Should I Stay or Should I Go?

friday, september 17th, 2010
i had a lot to think about and ponder, after my last visit to The Cabin. I took what my Personal & Corporate Attorney had said to heart, about The Cabin: either mine the living crap out of the place through a professional mining company, and pay their fees, or sell the property "as is", and get out. Having killed 4 men in self-defense over some gold, no matter how much it's worth, and having just been threatened by two more assholes, could soon bring the wrath of hell down upon me, and even with my SF training and background, I might not be ready for it, if it happened all at once.
I decided to go with the mining company. M&MC (Mining & Minerals Corp), one of three Sgt Clay Atler had recommended, called me back on my cellphone just a few minutes ago and said they'd send a rep to the property to meet with me and look over the job, at my convenience. I said it'd have to be next Thursday, my day off. We set the appointment for 1pm. The Elms would have to wait a few more weeks. He said they have their own security guards and armored trucks, plus plenty of equipment to get the job done.
I guess I'm staying, at least for the time being.
My rage, hate and anger came back on Saturday, 9-11. There was nothing I could do about it: I wanted to kill subhuman, murderous mUSLIME filth by the billions!
I have to calm down about 9-11, but my blood boils every time I think about it or see the pictures and movies of what happened that day.
As I've said 1,001 times since 9-11-01, islam is a not a religion, but rather a political system and way of life/death for its mindless adherents, and they will never be Americans, since they will never assimilate. They should all be deported, IMO, back to the filthy, stinking, middle-east, muslim hell-holes they came from! F•ck Mo-HAM-head, the pig-humper! F•ck allah, too!
This Budweiser Ad, which only aired once during the 2002 Super Bowl, still brings tears to my eyes. How about you?
Around The Garden Center™

With temps in the mid-60s on Friday, it felt like mid-to-late October, and brought out many customers for the 50% Off Everything* Fall Sale. With the nice cool breeze, I'm using the AC or fans; I just have a window open.
We're selling-down the Retail Display Area so fast that we've had to re-arrange everything so there aren't so many "empty holes" visible to the customers. I have a small load of small & medium shrubs coming in next week from Piedmont Nursery (NC) to fill-in some of the gaps for landscape jobs, but we are well on our way to emptying the GHs and Retail Yard. I doubt we'll be using either GHs 5 or 6 this year to store plant material, as everything should easily fit into GHs 1-4. The Nursery's looking great.
This'll put us all "in our place": The Hubble Ultra Deep 3-D Field Pictures. Just wow! So humbling it's scary and so enlightening.
What did you do on this Saturday, September 11th, to remember that horrific day and aftermath, nine years ago? Did you forget to remember? Where were you when the world stopped turning, that terrible day? I'm still full of hate, anger and rage! I'll never forgive and I'll never forget, dammit! Although published on Friday, September 14th, here's my personal account of 9-11-01.
Here's the original 9-11-01 thread of, which I was on, and the thread for this past Saturday's 9-11, which I wasn't on, because it was too busy here. Retail traffic on Saturday from Maryland's Baltimore and Harford Counties was very brisk. I was pleased, closed-down and went home at 4:45pm, only to find Rt 24 blocked by a bad accident in North Red Lion (PA), so I turned the Jeep around and went through the familiar back roads and shortcuts to make it home to watch The History Channel's 9-11 Specials.
Mercifully, it rained early Sunday morning and off-and-on during the day; we sure needed the moisture. I arrived at work on Sunday at 10:30am to find the Coke machine pried-open, all the money gone, along with a number of plants stolen from the front porch. Another burglary. I called the State Police and they said that they would hand it off to the local North Hopewell Township Police, for action on Monday. About an hour later, State Police Trooper Nikki Gundel (very pretty young lady, whom I'm really interested in; more on her later) showed-up and filled-out a report, and I gave her a tour of the "Princeton" American Elms for her pasture, for some shade for her 3 horses. She said she'd be back, in her "civies", to "get a tour" of my Dbl Door Canon Gun Safe, and to possibly to purchase one "Princeton" American Elm, during the 50% Off Everything* Fall Sale. On the way home, I was stopped in traffic at another bad head-on collision, just like Saturday's wreck on Rt 24 & Windsor Road. between a large Chevy Tahoe SUV and a Toyota Camry; the Camry lost that one badly. A 10-minute delay and I was on my way, as they were just cleaning-up the site and towing away the damaged vehicles.
Even though the country is some of the worst economic doldrums in many, many years, and my business is way down over the two previous years, I can't look back at "good times", reminisce and pine for what come before, but rather have to think about the future and what to do to get back-on-track, financially. I now have only 8+ employees and their families who depend upon me to house, feed and clothe them. I can't and won't let them down, dammit. I must look *forward* to our collective futures.
The fields of soybeans are "just" beginning to turn yellow now, meaning that they're ripening, and the large combines will soon be taking them down in early October. 90% of the corn and beans grown around here go overseas to feed the starving Third World's people, and are not used in any American products. The local farmers with pooled-combines are still working on the thousands of acres of cornfields. Corn come first; soybeans second. Pecking order, you know.
Chief of Police Larry Bailets, North Hopewell Twp, visited the "crime scene" on Monday and gave me the facts on some criminal, prison lowlife living nearby (less than 500ft) who'd just been released from the PA State Correctional Institute, for the same type of crimes. He said a rash of B&Es (breaking & entering), Coke and Pepsi machine break-ins and home break-ins had occurred since Larry Eugene Krebs moved into the area. I passed the Chief's tips on to investigating PA Trooper Nikki Gundel in an email.
Mark Geier was scheduled to show-up on Monday, to re-install my #1 Front Counter HP Loaner Computer and my former Office Computer as a server, but had to cancel, due to bad back pain and a conference he had to attend. That's okay, as he and his lovely wife Joann, are lifesavers when we have computer problems of various sorts. He did some "remote work" from his office to #1 HP loaner computer, which freed-up MS Office 2007 and let Dad use MS-Office to get his work done. We'll reschedule the hardware swaps for next week. He's had my #1 front counter and old office (now to be a server) machines since July, and I'm anxious to get them back and into the mix.
Tuesday morning was a madhouse; dozens of calls coming in from the Baltimore area about the Fall Sale, wanting availability and price quotes. The #1 Front Counter computer had a little "file error problem" when I started CounterPoint, and I had to erase some "temp files" and restart it. Then I had to call 8 people back with the numbers they wanted. Dad and Alan had taken the day off, and we had a small maintenance job for Charlie to do, with Arthur weed-whacking and spaying Round-Up around the property. Next, MS-Excel wouldn't cooperate in letting me save CounterPoint's current inventory list to a thumb-drive, so I had to call Mark and get some additional help. We're still repairing damage from the Saturday evening's intruder and waiting for Coca-Cola to come get their trashed machine. I'd been here since 7am, and it was now 11am and I was already thoroughly tired, with six more hours to go. By 3pm, I was nodding-off, so I made some coffee. I wonder if this stuff works and is it safe to use? I closed down about 4:30pm and went home to some aspirin and an ice-pak for my back. I watched "Death Wish" and "Death Wish II" on AMC, and "Sniper: Deadliest Missions" on The History Channel. I was asleep by 10:30pm.
On Wednesday, Rich, Alan & I had a very important LSCP referral appointment at 4pm, which could make our 2010 season, so I did my research on the people we were going to meet, design for and present to. I also had to make some changes in employees' working schedules, cutting back on the hours and days for everyone, since work isn't coming in just now. There are close to 78 estimates & HICPA Contracts in prospective customers' hands, but nothing is happening. Retail sales on Saturday & Sunday are what's carrying us now; not landscaping, which used to be 85% of my business. It's dropped-off to less than 20%. This 8 week long "Drought From Hell" has everyone scared to plant much of anything, along with the slumping economy and the threat of rising taxes.
After the hour-long meeting, I left Alan & Rich at the customers' home, and headed for The Cabin.
The “Virtual Cabin” – A Novella™

I ordered the "Princeton" American Elms from my grower, outside of Atlanta: 3 x 30gals for shade for the massive deck and 27 x 15gals for where Karl Jayson, the excavator, was to dig the holes this week. I'll store them at the GC&N Complex, repotted and under daily irrigation, until Tim and I are ready to install them. I also bought a roll of Cobra Rope and 60 2" x 2" x 6' oak stakes (all on sale, of course) and had them put aside for me. But first things first: this "gold problem" is something I never anticipated or ever wanted, but now I have to deal with it, before all else.
I can't expose Tim or any of my Family or Friends to this problem, though many have volunteered to guard me, as it could turn deadly with the local neo-nazis and skinheads. At least the M&MC Corp has well-armed security guards and armored trucks to watch-over and transport the retrieved gold and accompanying valuable minerals. Their fee is 10%; quite reasonable, I thought, considering all I've been through and would have to go through later, possibly in the court system. Taxes would eat-up another 40-50%, depending upon what was reported. Remember, I had 4 medium and 2 large satchels, weighing several hundred pounds, of golf-ball-sized pure nuggets and large chunks of gold ore, well-stashed on the property, "somewhere". I got the assay report from the company in York (PA), and the one nugget was indeed 24-karat gold, absolutely pure. Gold is hitting rapidly rising prices, now.
I had both the mattresses and four pillows in The Cabin replaced by Tempur-Pedic products, in both the Master BR and secondary BR at The Cabin, at a dramatic cost, but it was worth it. I ordered them through Bev & Tony's General Store, and they installed them and carted away the other mattresses and pillows.
I left work at 3:15pm for a 4:00pm (possibly very lucrative) landscape meeting, with Alan & Rich accompanying me, near the York Country Club, and after that was over, headed to The Cabin. I pulled into the drive, and up to the front deck. After disarming the building, I carried my duffel bag inside with only my sidearm Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45cal ACP and the Remy 11-87 12ga Auto-Loader shotgun. I'd planned to bring my (Armalite) AR-10 .308cal along with the Leupold CQT Gold Dot Scope, but decided against it. Too much hardware to lug around. At least Jenny was happy to see me. I refilled her 3 bowls, and she supped. I turned on the police scanner I'd set-up last week, unpacked and made Chicken Cordon Bleu, sweet corn w/ butter and fresh tomatoes with mayo. I'd given-up milk and bread, and have dropped 47lbs. I'm down to 198lbs from 247lbs. The freezer still has 25 x 10oz filet mignons in it, but I passed on those for now. Maybe tomorrow for lunch, or for breakfast with sunny-side-up eggs.
Temps in the mountains were supposed to drop down to the low-40s, so I carried-in two large armloads of 18" split wood, and two 3' logs, and lit a fire. I set the heat at 72°F to warm the Master Bedroom — the 2nd Bedroom's vents are closed and there's no reason to heat it — while I cleaned-out Jenny's two litter boxes and refreshed the One-Step Litter. I was hungry, and called Nell's Kitchen for two rare, center-cut prime rib dinners, with all the side dishes, to go. It'd be 30-40mins until they were ready, so I showered and changed into some clean clothes. I put a load of laundry into the washer, and headed out to Adam's Junction to get my order.
This time, Nell's Kitchen was again packed; it wasn't a holiday and the line was out of the door with many people waiting. I parked and went through the line to the take-out counter, and they had my 2 dinners boxed-up and ready to go. I paid, tipped the lady and left. I decided to drive around the small town and it's beautiful turn-of-the century homes for awhile, and then I saw Sgt Atler's patrol car behind me. He flashed his headlights, and I pulled over to the curb. He wanted to stop by tomorrow and chat with me about my "future plans" in Adam's Junction. He was concerned for me and my safety, until this "gold problem" was "resolved", and then even afterward. The remaining Holtzapples would be going to trial in 2-3 weeks, as would the two Groves, in separate trials. He need depositions from me tomorrow and I agreed to be at the DA's Office at 9am, to give them. He said that "something smelled real good" in my Jeep, and I told him about the prime rib dinners from Nell's. He smiled and nodded. See you at 9:00am, and I drove away.
I drove around Adam's Junction for the next 45mins, taking-in the scenery and admiring the restored and immaculate 19th Century Homes and then went back to The Cabin. Jenny's tail was wagging furiously as soon as I brought the packages inside, and I sliced-off a large piece for her, and put it on a dinner plate, in small pieces. She almost inhaled it. I lit the fire, ate my dinner, put the rest in the 'fridge and settled into my massive chair in front of the giant hearth, with a Cuban Cigar and a ½ snifter of cognac, and my gift-copy of "Unintended Consequences". The outside lights went on. I'd had Choice One Security install an outdoor motion sensor at the gold ore vein at the creek, and nothing was happening to set it off. So I armed The Cabin, and read for 3½ hours, with my (daily carry piece CCW) Kimber 1911 "Eclipse Target II" .45cal ACP within 2ft of reach, with 6 extra 8-round magazines. I turned-off the police scanner and contemplated bringing a wireless HP desktop up here, as I was getting "information-starved".
I swore I'd never bring any "electronics" up to The Cabin, as I wanted to "get away from it all", back in York (PA), but I'm about ready to relent on that promise. Too much going on not to "be connected". I have my cellphone and police scanner, and am about ready to bring-up an HP 6000 Pro Wireless Computer, same as I have at home and in the office, but I'd have to get crappy satellite dish service, and I loathe that idea. There's no such thing as dial-up anymore, and I'd rather do without than go back to that junky way of internet access. I'm still thinking about it.
I was tired and went to sleep early, as I had to be at the DA's Office at 9am.
When I arrived at DA Stan Robbins' office at 8:45am, I was ushered into his office and we chatted about what I was about to go through. My memory was crystal clear on the four shootings, and he said a court stenographer would take down everything I said for my defense, and then I'd be questioned by the Holtzapples' attorney and then I'd be questioned by the Groves' attorney, in the same manner. I sailed through the depositions and both their attorneys had no further questions. This testimony would next go to a County Grand Jury for review and decision. I was excused. Sgt Clay Atler and Sheriff Bunce were waiting on the bench outside the DA's Office, and asked me how it went. I only told the truth, I said, and the Grand Jury would have to make their decision, based upon my testimony. They both went inside to meet with the DA, and asked me to wait on the bench outside his office. In 15-20 minutes, they came out smiling and said that I was "justified" in what I did. It wasn't going any further, but I still had to watch my back, and that they would help.
By now, it was 11:30am and I was tired from all the "legalese crappola", so I drove back to The Cabin, and lo-and-behold, Karl Jayson, the local excavator and his crew were there digging the holes I'd previously marked, for the "Princeton" American Elm trees I'd planned to install in a few weeks. I've decided to wait until "leaf drop" — the point at which frost hits trees, turns the leaves' color and the leaves drop — to install them, so they have much less watering requirements. Up here in the mountains, that could come in late October. I didn't have enough garden hose on-hand or water pressure from my 4-5 GPM (gallon per minute) well to water those trees 2x-3x/ week, as they required, since I'm only up here once a week on my day off. I'd call Tim Swanson and let him know about the new schedule for planting, when I got back to the office, tomorrow.
Thunderstorms poured through the areas, dumping 3-4" of rain upon us, and Karl and his crew were finished digging the holes, so they'd already left. I lit a big, roaring fire in the massive hearth, and settled-in to continue reading "Uninteded Consequences", with a half snifter of Cognac and a couple of Marlboros. Jenny took her usual place of the Kodiak Bearskin rug, and I was getting ready to retire at about 7pm, remembering that I had a boatload of messages and tasks at the GC&N Complex, tomorrow, and would have to pack-up and leave early to be there by 8am.
I bookmarked "Uninteded Consequences", once again at 9:30pm, armed The Cabin, and went to sleep. Tomorrow's another day.
Things Which Make Your Head Explode™

41 Obama's White House aides owe the IRS $831,000 in back taxes — and they're not alone. We now know that federal employees across the nation owe fully $1 billion in back taxes to the Internal Revenue Service.
How do we win a long war when we cannot name the enemy?
Some People Just Need Killing™
This will do it!.
Lowlife, piece-of-shit racist, Franklin Wright, 55, of Aiken County, needs killing for murdering two white women and then setting them on fire, and is also suspected in the brutal beating of a female Richmond County business owner on Wednesday night who remains in critical condition, as of Friday.
Burn the murderous Teresa Lewis bitch, Virginia! Make my day.
Drunk, illegal alien and a murderer: Jaime Bonilla, an illegal alien with 3 prior DWI convictions, yet roaming free in the sanctuary city of Austin, TX. His 4th DWI just killed a man. Kill the illegal alien piece-of-shit!