Many companies have tried to grasp just what The Web in its infancy really means. Most still haven’t figured it out. In a marketing sense, it’s quite obvious to us. A elegant Home Page presence on The World Wide Web (InterNet) exposes your company’s image, products and services to the most horizontal of all markets - the world - is also very prestigious and assures your place in history. It’s the greatest of all forums with the unlimited potential to expand and modify any message, almost instantly. Although our desired and achieved corporate position is very vertical due to the rare, unusual and hard-to-find plant material we sell, nevertheless it’s a cool place to be: at the leading edge of horticulture on the brink of an emerging technology. Another of the many firsts by this Garden Center & Nursery. Of course we probably won’t sell a whole lot of perennials or shrubs to anyone in another country, but that’s not the point. If that kind of narrowly-focused thinking had held us back from joining this rising medium, we might be accused of having a case of tunnel-vision. Fortunately, it didn’t, it hasn’t and we don’t. For those far-sighted enough to be linked to The Web, the possibilities are limitless. Many companies market goods and services through The Web’s expanding communications technology. And this technology is just beginning to be explored. It’s been said that 1995 and 1996 are like the early days in radio or television; no one had any idea of where it would lead. Today, they’re trillion dollar industries and steadily growing. And the companies who went for the ride and took full advantage of the early opportunity, profited handsomely. So if you are hooked up and able to go on-line with your computer, then come visit and enjoy our cool Home Page on The World Wide Web at; if you’re not, call Cyberia Communications, Inc. in York at 848-1439 and tell them we sent you. Take the plunge and go for a ride. It’s a whole new world. In addition to being the leading edge Garden Center & Nursery, we feature over 900 varieties of perennials, 200 varieties of annuals and herbs, over 100 varieties of ornamental grasses and bamboos, and more than 1600 cultivars of nursery stock, ranging from the common to the very rare, unusual and hard-to-find. Our Collector's Rare Plant Nursery has been supplying gardening enthusiasts for over seven years, and is a must for connoisseurs and serious collectors. Our Nursery Division can supply any request from the common to very rare and unusual material. And if you need a tree or shrub moved, we feature a special team capable of easily moving anything from 1-inch to 10-inch diameter trees. Call us for a free consultation and estimate. Our Warranty: is unmatched by anyone, anywhere, and is one (1) year from date of purchase if you install the plant material; it is five (5) years if we install the material. Call, write or email us for a complete copy of The Warranty. It's also online right here. Drop by our Website on The InterNet for a tour of the Garden Center & Nursery. It's located at for those digerati among you out there who are connected on-line. |