days to go until the "official closing" on Friday – Saturday and Sunday off – and then back on Monday and Tuesday to finish-up details. Personally, I have many weeks ahead of The local paper had done an article with pictures, on my Friday 10/28 Closing. me to work at dismantling computers/monitors/printer/faxes/copies, cleaning-out 21-year-old filing cabinets, and taking untold boxes of personal stuff home. I'll be working through November, December and January, at least, to get it all done. It'd be nice if the auction occurs and gets rid of all my equipment, trucks etc.
I ran a full-system MalWare Scan on my Condo's super-fast HP Pavilion HPE h8se series (Win-7 Pro) unit, on the 4 2Tb & 3Tb WD® "My Book" External Drives, and my 5 Cruzer® 32Gb Flashdrives, drank copious amounts of Ocean Spray® Diet Blueberry-Pomegranate Juice – no Sherbet tonight, as I need to drop 10-lbs – and listened to "The Mark Levin Show" (6-9pm EST) on The Mark Levin Live Stream, from 6-8:30pm. By then, I was tired and headed upstairs to a handful of aspirin and heating pad for my very sore, sharply-aching "gluteal muscle" pain, took a Rx 12.5mg Ambien® CR™ to help me sleep through the night. It worked.
Damn, why does 4:15am always seem to "come so early", everyday? Mercifully, my "gluteal muscle" injury pain had subsided considerably from yesterday and last evening, so only 2 aspirin were necessary. I water & fed Murphy, made Fresh-Squeezed OJ, Sunnyside-up Eggs, Hash Browns, Bacon & Toast, Grits w/ Butter & Sea Salt and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee. After turning-up the heat to 78°F, I scanned the weather and new sites, since we'd acquired another large installation with Linda, yesterday, and we needed a couple of dry days to get the backhoe on to her property to get all of her newly-purchased/gifted plant material in. Next Monday was looking pretty good.
I also noticed that the local paper had done an article w/ pics on my Friday 10/28 Closing, and highlighted the plant material donations, 99% of which are already donated and taken. I just wish, for once, reporters could get their "facts" straight; it's not "exactly" what I told her in the phone interview. Never is. (((sigh))).
On Tuesday morning, weather forecasters had been calling for an "early snow" this weekend, but fortunately, that's changed as of Wednesday morning. Whew; close one! After today's pruning/maintenance job, I still have Linda's purchases to get installed on either Friday or Monday, and Alan & Arthur are in only next Monday and Tuesday. Then, they're off to do the work I can't get to, for my other Friends/Customers. Kim was back-in on Wednesday to do some final watering of remaining plants, filing etc, and her last day is Friday.
I sold $1,200 of the $250,000+ trucks, construction equipment, power equipment, power and handtools on Wednesday, to a local lawnmower/aspiring landscaper, whose father is president of large wholesale nursery in Maryland; I truly wish him the very best in this shitty economic climate. And numerous Friends/Customers were in to buy many discounted "hardgoods", say tearful goodbyes and wish me the best after so many years of Friendship, advice, service and unparalleled plant material selection. I was overwhelmed, once again. I closed at 4:15pm and headed home to water and feed Murphy, finish the final work on the Corporate Pages, which'll disappear on Tuesday, November 1st, and work on Friday's "Journal".
I decided to leave for "The Cabin", right after my 8pm Friday Church Business Meeting. I need a couple days off, until I have to be back-in on Monday morning, to finish our last scheduled Landscape Job, "Winterize the Complex" and begin dismantling so many things from 21+ years. The tasks ahead is formidable and most unpleasant and it'll take me many weeks in November and December, to get it done.
I opted to crash early at 7:30pm, so I could get some extra sleep and an early start on Thursday, even though it was going to be a raw, rainy, cold day. I had a full list on my conference for my 7:30am meeting with Alan, and some personal errands to do. I was asleep by 8pm.
By 4:15am, when the alarm went-off, it was already raining steadily and I knew that the entire day would be a "wash-out", especially with the massive, multi-state, cold-and-rainy frontal area heading east toward our area. That'd probably hit us by 10-11am, and ruin the day for sure. I'd have to reschedule today's "Winterizing" to Friday, and keep Linda's landscape installation for Monday. I watered and fed Murphy, made Pink Grapefruit Sections, Eggs Benedict and Country Sausage for breakfast and French-Roast, Turkish-Grind Coffee (from fresh, whole beans) with my Chemex® Drip System, scanned the weather and new sites, and made a "short-list" of errands I needed to get done. Steffi would be back in, and Dad had to take Becky to Harrisburg Int'l Airport at 5am, to catch her "red-eye flight" back to SF, so I didn't know if he'd be in today or not. I'd have Alan & Arthur finish cleaning-up the 2 out-buildings, and delay the critical "Winterizing List", until it cleared-off on Friday.
The more I studied the changing-by-the-minute weather maps, the worse it looked for today, but we'd manage to get some things accomplished. I'd already made lists of what I needed to do to disassemble the electronics, paper files, reports, filing cabinets etc inside the Main Retail Bldg, and it was "daunting"; I can see myself working through November and December, and possibly into Spring to get it all done. "No rest for the weary", as they say. I left at 6am, since I needed to stop for gas, coffee and smokes.
It was pouring when I opened-up at 6:30am and I got to work on revising schedules and lists for today and tomorrow, as well as Monday and Tuesday. I met with Alan, Steffi and Arthur to review the next few days' rain-truncated work schedules, with Kim leaving Friday, Alan and Arthur will be in on Monday, and Steffi will be in the entire next week to help me with final inventory, computer shutdown/teardown etc. Thursday was a very busy and hectic day, with people picking-up their donated items, retail customers shopping for deals, and calls/faxes coming-in every 3-5 minutes. We were running in 30 different directions, all day. I could have used a handful of Rx 10mg Valium® to calm me down. So, I shut-down the phones' ringers and let them all go to the answering machine while Dad, Steffi and I had lunch.
Then at 1pm, it got really busy: scores of people coming in to buy "almost everything which wasn't nailed-down" – shelves, display tables, extra bricks, loose flagstones, statues, pottery, tools, chemicals, fertilizers etc – and then some. Dad, Steffi & I were scrambling to keep up with it all. We finally closed-down at 2:45pm; Dad, Kim and I would be in on Friday for "The Close", as would Alan and Arthur, and I had Saturday and Sunday off to spend at "The Cabin". Steffi and I'd be back in Monday, but with the "Closed: Out Of Business NO TRESPASSING" Sign on the front gate chain.
I went home – oh crap: the "check engine" light is now suddenly on; wasn't all day, dammit – watered and fed Murphy, worked on the final Corporate Website Pages and "Journal", gave some thought to my 8pm Church Mtg, decided that I needed the rest more than the "fellowship", and opted not to go. I'd make it next week. I was mentally and physically-exhausted; I needed sleep more than anything else. Peace and quiet. Time to "mull".
On Thursday evening, I packed my gear for the Friday afternoon-Saturday-Sunday trip to "The Cabin": my old faded and worn, US Army Duffel Bag from The 'Nam full of four complete changes of clothes, "Jack Bauer" Satchel Bag loaded with all kinds of "special survival necessities", 16" English Wellington Boots (snake-proof boots, deer &wood tick protection), Hoppe's Premium Field Gun Cleaning Kit, 16" Bowie Knife, 12" LLBean Maine Insulated Hunting Boots (more deer/wood tick protection) plus just good comfy sense in that rocky terrain, Tactical Range Vest, my Deputy Sheriff Badge & ID, which I always carry with me daily even in York, my AR-10 .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO), with Leupold Gold Dot CQ/T Scope, extra Hi-Power .308cal ammo (7.62 x 51mm NATO) ammo, my Remy 11-87 Semi-Automatic 12ga Shotgun with an EoTech Red Dot Scope, plenty of hi-power ammo, my Beowulf .50cal with an EoTech Red Dot Scope, and plenty of Hi-Power ammo (300gr .50cal rounds), my Full-Auto, Class III Bushmaster AR-15 .223 cal (5.56 x.45mm NATO), with a Trijicon Acog 4 x 32 Scope, and of course, various Eagle Carrying Bags with pockets and compartments for all rifles & shotguns and PVC "techno-crates" to carry it all in the Jeep. I have specific Hoppe's Cleaning Kits and 28,500+ rounds now "stockpiled" at "The Cabin", for all the various 7-8 calibers I own; just about more than enough, I figure, in case TSHTF. I'd leave for "The Cabin," after closing down for good, at 3pm, and going home to take care of Murphy's water & food needs for the 2 days I'd be gone.
That done, I skipped both "The Mark Levin Show" and "The Michael Savage Program", and was asleep by 7:30pm. So was Murphy. Tomorrow was going to be an awfully-bad day; I could feel it coming.
General Election 2012 Bullshit
80% of Americans now "see country on the wrong track". Somehow, 16% of likely American voters still believe the country is doing swell. Wrong track? The Kenyan-Village-Idiot ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL) has intentionally fucked-up America. ∅bummer (BIGOT-IL) is a racist, subhuman pig-fucking muslim infiltrator bent on destroying the US from within, with sharia-pigshit law, a hate-America, hate-Whitey, subversive Leninist, dirtbag, lowlife half-breed, affirmative-action, race-baiting fraud, a Chicago ghetto punk, union-thug puppet, commie-liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT, pathological liar, an inept hack, an incompetent amateur, a self-effacing poseur, and worst-of-all possibilities for America, POTUS.
Ron Paul's (KOOK-TX) a true loony-tunes nutcase, but sometimes he has some very good ideas. I say record them, implement them, and put Paul into an asylum, on Librium, where he belongs. He's nuts.
US Sen Jim "Fuck The US Military!" Imhofe (RINO-OK) is a total and complete asshole. Stay the •ck out of Uganda! Nuke Africa and all those murderous, subhuman muslim/islamic and lowlife tribal nigger filth/trash/garbage/shit, but save the indigenous, rare animals, and later re-populate the continent with Civilized Western European People.
The GOP Establishment-endorsed Assholes – Cain, Romney, Perry, Gingrich, Paul – were at it again on a Tuesday night "debate", while the only two worth a shit – Bachmann and Santorum – went nowhere, once again. With Palin out of the race, I'm staying home and sitting on my hands. A true farce General Election, as usual, just like with Dole and McCain; no I didn't watch it. F•ck it all.
F•ck Cain's flipflopping: first, he'd release all terrorist at GITMO if the pig-fucking, murderous, subhuman muslim/islamic, boy-buggering faggots of al Queerda demanded it. Now he says he lied and wouldn't do it. Which is it, sambo asshole? Cain is dogshit!
And while I'm at it: F•ck Romney, Huntsman, Perry and Paul too! They're all dogshit, mainstream GOPer, RINO liars. Only Bachmann and Santorum make any sense. Where's Sarah Palin when the country really needs her, dammit? "Sitting this one out", she says. Shit; we're truly f•cked, now!
Shit-for-brains Perry's "20% Flat Tax"? Perry's a lying, RINO asshole!
∅bummer&Co Are The Destroyers of America & Jobs
That is the gross understatement of the year, possibly the decade, if there ever was one. ∅bummer (BIGOT-IL) is a racist, subhuman pig-fucking muslim infiltrator bent on destroying the US from within, with sharia-pigshit law, a hate-America, hate-Whitey, subversive Leninist, dirtbag, lowlife half-breed, affirmative-action, race-baiting fraud,
That sambo and his shit-for-brains, totally-incompetent, white-trash asshole VP, Joey "Hair Plugs" Biden (ASSHOLE-DE) wield and co-control such great power in the corrupt US Government – along with Rep Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi (BOTOX-CA) We are all victims. We are all pawns in their games. We are all subject the whims of fate. We are powerless to help ourselves. Even the weather conspires against us and wishes to do us harm. Only allegiance to an all-powerful government can protect us. In other words: Vote demokkkRAT, or suffer from a Katrina-type disaster. Fear sells, baby. and Sen "Dingy Harry" Reid (CROOK-NV) – is totally unthinkable to our failing Constitutional Republic, once the envy of every nation on the face of this planet. Now, we're becoming a "Turd-World Nation", very quickly, under their combined, corrupt, criminal "leadership".
Shit-for-brains ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) "Green Industry" Scam is failing faster than any computer can count. This is the 10th or 11th company which has folded-up since ∅bummer's (NIGGA-IL) scam went into effect, funneling our hard-earned tax dollars into losing ventures, to prop-up union-thugs and other, assorted lowlife scum and filth. Just like ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) Evergreen Solar and Conergy Solar and Stirling Energy Systems and dozens of other frauds he set-up for kickbacks to his campaign donors, did. The whole "solar industry" is a SCAM, a LIE and a FRAUD, like the subhuman ∅bummer (FILTH-IL) is!
A new dirtbag ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) 1% tax on all bank transactions – HR 4646 – coming right after the November 2012 General Elections? Watch for it, "under the radar". Oh, never mind; the bill is now DOA.
FOX News: "Labor Secretary Hilda Solis (TRAITOR-CA) has overseen a number of signed agreements between US agencies and foreign officials pledging to give migrant (criminal, illegal alien) workers the full protections
"Slow jobs recovery forecast ahead"? How about *more than 400,000 jobs per month lost for every month, for the foreseeable future, White House assholes? And ZERO JOBS added in August, treasonous, commie scumbags! Unemployment – by "manipulated" US Gov't stats – still at 9.2%+ and climbing; the corrupt US Government doesn't count *everyone*. REAL unemployment is at 21% and climbing!
Ashlawn Energy Co, Willoughby, Ohio, is another US Taxpayer-funded "green jobs company" which will fail within 1-2 years; mark my words! It's just more islamic ∅bummer (LIAR-IL) dogshit on the pile! They're all garbage, shit and trash, on OUR DOLLARS!
Scumbag ∅bummer's (INEPT-IL) partial list of 25 Impeachable Crimes Against America. And the other list of the other 25 Impeachable Offenses & Crimes by the criminal, corrupt, commie, Chicago nigga-boy thug. IMPEACH HIM!
Get out of the way of business, ∅bummer (SCUMBAG-IL) douchebag asshole punk! You're no American or Black Man;
Asshole ∅bummer (PIGSHIT-IL) is the likely star of a new, murderous, muslim, islamic Palestinian media campaign.
∅bummer's (COMMIE-IL) has an insidious plan to destroy America's Small Businesses, increase unemployment to astronomical numbers and make everyone dependent upon "The Government Cheese".
Lowlife ∅bummer (muslim-IL) says 9-11 is not about subhuman, murderous muslim/islamic terrorism or al Queerda, but it's to be "a day of public service". BULLSHIT, islamic piece-of-pigshit asshole! It's 10 years later, and America and the world have forgotten what happened on that terrible Tuesday in September. I WILL NEVER FORGET, DAMMIT!
Boeing, or any other US Company, has the right to open a non-union production facility in any right-to-work state they choose, for their own company's benefit, ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL). And NOT where you and your corrupt, union-thug-goon-controlled NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) and criminal union – International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers – dictates, dammit! F•ck the union and f•ck you, sambo! Washington State, is a lousy, shitty, corrupt, union-thug-run hellhole, to do any kind of business, due to the corrupt union garbage/filth/trash/shit. The corrupt, criminal liberal-demokkkRAT pieces-of-shit and NLRB need to be stood against a wall, IMO!
∅bummer's (SCUMBAG-IL) a traitor to America, for shipping jobs out of America to Turd-World Hellholes like Costa Rica, and should be impeached and imprisoned-for-life, if not stood against a wall. "And that's how this country built a strong and growing economy and a strong expanding middle class. That's our history. That's what we got to get back to," said the LYING, SON-OF-A-BITCH-COMMIE-RACIST-PIGFUCKER ∅bummer (ASSHOLE-IL)!
A $400 BILLION "Jobs Plan" from ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL)? There is NO "PLAN" ON ANY PAPER,
Other side, dumbasses!
In connection with ATF's criminal and corrupt "Fast and Furious", Holder and ∅bummer-Soetoro are guilty of perjury and manslaughter. IMPEACH, SENTENCE FOR TREASON, JAIL & EXECUTE THEM BOTH and their corrupt cronies! IMO, anything named "Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms" ought to be a convenience store instead of an arm of the federal government!
Speaking of criminal and corrupt subhuman filth, Georgie-Boy Sore-Ass (Soros) comes to mind right away. He's involved very, very tightly with ∅bummer-Soetoro (CRIMINAL-IL) in the "Green Industry Scam", involving LightSquared Co, another fraudulent company taking BILLIONS of US Taxpayers' dollars, and purposely going bankrupt, while pocketing it all. Sore-Ass needs summary-execution, IMO!
More criminals from Solyndra Co, another "Green Energy Scam" company, need summary-killing, too. They're looting America!
These subhuman filth are "America's Ruling Class", who face *The Peril of Revolution*. They just don't realize it, but one day soon, they will. And it will be very bloody and ugly.
I don't give a flying rat's ass what color ∅bummer-Soetoro (CRIMINAL-IL) is, he's out in Nov 2012. Gone!
Corrupt asshole, ∅bummer-Soetoro (LIAR-IL) doesn't give a flying-f•ck about the racist, bigoted, ineffectual, impotent, lowlife, dirtbag assholes of the CBC-M (Congressional Black Caucus-Mucous); he and his commie-puppet-handlers want everyone in poverty and on "the government cheese" and, if you're black, you're already 16.7%+ of the way there, with black kids already 50%+ of the way there. Whitey's far less than 9.1% there, black folks. Wake-up black folks. Think about it. "I expect all of you to
Corrupt ∅bummer-Soetoro (COMMIE-IL)'s criminal EPA will be shutting-down 20% of the Nation's coal-fired electricity plants in 2012, thereby "causing the price of electricity to necessarily skyrocket". Need more be said? ∅bummer-Soetoro (DIRTBAG-IL)'s a criminal and is purposely-bankrupting Americans.
Hundreds, if not thousands of Sub-Chapter S and LLC Corporations – once creating 70% of America's jobs and employing tens-of-millions of Americans – are going under from the oppressive, unending, rising taxes – payroll, workmen's comp, unemployment insurance, vehicle insurance, liability insurance, utilities etc – rules and regulations from ∅bummer's (COMMIE) "fascist central planning government". And thousands more will disappear as an average of 450,000+ people per month continue to lose their jobs. Families suffer, mortgages go "under water", utilities are going unpaid, vacations are canceled, vehicles are sold, medical insurance rises to unaffordable rates, school and property taxes rise to unheard-of levels, utilities – electric, natural gas, water, sewer – increase by 10-15% per month, and ad infinitum ad nauseum. The American Family is under "economic attack", as well.
The US Gov't nationalized 17% of the US Economy (healthcare) and another 8% (energy), while losing 399,140 jobs in the 1st quarter of 2011, over 430,911 jobs in the 2nd Quarter, an average of 421,250 jobs lost/week in July and 432,000 jobs lost/week, in August. ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) signed the failed $787 billion "1st stimulus bill" his first month in office. No wonder the ∅bummer Administration doesn't talk about the created or saved stimulus jobs anymore. There weren't any. It just gets worse and worse by each passing week. According to a new study, the ∅bummer-Pelosi-Reid Stimulus bill created 450,000 government jobs (mostly temporary census-takers) and destroyed 1,000,000 private sector jobs. Plus, it only cost us $1.2 TRILLION of our hard-earned tax dollars. Nice going, ∅bummer-Pelosi-Reid. My calculator sparked and melted when I tried to figure out the dollar-cost-per-job; it couldn't handle that many zeros. It's actually $200,000+ per job; thanks ABCNews. That's a "real bargain"; Tesla Motors' jobs cost $465,000 per job.
Now, the "Son-Of-Stimulus-Bitch-2" bill features f•cks us with a fake "prop bridge", which doesn't need any repairs for many years, to sell his
This ∅bummer Administration is like a slow-motion, horror movie, on an endless loop: it just keeps playing its tired-old-bullshit, over and over and over and over, again. Reality at a snail's pace is terribly painful to watch and endure, from all, now-thoroughly-poisoned business perspectives.
These subhuman filth are "America's Ruling Class", who face *The Peril of Deadly Revolution*. They just don't realize it, but one day soon, they will. And it will be very bloody and ugly.
Activist, demented, perverted, subhuman liberal-demokkkRAT-filth judges are now legislating who can/cannot own a cow and consume its milk, and are about to legislate what kind of food and water we Americans are "entitled to". It's not a "fundamental right", but rather "a right granted us by the state", is what this alcoholic, lowlife, child-molesting, wife-beating, dog-kicking, dirtbag, ∅bummer (∅bummer (FRAUD-IL)-asshole-licking punk Fiedler "judge", is saying.
Shit-for-brains ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) "...Blames Blacks, Bush, Banks, Budget, You" for his stupidity, ineptness, racism, incompetency, idiocy in f•cking-up this once-great Nation. Typical commie asshole!
∅bummer (HACK-IL) is losing his commie mind. He stupidly plays idiotic political games with the disastrous wildfires in Texas.
He can't even find, correct and control his pathetic administration's gross errors: a "retirement fund for federal workers" improperly paid out an average of $120 million annually over the last five years, a new inspector
∅bummer & Edwards = Faggots
Despite last Friday's relative calm on Wall Street, it was a brutal week for stocks, with investors losing faith in ∅bummer's (INEPT-IL) economies and political leaders – especially ∅bummer's (IDIOT-IL) – around the world. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the week down 738 points, or 6.4%, its worst weekly performance since October 2008. Nice job again, ∅bummer's (DOLT-IL).
What happened to "the 400,000 jobs that would be created 'almost immediately' once ∅bummer-Care was signed into law"? Nothing happened. There never were any 400,000 jobs which would be created; it was just another Pelosi LIE!
New applications for unemployment benefits sank by 37,000 last week to 391,000 to mark the lowest level since April, but a government official suggested the surprising drop may have stemmed from a variety of "technical" issues... only to be "revised upward next week" to real numbers. ∅bummer's (INCOMPETENT-IL) a liar and so is his entire commie-based administration.
YES, take ∅bummer-Care to the SCOTUS and let them decide, 5-4, against it based upon The Commerce Clause!
Nice trick: firing and re-assigning 81 illegal immigration US Attorneys in the corrupt, criminal, lying, half-breed nigga bastard Holder's (THUG-NY) DOJ, to their old jobs, and allowing millions more illegal, subhuman filth to invade America, ∅bummer (CRIMINAL). Nice job, commie asshole!
The lying Chicago-nigga-punk-thug, ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL), said "the $447 BILLION Jobs Act is paid for" in his teleprompter speech a few weeks ago; HE'S A F•CKING LIAR! The crooked "Dingy White Trash" Harry Reid (CRIMINAL-NV) bastard in the Senate has to tax millionaires 5% to pay for it! Liars, all!
Not only is the criminal, corrupt US Government now taxing millionaires 5% to pay for their illegal, anti-US Constitutional, commie-Marxist "income redistribution program", they also want tax increases on the "wealthy" – those of us earning (or used to earn) more than $250,000 per year, and for adoption of the "Buffett Rule" Lie – regardless of whether the lying, corrupt, criminal US Senate demokkkRATs' proposed "Millionaire Tax" becomes law. Tax, tax, tax, spend, spend, spend!
What ∅bummer (INEPT-IL) fails to realize is that many people who report incomes of over $250,000 are owners of small businesses who report business earnings on their personal income tax. This is a whole lot different than someone with a $250,000 salary. Upping taxes on these so called "rich" will penalize small businesses who are the largest source (70%) of employment in the country. With the inevitable inflation that will result from ∅bummer's (FILTH-IL) economic policies a lot of two income households may well hit this $250,000 mark as well. Why ∅bummer (THUG-IL) has declared a
The Kenyan-Village-Idiot ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), is dancing all-around "it", but can't bring himself to say it, so I will: what ∅bummer (RACIST-IL) really wants is an "Employed White Guy Tax", plain and simple! ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is subhuman filth/shit/garbage/trash.
The local paper ran an article about my US Gov't-taxed-to-death closing; depressing. In case they "pull it", and put it in their "pay-for-view" archives, here's a copy.
Here's a detailed primer of "Operation Fast & Furious", for those who don't know about it, detailing ∅bummer's (CRIMINAL-IL) and Holder's (CRIMINAL-NY) complete and total involvement in it.
Here's ∅bummer's (ASSHOLE-IL) record after the 141st miserable, horrible, terrible week in office; judge for yourself.
Starbucks, Borders, Circuit City and now Friendly Ice Cream Corp, the troubled family restaurant chain that was a casualty of a commie-Marxist, wealth-redistribution economic DEPRESSION, said it closed 63 of its nearly 500 locations as it looks to reorganize under *Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection*. Nice job, ∅bummer (IDIOT-IL). Whoops; there goes Loew's, too!
The Kenyan-Village-Idiot ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), is dancing all-around "it", but can't bring himself to say it, so I will: what ∅bummer (RACIST-IL) really wants is an "Employed White Guy Tax", plain and simple! ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is subhuman filth/shit/garbage/trash.
"Crony Capitalism" such as – faggot, salami-hider,
∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) is a liar; everything coming out of that sambo thug's mouth is a F•CKING LIE! Typical Marxist, commie, liberal-progressive-demokkkRAT subhuman filth!
Former Colorado Governor and shit-for-brains douchebag, liberal-demokkkRAT, Bill "Fuck America!" Ritter (MORON-CO) boasted that Colorado is at the "epicenter of America’s New Energy Economy" and that it would be a "lasting legacy" to our children and all future generations. Ritter is an asshole, pure and simple. "Green Energy" is a lie, a scam and *CRONY CAPITALISM*! Total bullshit and mountains of debt for our children and grandchildren for these failed, lib-dem-trash/RINO-criminal scams and lies!
∅bummer's (COMMIE-IL) liberal-demokkkRATic dirtbag apologist, Eric Dash, from "The New York Slimes" stupidly says that the "recession ended two years ago", and ignorantly writes, "In a grim sign of the enduring nature of the economic slump, household income declined more in the two years after the recession ended than it did during the recession itself, new research has found." Dash is a liar and is so full of government-induced bullshit, that he's completely laughable and unable to be taken seriously, at all, except for the corrupt, criminal ∅bummer's (FAGGOT-IL) . WE'RE IN A DEPRESSION, YOU ASSHOLES! Real unemployment is at 21%+ and 46.2million+ Americans are living in poverty, you NYSlimes idiot!
Corrupt, criminal GE Corp is "crony/socialist capitalism dogshit", at its absolute worst! I'll never buy another of their products, dammit! Jeffy "Fuck America!" Immelt is an alcoholic, drug-addicted, child-molesting faggot, butt-humping-buddy of the ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) nigga-faggot. They make hundreds-of-billions in profits in Chinese-made/ US-imported products, and don't pay a penny in corporate income taxes! Unlike us Small Businesses, who pay far too many taxes to make-up for GE's criminal and corrupt conduct in the marketplace.
Lowlife, subhuman, piece-of-pig-fucking muslim/islamic filth/garbage/trash, US Rep Keith "Kill American Infidels!" Ellison (muslim-MN), is another ignorant, ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) administration nigga-faggot douchebag, who doesn't understand anything about how Small Businesses in America actually works.
Wow, nice going ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL)! Only 404,000 jobs lost last week, as of October 8th. And job openings continue to decline, sambo. Really good job, sambo boy!
Want to hear a really stupid, illiterate, lowlife dirtbag NIGGER, Jesse Jackson Jr, call for Martial Law to Circumvent the US Congress to Combat Unemployment? This Jackson scum, like his commie shit-for-brains old man, is an ignorant, moronic, subhuman NIGGER! He's NO Black Man, let alone an American Black Man!!
After idiotically-destroying NASA, the dumbass, INEPT, ignorant nigger commie, ∅bummer (INCOMPETENT-IL) is now buying space on Virgin Atlantic, a two-bit, shitty Brit company with a piss-poor safety record and substandard equipment, only designed to barely make it to suborbital space, where we don't need to go. $10 says the Branson-homo is blowing ∅bummer (FAGGOT-IL) Leave it to a tar-baby, jungle-bunny commie nigga-thug, to do something so asinine and overtly-stupid to further destroy America.
The crooks and criminals at GM's Tesla Motors also benefited from $465 MILLION in below-rate loans from ∅bummer's (INCOMPETENT-IL) criminal DOE. IMO, shoot them all!
Here's Barry ∅bummer's (LIAR-IL) 7 lies in under 2 minutes. Thanks to him, we now have a "permanent, unemployed underclass" in America. He's America's "divider-in-chief".
The corrupt, treasonous, lowlife piece-of-shit, scumbag, half-breed AG Eric Holder (LIAR-NY) needs to go PRISON! Or be executed for "Crimes Against America"!
The headline is an out-and-out-lie: it's a DEPRESSION, NOT A RECESSION, intentionally-caused by ∅bummer (CRIMINAL-IL)!
"Not since at least 1960 has the US standard of living fallen so fast for so long. The average American has $1,315 less in annual disposable income now than at the onset of the Great Recession DEPRESSION. (There; fixed it.)" That's just one of the reasons why we're going-out-of-business.
Lowlife, liberal-progressive demokkkRATs love rape; they voted for it and for more DEPRESSION in America!
With the approval of the corrupt, criminal ∅bummer (FRAUD-IL) administration, an electric "GREEN INDUSTRY SCAM" car company, the start-up called Fisker, that received a $529 million federal government loan guarantee is assembling its first line of cars in Finland, saying "it could not find a facility in the United States capable of doing the work". TOTAL FUCKING BULLSHIT LIES FROM THE ALCOHOLIC, PEDOPHILE, CRIMINAL, Henrik Fisker FAGGOT!
Almost 26 million Americans are either unemployed, marginally-attached to the labor force, or involuntarily working part-time – a number experts say is unprecedented. Nice going, ∅bummer (LIAR-IL) nigger boy!
∅bummer's muslim/islamic "Heritage" In America
Ol' muslim-pigshit-for-no-brains, Barack Hussein ∅bummer (LIAR-IL), during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that islam has always been a part of America's story." Say what, ∅bummer?
First, let's get this straight: islam is NOT A RELIGION; IT IS A POLITICAL SYSTEM OF TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE CONTROL over its mindless adherents, dumbass sambo moron.
Were those muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Really? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians. Were those muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians. Idiot sambo.
Can you show me one muslim signature on the United States Constitution? Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Didn't think so, ∅bummer sambo-boy. There were 55 writers of the US Constitution and they consisted of: 26 Episcopalian Christians, 11 Presbyterian Christians, 7 Congregationalist Christians, 2 Lutheran Christians, 2 Dutch Reformed Christians, 2 Methodist Christians, 2 Quaker Christians, 2 Roman Catholics Christians and 1 Deist Christian. No stinking, filthy, pigshit-gulping islamic/muslim garbage were ever involved, you dumb fucking, moronic asshole!
Did muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? Nope; not a single one. Stupid sambo scumbag.
islam is a political system, with its own 6th century barbaric laws, controlling every aspect of a mindless muslim follower's pathetic life – from when to eat and drink, when to shit, what hand to use to wipe their asses, when to fart, when to rape, when to kill their own mindless adherents and Civilized Western Infidels, how to hate and murder, how to dress like a woman, how to fight like a girl, how many pre-teen boys to bugger, how many times to pray to the asshole moon-god allah and pigshit child molester mo-ham-head, – that all 1.2 billion of them richly-deserve *complete and total eradication from this earth*, IMO.Did muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America? No, they did not. In fact, muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human slavery. Your own half-breed, half-brother, a devout muslim piece-of-pigshit, still advocates slavery himself, even though muslims of Arabic descent refer to "black muslims" as "pug nosed slaves". Says a lot of what the muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich islamic heritage," doesn't it ∅bummer-boy?
Oh, I'm sorry, ∅bummer-boy: I forgot to mention more about the murderous, subhuman islamic/muslim shitfilth Barbary Pirate punks. They were and still are, all murderous muslim garbage, richly-deserving of summary death. ∅bummer, your "muslim heritage" is piracy and slavery, plain and simple, going back many hundreds of years and continuing unabated today. All muslim trash/filth/scumbags are still the biggest purveyors of slavery in the world today. Fact: slavery came from islam for over 14 centuries, and still does. Surprised at that, ∅bummer-boy? You shouldn't be, as you've known it for the past 30-40+ years, pigshit head.
Where were muslims during the Civil Rights Era of this country? Not present, anywhere. There are no pictures or media accounts of muslims walking side-by-side with Martin Luther King Jr, or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights. They were "slaving" in Africa and making millions on its filthy business.
I piss on the unholy koran!
Where were muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present. In fact, devout and subhuman muslim filth demand that women are subservient to men in the perverted islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or 'burka', or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband. Yep, the muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they, ∅bummer-boy?
Where were stinking muslims during World War II? They were aligned directly with Adolf Hitler, and the Nazis. The murderous, subhuman muslim pig-f•cker grand mufti himself, met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted monetary and military support from the Nazis in killing thousands of innocent Jews.
Hey, dumbass ∅bummer-boy, where were muslims on September 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the stinking shithole muslim world celebrating the 9-11 slaughter-attacks on CNN, Fox News, PMS-NBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" muslims whose asses you bent-over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th, were stone cold silent, post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day. Any comment on that fact, ∅bummer-boy?
And THAT, ∅bummer, is just some of the "rich heritage" which lowlife, subhuman, dirtbag, murderous, pig-f•cking muslim filth and garbage have here in America, you sambo, shit-for-brains asshole.
I shit on the unholy koran!
And now we can add November 5th, 2009: the slaughter of 13 American dead American Soldiers and wounding of 29 other American Soldiers at Fort Hood, by a muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist, and who was supposed to be counseling soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. He should be summarily tried, head-shot and buried face-down in liquid pigshit, with his asshole facing allah-the-pig.
The "heritage" of any and all subhuman muslim slime, garbage and scum in America is that of wanton destruction, murder and death. From 9-11 to so-called "honor killings", to massacres on US Army Bases and the many plots to blow-up people, places and things, the subhuman muslim filth are indeed, "The Enemy Within Our Gates".
The real enemy is islam, not just "radicalized muslims", Rep Peter King (R-NY). Wake-up America and smell the islamic stench surrounding us all!
Slaughtering people for burning a piece-of-pigshit book, the koran – I wipe a dead pig's ass with it – is your "heritage", you racist, dumbf•cking, incompetent, narcissistic, petulant-boy, hate-America, piece-of-pigshit, stinking ∅bummer asshole.
Riots, death, destruction, from the pigshit-eating muslim filth.
I wipe a dead, rotting pig's asshole with the unholy koran and all of the subhuman muslim garbage called islam.Memo to Mr. ∅bummer: "allahu akbar!" is a cowardly war cry, really meaning, "I have to piss on allah-the-asshole", you racist, dumbf•cking, hate-America, piece-of-pigshit, Kenyan asshole.
Your subhuman muslim friends in Af-crap-istan sure love you, ∅bummer!
That too, ∅bummer-boy is the "muslim heritage" in America. All muslims and everything islamic should
I flush the unholy koran!
∅bummer-boy, your buddy Osama is DEAD, you cowardly, lying islamic muslim pigshit filth scumbag! Lonely now, are you muslim, ∅bummer-boy asshole garbage?
∅bummer-boy, your subhuman, murderous buddy filth in the so-called *kingdom of saudi arabia* were behind 9-11, and so was every pig-f–cking muslim/islamic around the world!
Three things you did not know about the subhuman filth, called islam. Watch it!
A Jew winning a Nobel Prize? Must be a mistake! How many your stinking, murderous, subhuman muslim filth have won Nobel Prizes, ∅bummer-boy? NONE, you asshole!
Want to see the *real horrors of ∅bummer's islam*? Here are 4 videos showing why it's EVIL and all of its murderous, subhuman muslim filth adherents need summary-killing:
• islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil (Part 1 of 4)• islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil (Part 2 of 4)
• islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil (Part 3 of 4)
• islamic Sexuality: A Survey of Evil (Part 4 of 4)
Stupid, subhuman, lowlife dirtbag, pig-f•cking muslim garbage: islam is NOT a race, you dumbass, f•cking butt-lickers! islam is pig-and-goatshit, mixed in a dirty toilet bowl with your koran – I shit on it! – and eaten with your left hand, islamic subhumans! Suck your left hand's, shit-wiping thumb, ∅bummer-boy, camel-f•cking asshole muslim garbage.
Any questions, you half-breed, Kenyan-sambo, lowlife scumbag, stinking subhuman filth, dirtbag muslim/islamic ∅bummer-boy asshole? Thought not, you two-bit punk!
Things Which Make Your Head Explode
Shit-for-brains, lowlife dirtbag, commie-lover, treasonous asshole US Sen John "Fuck America!" McCain (TRAITOR-AZ) is truly mentally-ill, and should be put away in an asylum. He's a traitor to America, and I spit on his "service" in VietNam. He was "turned" by the commies and is a true "Manchurian Candidate", who gave us ∅bummer (COMMIE-IL).
An economic recovery bill authored by whorebag, slut-shit-skank-filth, US Rep Rosa DeLauro (SKANK-CT) seeks to empower struggling families by directing the federal government to distribute free diapers through day care centers.
Hey, shit-for-brains-assholes at Hertz RAC – whom I worked for as National Car Sales Manager back in the 80s – don't hire any subhuman, murderous, pigsucking muslim/islamic filth! Then you won't have these stupid, asinine problems, you moron idiots! All subhuman muslim/islamic garbage/pigshit/trash need killing, IMO!
Here reason #2 why I don't go hunting, even with the massive weapons collection I have. If I needed the food to eat, that'd be a different story, but I don't, yet until TSHTF.
Whining, crybaby, lowlife, lib-dem dirtbag, Joey "Hair Plugs" Biden (DOUCHEBAG-DE), is complaining about a reporter's "tough questions". Again. Biden's a commie scumbag.
Record low support for gun control? The Second Amendment has rebounded in the last half-century as support doubled since 1959, the Gallup poll reported. Nearly 3 out of every 4 Americans now opposes a ban on handguns – only 1 in four are for banning possession of a handgun. In 1959, 60% of Americans favored banning handguns – and only 36% opposed such an affront to the Second Amendment. The jump in support for handguns shows what an utter failure the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has been. Handgun use is up, yet gun homicides are down, contrary to what the Brady Campaign has preached for a quarter-century. F•ck gun control and its asshole proponents!
Some People Just Need Killing
It's not my intention to be the judge here — that's God's "job" — but rather to "hasten the meeting" so that He can send the following subhuman filth to the "Fires of Hell", "River or Lake of Sulphur", or whatever He deems appropriate. I'd gladly/happily volunteer, at no cost to any of my Hard-Working, Fellow US Taxpayers, to gladly/gleefully/happily headshoot these murderous, lowlife dirtbags of all stripes — their skin-color doesn't matter to me, at all — and rid American Society's innocents (especially our precious children and the frail, defenseless elderly) of them, once-and-for-all. And yes, I'd rather see one innocent man convicted and executed, than 10 murderers/robbers/child rapists-murderers freed, to rob, rape and murder again. Hey; call me an "Old Fashioned Conservative"! Too harsh? Nah. Just & RIGHT!
Society's innocents — our precious, defenseless children and the frail, defenseless elderly — must be protected from predators, murderers, rapists, robbers and other subhuman filth, at all times and at any cost, IMO.
Yes, I agree with the premise of this article, that "the death penalty is a Noahic Covenant with God, in a post-flood world", and America should apply it everyday to those deserving death for their crimes against society and its innocents.The 6th Commandment says: "Thou Shalt Not Murder". It does NOT say, Thou Shalt Not Kill. I personally don't consider execution, murder, in any way, shape or form. It's Justice-For-Crimes-On-This-Earth, IMO.
All pedophiles/child molesters/child kidnappers & murderers should be summarily-executed with a .45cal to their perverted heads, especially this subhuman Ad van den Berg, 67, who is a piece-of-lowlife-dirtbag-shit-filth. KILL HIM!
This subhuman phony/fraud/scum/liar/scam artist/piece-of-shit, Stanley Thornton, needs killing, IMO. Here's $1 for the .45cal bullet.
Here's another $1 for a .45cal bullet to kill Spike Lee (NIGGER-GA). He's shit/trash/filth/garbage, too.
I'm outraged that they used tear gas on those subhuman, pieces-of-lowlife-shit "Occupy WS" Protesters, in Oakland (CA)! I would have given the order to use .308cal (7.62 x 51mm NATO) rounds on them, and KILL THEM ALL! They're subhuman, commie-anarchist dogshit!